A report from her spy.

Someone was paying Ulysses and Ramslin to keep an eye on her. How amusing! So how exactly were they doing it? If it was the supernatural way then one of the deities would have figured it out already and handled it. 

If she had to make a guess it would be that they were working for a deity but which one, she could not guess. All the deities she had met were troublesome in their own ways and they all had their own goals. The god of life was at the top of her list of suspects, however.

"Tsk, how interesting."

"Oh sister, that former crown prince is planning to leave the empire with his family after engagement. He said they were moving to another planet." 

Sader, the former crown prince was another individual she had not thought about in a long time. Alex was keeping an eye on him with the spyware she had the banshee plant in his devices but so far, there was no worrisome communication. Still, it was better to ask Alex.