The first day of school

Scarlet's first day of mecha school did not go the way she expected. First she was surprised to be studying with little children and secondly, every time Cecily addressed a question to her, the little ones giggled silly before she could compose a proper response. It felt as if she was a university graduate that had been sent back to preschool to learn the ABC's.

The sweetest or most humbling moment had come when Cecily gave them a quick exercise to write down the components of a mecha and Justin whispered to her, "Mummy, you can copy my answers!!!!"

He tried to be discreet about exposing his tablet to her but Cecily saw them and said loudly, "You two, no cheating allowed."

The other children giggled and Scarlet groaned, her reputation was definitely going down the drain. She had not even copied the answers, but if she denied, she would be laughed at even more.