Failed hypnosis

Lythia screamed like an unhinged mental patient out of the blue and yelled, "Can we just discuss how to save Nyx and put a halt to his crazy plans. Wisdom, do you have any idea how to help Nyx?" 

Death's pride was only going to get in the way of protecting Scarlet and the children from Apo. The danger had been theoretical previously but now, it was real.

She didn't care about the past, all she wanted was the present and the future. How were they going to safeguard it?

"Of course," Wisdom smiled braggartly. "I am wisdom, I know everything." 

"No you don't." The old deity said. 

"You are right." Wisdom chuckled and shrugged, "What I do know is that one and two should come together." He put his hands together. "What was separated should be joined as one. I cannot guarantee if what comes together will be the same however. A battle for dominance between the two might create a few glitches."