That son of a bitch.

Her bellow was so loud that it shook the foundation of this dead planet. The hounds, confused as they set out to pounce on Folsom or the man, everyone knew as Folsom. 

He certainly couldn't be the same one anymore, not if he didn't freeze along with the rest of the humans and he had just teleported.

Severus howled before teleprting after him with his sharp teeth ready to tear him apart while Blaze released blasts of yellow flames, chasing after the man that had now taken to the skies, escaping Scarlet's capture by releasing his white wings that took them all by surprise. 

Scarlet wanted so badly to burn him with her green flame but it was her secret, one she didn't want this not Folsom to know. As they teleported through the skies, engaging in a battle using their powers, her mind worked backwards as she tried to pin a point on what precisely made him different from other humans.