The christmas baking tournament finals

With those thoughts mulling around in her mind, Scarlet tried her best to pay attention during the finals of the christmas baking tournament which was being televised live. When it started over one hundred people had showed up to display their baking talents. She could remember that more than half of them could not bake. Some of their cookies or cakes had almost sent her running to the bathroom or the hospital. Because cooking was still new to most of the citizens of the sun star, people were very creative with their dishes and this creativity was not always good. 

Someone had meat to a fruit cake!!! It was called a fruit cake, why would you add meat to it? 

Another baked a cake with spoiled milk which created stomach troubles for all who tasted it.

One had even gone so far as to fry their cake instead of baking it. Scarlet had refused to put that cake near her mouth. A deep fried cake was not something she had ever eaten in her life.