Severus vs the banshee

He tracked her down in Nordem, where she was reaping souls in a different city from the one they had been to yesterday. Since he had not been with her since the picnic, he had no idea why she had moved or why that silly banshee was hanging around her. 

"Sister, this is the place, right?" he heard the banshee say. 

"No, none of the souls I have asked has seen the artifact." She replied to it. 

"But that's not possible, sister I spoke to the one eyed behemoth and it said that the artifact is called a shard of misfortune. It produces a sound that attracts misfortune to the holder and that it was with the family of a boy in this city. 

It said that the father fell ill, his whole body was covered in boils and he died. The mother went crazy, the sister drowned, those human sellers took the rest of the children but the youngest boy was not among them.