Hurry home.

"We will begin by slicing our two apples into small little pieces. If you notice, I have not taken off the peel and I am using red apples. I am also doing this by hand but I am sure that some of you are using fruit cutters because you want perfect square shapes." 

The cutter was a small square shaped device crafted by Carolyn to cut fruits into tiny square shapes. She did this because Scarlet was always using her hands to cut for Justin fruit slices. 

Lately, the cutters had different shapes, like rectangles, oval, star, circles, and other fun shapes designed for parents who wanted to convince their children to eat the fruits or vegetables they hated. 

"Slice one lemon and add just one tablespoon of juice. I am using the table spoon because it's convenient and it makes it easier for Justin to understand the measurements."

She mixed the lemon juice into the apple slices by hand.