As free as a bird

After dinner, those who wished stayed behind and engaged in a couple of games and karaoke.

Scarlet and Esong left the table after he whispered something to Adler who took charge of Justin immediately.

Under the scathing gaze of an angry Emory, he led her outside, holding her hand tightly just in case she tried to run away.

"Are we escaping from something?" She asked him, in between laughter.

He looked back at her and said with a smile on his face, "Yes and no, I want to give you your Christmas gift."

"Ooh, and I got you nothing." She joked.

He was leading her in the direction of the private elevator which led to the roof of the castle.

"Don't be scared, I won't bite." He chuckled when he noticed that slight frown on her face that had cause a crinkle on her nose.

"If you dare to bite me I will bite you back, and that's a promise." She said seriously.