A painful victory

In thirty minutes of fighting the nine headed monster, Scarlet came to a realization that fighting the monster was not as simple as she thought. The heads kept growing back after each one was cut off. 

As if that was not bad enough, the water volume was rising rapidly and making everything much more wet and somehow chaotic. It seemed like the ruined palace was about to be covered in water completely by the rate at which the water was increasing. 

Every time the monster moved it's body, small waves would be formed drowning those who were not on higher ground. 

She was hovering in the air and watching another head grow back where she had just sliced and she groaned in anger. 

"Arrrrgggh!! how many heads does this thing have in storage?" 

She yelled loudly as she got an energy gun out of her storage space. Beheading had failed but perhaps if she shot the entire top half of the monsters body off then there would be no more heads popping out.