Oak's good idea

She could think of a few pumpkin recipes but four things kept going through her mind, pumpkin pie,porridge, soup and pumpkin spice. She would have to do a live broadcast before locking herself away to go for that mission. 

"Lady Scarlet." someone called. 

She turned her head and her gaze collided with that of a skinny young man who was seriously blushing. His cheeks were as red as a tomato and he appeared to be very much aware of his shy condition because his fingers were fidgeting with his white overalls. His white outfit meant that he was one of the agriculture experts from the capital. 

"Hello there." she said with a teasing smile. 

It should have been impossible but his entire face turned even redder as if a flame had been lit up within his skin. 

"Oh wow!" she exclaimed in shock. "Are you okay?" He was breathing rather rapidly suddenly. The poor man looked like he was about to faint.