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Captain Zorl asked many questions, some of which the governor's had immediate solutions to but the tough questions, none at the moment. One of those tough questions was the issue of the women being pricked, why would Zorl raise it in this meeting and what kind of sicko was going around pricking women? Was it a kid playing a prank? The mall also had many cameras, had none of them caught the criminal in the act? 

"We will have a separate meeting about the pricking thing later captain Zorl." she answered. 

"Professor Sham would like to speak." Blad announced. 

Esong nodded and all eyes looked at the doctor on the second row. 

Professor Sham could have cared less about all those eyes because he was used to being looked at. In his profession, there was no room for shyness. "Governor, I would like to ask captain Zorl if the pricking is being done with small sharp needles."