New hounds

Much later, with everyone retired for the night, Scarlet finally had the opportunity to meet the new hounds, mighty looking beasts that Severus had spoken so highly of. They teleported into the house straight from the underworld. They were five in number, one for each daughter and all were male, something which Scarlet pondered on. 

Was it a personal preference because Severus avoided female hounds like a plague or were they the best?

Another thing she pondered on was their weird physical similarity. What were the odds that all hounds were pure black in color? 

Her eyes moved to Severus and they squinted tightly. Actually, they looked like Severus. The resemblance was so uncanny that they could be twins...triplets...well, there were five of them so quintuplets. If you counted Severus, it made them sextuplets, but only in appearance. Unless, they were actually born in the same litter to Ruby.