Meeting people from another empire

"At least they are decent," she thought, when she saw the Xenoans. 

It had been her expectation that they would be dressed as horribly as princess floozy. But instead, they wore full bodysuits, and carried their guns and weapons on their backs. 

The woman leading them at the front probably held the highest position among them all. She wore a white bodysuit with a long cape at the back. In fact, some women had capes and others didn't. All the capes matched the color of the bodysuit. While they were body hugging bodysuits, they covered every inch of their bodies their necks to the legs. 

The shoes covered the rest, high heeled boots which were mostly black. The woman in white wore red boots. 

The closer they came, the more Scarlet observed them. No man, she noticed, there was no man in the group at all. 

The group came to a stop in front of Scarlet and her welcoming committee.