First trip away from home

Four days later,bright and early in the morning, Scarlet, Beord, Dorian and Esong met at the spaceport, got on a spaceship and headed off to the grey star. It had been quite exhausting convincing her mother to allow three grown adults in the family to travel. 

Scarlet and Beord claimed political duties but Dorian on the other hand barely managed to get his way because he was simply going along to sight see. Mega only let him go because he claimed that his goal was to protect Scarlet. 

As for Adler, Scarlet had turned him down the minute he advocated himself for the short trip. If he went, who would protect the Blue star? How could a defense minister simply up and leave as he wished?

And when it came to Justin, it was even worse because he cried, screamed, threw a tantrum as if his body was being set on fire. He screamed so much, holding on to Scarlet's thighs for dear life and her heart ached so much that she gave up on the plan of leaving him behind.