I surrender

The Su's were up on their feet, outraged and worried because their daughter and sister was injured. Even if it was an injury in a virtual world, the fear that one's loved one was injured was not aware of any such fact. It was just as real as it would be if she were injured in the real world.

Adler was tittering on the brink of desperation to pull her out of there. It was just one fight, it was okay to lose, train hard and return. "She should surrender now." He said worriedly.

"When have you ever seen your sister surrender?" Dorian asked Adler. "She would rather send them both into the oblivion portal than say those words."

And Dorian was right because of the way Scarlet was eyeing the northern paladin with a mysterious unsettling smile beneath her mask while he celebrated his small victory over her as if the match itself had ended and he, declared the victor.