Zorl cannot catch a break

 In the middle of the night, while some citizens of the Sunstar were sleeping and others enjoyed their night out engaging in various fun activities, a popular gossip site released an article with an eye catching title. 

[Food to be rationed on orders of the Blue star Lady governor Scarlet Su after tomato attack.]

Initially, it only received a few clicks but within an hour it spread like a virus and major news networks picked up. 

They quoted a mysterious source and close family member in the governor's family that had shared this news. 

According to the mystery source, "Each family will get one tomato a day, seven a week. One onion, one clove of garlic and half a kilogram of rice. One bottle of milk per day, one loaf of bread every three days. All fruits and meats are to be exported and this was was just the top of the ice bag. Even tea leaves, coffee and chocolate are marked for total export, no domestic consumption."