Theories and coincidences.

"When did you know? How long have you been sitting on this information?" The old deity asked Carnelia.

He was angry, and the tone of his voice said so.

The fire goddess was not frightened by his displeasure. He was a part of the problem after all.

No matter what he thought or what his pride told him, he was not perfect. None of the gods were.

"I found out about six months later when a reaper randomly mentioned to me that they had seen Nyx returning to the Lonely river village.

I was taken aback. How could a reaper that should have been sleeping be up and about?

I confirmed it myself when I paid a visit to the hall of eternal sleep. He was not there, a different reaper was where he was supposed to be."

The old deity stood up abruptly and the clouds outside thundered, red lightning that was representative of his anger streaked through the clouds.

"It was a conspiracy. I will confront Nyx about this myself."