What do I do, sis?

Scarlet cackled and clapped her hands, she was laughing so hard that tears started coming out of her eyes and her tummy hurt a little bit. 

"It's not that funny." Adler mumbled and pouted. 

"Oh but it is." Scarlet laughed, even more. Her shoulders were shaking so hard and she slapped Adler on the back. "I can imagine the scowl on your face after she said to you. You must have been embarrassed." 

'Mostly aroused.' Adler thought, but he did not say it out loud. Instead, he said, "I was terrified, and mind blown. She had just been reprimanded by her boss and forced to apologize but her roguish nature could not be contained. She threatened me and then she handed me a high quality nutrient solution and pretentiously said loudly, "I apologize, once again, sir, this will not be happening again." Then she walked away as if everything was very normal and I was left standing there, puzzled, for a good twenty minutes.