The Female Lead Appears, An Unusual Plot Twist

Su Chen stood there, dumbfounded. "What's going on? Did I remember the plot incorrectly?" He had experienced this storyline 33 times. Su Xian'er had never appeared in this plot. "Wasn't she supposed to despise Su Chen? Didn't she want to avoid seeing his triumphant face? Shouldn't she be drowning her sorrows with wine and venting her jealousy elsewhere?" He wondered why she suddenly appeared in this scene.

To his surprise, she presented him with a gift. He hesitated for a moment but, driven by curiosity, he decided to open it. Shock, confusion, and regret crossed Su Chen's face in quick succession. Because inside the box was a black stocking. He recognized the familiar scent immediately. Su Xian'er was the type of young lady who would have the most elite custom-made perfumes. Even a small bottle would cost millions. Even the upper echelons of society rarely used it.

Laughing coldly, Su Chen remembered Su Xian'er's venomous character from before and instantly understood her intentions. "Is she trying to frame me?" He feared she might suggest that he harbored inappropriate feelings for his own sister, which would surely tarnish his reputation.

For the sake of inheritance, Su Chen realized his sister really didn't hold back. Indeed, it proves the saying, "The gentler a person appears on the outside, the more malicious they can be on the inside." Su Chen would never allow such a thing to happen, so he promptly threw it into the trash. He then began contemplating how to steer the plot in the future.

On the other side, back in her room, Su Xian'er clutched her chest. She could distinctly feel her heart racing. Ever since she reincarnated and got to see Su Chen again, she had been thinking of preparing a gift for him. Although she was exceptionally intelligent, having been a prodigy since a young age, when it came to matters of the heart, she was still an innocent young girl.

She decided to do some research and her conclusion was that the gift most liked by boys was a beautiful girl's black stockings. She believed that if a girl didn't take the initiative, things might not move forward. There's a saying that "it's easier for a woman to woo a man than for a man to woo a woman." Su Xian'er believed her method would work, thinking Su Chen would soon fall for her.

She had utmost confidence in this. After all, she was incredibly beautiful and poised. No man could resist her. She was certain Su Chen would be pleased with her black stockings. With that thought, her eyes sparkled as if she remembered something delightful, and a smug smile appeared on her face.

Night fell, neon lights illuminating the city. At this moment, the Su family's grand estate was filled with various luxury cars, each clearly worth a fortune. This display accentuated the opulence of the Su estate. It was quite like a Western palace. The banquet was about to begin.

Regardless of Su Chen's reputation, he was the legitimate heir of the Su family. Hence, many people were eager to attend his wedding feast. Being able to participate in such an event was a symbol of status. It was akin to a network of relationships. Even if you were wealthy, if you couldn't attend these banquets, you'd be seen as a nouveau riche. You could never really break into the highest echelons.

Qin Yu wanted to use Lin Qingyan's connections to gain entrance to the banquet. Without a doubt, everyone present was either rich or noble. Su Chen had just left his room. Immediately, many distinguished guests rushed up to greet him. "Mr. Su Chen, good day!" one said. "Young master, you look even more handsome today," another remarked.

Su Chen nodded, pleased with the responses. Honestly, he thought his status was impeccable, save for a few flaws. Being a villain, of course, he had to have his minions. "Congratulations, Young Master Su! You're about to be united with the dream woman of countless people in the capital," one of them commented. In reality, no matter who you are, even the wealthiest individuals have best friends, and Su Chen was no exception.

"Fang Han, your tongue is still as sharp as ever," Su Chen remarked with a hint of irritation.

He waved dismissively, not wanting to bother with this childhood friend of his. While he did harbor hopes of spending a lifetime in harmony with Lin Qingyan, he also recognized the complexity of the situation. Lin Qingyan was nothing less than a goddess in the capital. She was regarded as the next business queen, controlling most of the Lin family's vast empire, all at a young age. Moreover, she had managed to make it thrive. Whether in terms of appearance or other aspects, she was simply impeccable.

Yet, in contrast, Su Chen was destined to be beneath Qin Yu, the male protagonist. Lin Qingyan and Qin Yu conspired and plotted against Su Chen time and again, ultimately leading to his downfall. This evening marked the original story's first climax. The female lead, Lin Qingyan, would publicly call off her engagement. And in front of everyone, she would leave with Qin Yu. The protagonist not only gained renown but also won the heart of the beautiful Lin Qingyan. As the antagonist, Su Chen would be utterly humiliated, dragging the Su family's name through the mud.

Fang Han, always perceptive, noticed Su Chen's peculiar demeanor. "What's wrong with you today?" he inquired. But Su Chen, catching sight of Lin Qingyan's enchanting figure, responded, "Nothing. Qingyan has arrived, I need to go greet her." Fang Han sighed in exasperation, not understanding Su Chen's actions. After all, over the years, the Lin family had risen to prominence mainly due to the support of the Su family. They were now on par with the top ten families.

Lin Qingyan, embodying grace and elegance, made her entrance, donning a beautiful white dress that accentuated her beauty. Her presence quickly drew the attention of the majority. While her beauty was undeniable, it was her prowess in the business world that truly commanded respect.

"Qingyan, you're finally here," greeted Su Chen, trying to stick to his designated role in this narrative. He had, after all, relived this story 33 times. "You look stunning today." Su Chen forced a somewhat creepy smile, crucial for his role's performance. Regardless of his flattery, Lin Qingyan would ignore him. Yet, with just a few words, Qin Yu would manage to make her laugh.

Whispers filled the room. "That's Lin Qingyan, so beautiful!" "I can't believe someone like Su Chen might end up with her." "You're new here, right? Everyone knows Lin Qingyan can't stand Su Chen." "Indeed, I don't think she would ever pay attention to Su Chen." "But he's Su Long's son, wouldn't she be afraid of offending the entire Su family?" "Su Long, with his prestigious reputation, now seems to tread lightly, especially with his precious son so smitten with Qingyan."

In the circles of the elite, everyone knew of Su Chen's obsession with Lin Qingyan. To many, despite her allure, Su Chen's infatuation was unbecoming, making him look like a sycophant.

Although Su Chen was aware of these whispers, he remained unfazed. His face showcased an aura of practiced indifference. In his heart, he scorned the system he was trapped in. His family had always treated him well; he was undoubtedly a winner in life, barring his sister. But now, he was bound to this storyline, or he would remain trapped forever.

Su Chen, noticing Lin Qingyan's lack of response, continued, "Qingyan, tonight is our engagement banquet. Aren't you excited?" The words made even him cringe. As per the original story, Lin Qingyan would continue to ignore him, and then Qin Yu would chime in with praises laced with mockery towards Su Chen. Everything seemed set for a perfect enactment. But then, Su Chen realized something – where was Qin Yu?