Fey's inner thoughts.

Scarlet, Fey and Mega were sitting in the chairs inside the dressing room in one of the guest bedrooms. Each of them was holding a sweet treat as they talked about this and that while they waited for Carolyn to exit the dressing room in what they hoped would be her final pick of a wedding dress. Since the year started, she had been loudly disappointed with every dress she tried on. 

After the success of engagement, not even the empress could convince her to wear something she didn't like and the only one whose taste she trusted was Scarlet. 

"If she says this is not it then i am going to blow my head off." Fey mumbled. 

She kept stirring a spoon in the medium sized glass jar of ice cream without really making an effort to lick it. 

"You are even more nervous than Markay, you are just one of the bridesmaids Fey, you can relax." Scarlet told her.