Party is over.

As Scarlet played the guitar and sung the song, 'your song,' for Justin, one after the other the gods who wanted to bless Justin stepped up. To everyone else, it looked like Justin was just looking at his mother and smiling. But in reality, he had been hypnotized by Lythia as she revealed a part of her essence to him. 

She touched his head and said, "The darkness will never bring you harm but all your enemies shall spill blood within it's confines." 

"Oh great now she is turning him into a ninja." Chaos said. 

Next was Carnelia who was eager. "I bless you with the gift of eternal warmth. You will never know cold for the rest of your life."

She humphed and looked at the others arrogantly, beat that, her eyes said. 

"Me next," the goddess of love literally threw Tridon back so that she could get het turn.

She squatted down and kissed Justin on the forehead lightly. "I bless you with love's kiss. Everywhere you go, you will be adored."