Meeting the reporters.

After one puking session, a bath and a cold drink of hell fruits mixed with strawberries, Scarlet finally talked to the press about the fire. In order not to move for the sake of her own comfort, they were invited to the castle. 

BSTV was no longer the only media house on the Sun star, three other medias had opened branches on the Blue star and some citizens also started their own online news or gossip sites. 

In the old days, a press conference on the Blue star would have one reporter from BSTV, usually Jelly Simmons and some live streamers but now, it involved over twenty reporters of reputable medias and others of infamous websites.

For most journalists, this was their first chance to step into the most mysterious wing of the castle, the governor's wing. Even though they only got to see the lobby, it was a highlight worth mentioning in their news.