Search for Nyx.

They both looked above, making out traces of the old deity's palace. It was not a place anyone just showed up to otherwise both of them would pay a visit. It was really too suspicious for two deities to drop in and then leave so quickly without explaining much. 

"Come on," She told Severus, "Let's continue looking around. I should find Nyx as well, we need to talk."

Severus had just lifted a paw to walk when Scarlet uttered those words out. He turned around and sought solidification of her intentions from her mouth. The last time they talked about Nyx or Esong, she cut him off so quickly. She planned not to pursue the matter temporarily, waiting until the children had arrived to deal with that mess. Why then had she just decided to confront the reaper? 

For a whole ten seconds, the hound just stared at Scarlet, mute, saying nothing. 

"I have surprised you, haven't I?" she asked him. 

"Damn right." he answered. "Why now?"