Be My Boyfriend and Let the Male Lead Go to Hell

However, when these words reached Zhang Li's ears, they infuriated her. Even though Su Chen complained about Lin Qingyan's cold demeanor, asserting that he didn't like her at all, Zhang Li couldn't shake the feeling that he was indirectly criticizing her. She was instantly enraged.

"Damn it. You think you can continue this plotline perfectly? Dream on!"

Angry, Zhang Li decided to ignore Su Chen. This seemingly insignificant gesture, however, made Su Chen anxious. He began to worry that Zhang Li, like the previous leading ladies, had experienced a character breakdown. His expression shifted dramatically.

Su Chen cautiously initiated, "Zhang Li, I've heard there are problems with your company?" He was treading lightly, fearful that she might reply, "Not at all!" If she did, he felt he might just lose his mind.

Fortunately, that dreaded response didn't come. Zhang Li's face took on a troubled look, and she sighed, "I didn't expect you to know about that. I'm currently swamped in debt."

"Drowning in debt? Then why not 'sell yourself'?", Su Chen muttered under his breath, referring to a pun in Chinese where the word for "butt" sounds like "debt."

"What did you say?" Zhang Li hadn't caught Su Chen's murmur.

"I asked if you need help?" Su Chen replied, a bit sheepishly.

"This woman is really something," he thought, wary of Zhang Li.

She sensed even the curse I was harboring in my mind. Is this the heightened intuition of a mature woman? Anyone who marries her would have to tread very carefully if they ever thought of fooling around in the future.

"Great, invest 100 billion in me, and I'll surely make a significant return for you," Zhang Li said candidly. Hearing this, Su Chen was elated. Zhang Li was a traditional woman, harboring a deep hatred for evil. She detested those who used their power to bully others. Thus, after Su Chen threatened her, she took it to heart, making sure to teach this vile character a lesson he'd never forget. Although Su Chen was currently fearful of Zhang Li, in the original story, he wasn't.

"The truth is simple; I just thought you looked very beautiful today," Su Chen said with a lewd grin, making no attempt to hide it. Of course, it was an act, as he discreetly observed Zhang Li from the corner of his eyes. Sure enough, as in his previous life, Zhang Li's face revealed her dissatisfaction with him. Su Chen was secretly pleased, knowing Zhang Li was about to get angry. All he needed to do now was follow the plot, and everything would go smoothly. Thank goodness the plot is finally right for once, he thought. And rightfully so, after uttering such distasteful words, how could it not be clear? I don't just want to bed you; I'd even fancy trying it in the kitchen or living room. Zhang Li, you must be furious now.

"Are you threatening me? You should know that I don't fall for such tricks," Zhang Li said, her face pale with rage, and a chilling aura quickly filled the room. She too was closely watching Su Chen's every move and listening intently to his inner thoughts.

["Not to mention you disagreeing, I'm not even willing"] Su Chen thought, ["Who's threatening you? If it weren't for following the script, I wouldn't want to say such things to you. Yes, you are beautiful, but I have zero interest in you. Even if you were to dance in front of me without any clothes on, I wouldn't bat an eyelid."]

At this moment, Zhang Li, who was drinking water, almost choked upon hearing these thoughts.

Certainly! Here's the translated text:

"Well, you little rascal, how dare you speak to me like that?" "So, are you implying that your previous remarks about wanting to get in bed with me were all false?" Zhang Li, although not adept at dressing up, takes pride in her appearance. Upon hearing Su Chen's words, she became instantly furious.

Seeing Zhang Li's expression darken even further, Su Chen, thinking his plan was working, continued, "Even though you're close to our Su family, with just one word from me, no one would invest in you." "Heh, woman, just slap me already, so we can play out this scene and part ways amicably. Your acting should be good, right? Don't unexpectedly reject me harshly like Su Xian'er did."

Zhang Li suddenly leaned in and whispered, "Dear brother, I think you're right. I'm now knee-deep in debt and can only 'sell myself'. Would you agree?" Her voice was soft, yet it felt like a thorn prodding Su Chen's heart, irresistibly compelling. "Cough, let's just talk. Can you not be so touchy?" Su Chen said, noticing Zhang Li's face getting closer and closer, offering a gentle reminder.

"Weren't you looking forward to this earlier? Have you lost your nerve now?" Zhang Li then moved her face even closer, haughtily lifting her dignified face and slowly opening her rosy, cherry-like lips, seemingly hinting at something. Su Chen retreated until he hit the wall beside him, a shadow crossing his gaze.

A myriad of thoughts swirled in his heart, bringing him to the brink of collapse. What's wrong with this woman? Isn't this an overt temptation? Are you blind? Can't you see that I'm the antagonist? Yet you want this malicious villain to kiss you?

"What on earth are you up to, Zhang Li?" Su Chen suddenly had a bad premonition. He believed it was highly unlikely that there was an issue with Zhang Li's character setting. Yet, what was the meaning of the scene unfolding before him? "Like this moment right now, do you dare to kiss me?" Zhang Li asked with a calm smile on her face, though rage boiled within.

This bastard Su Chen! It's one thing not to truly like her. But to dare insult her, even when she took the initiative to confess, and then to reject her? Now, Su Chen felt even more frustrated. He had not expected that, even after he threatened her so blatantly, Zhang Li would remain unangered. Damn it. Was she challenging him? She probably thought he wouldn't dare to go through with the kiss. Admittedly, he had been too timid in front of Zhang Li, failing to live up to his playboy persona. His usual timid demeanor was the main problem. That's probably why Zhang Li acted so confidently. "I don't believe this; you must get angry." This time, Su Chen was genuinely angered. He took a step forward, aiming for Zhang Li's lips. Smack!

Zhang Li was noticeably shorter than Su Chen, so when he leaned down, his lips completely covered her moist ones. It was a classic pose, with the man above and the woman below. Su Chen could feel the warmth and wetness from the kiss.

Meanwhile, Zhang Li's eyes widened in surprise. She knew from Su Chen's inner monologue that the naive boy would surely not dare to kiss her, which is why she acted so audaciously and with a teasing mischief. However, to her astonishment, Su Chen actually did it, leaving her mind a blank canvas in that instant.

How could he dare? He truly dared!

Not only was Zhang Li stunned, but Su Chen was equally dumbfounded. In that fleeting moment, he lost his rationality and genuinely kissed Zhang Li. "What the hell was I thinking?" Su Chen's heart raced with panic, having been so preoccupied with trying to provoke Zhang Li earlier on. Suddenly, it dawned on him that if he had kissed Zhang Li, the plotline might collapse.

Having the antagonist and one of the main female characters in such an ambiguous situation would definitely shatter the storyline. He was doomed. He felt engulfed by darkness, believing that all his previous efforts were in vain.

[Congratulations, host. You have completed the task and earned 300 points.]

Su Chen was baffled. The task was completed? What just happened? So, this crude method actually worked? Zhang Li got angry, and the task was achieved. Upon reflection, Su Chen wondered if this approach could be applied to the other female protagonists.

Now wasn't the time to ponder over these matters; it was time to make Zhang Li angry. Realizing this, Su Chen promptly ended the kiss that had lasted for a minute. As their lips parted, a thin thread-like line seemed to form between them in the air.

"Zhang Li, I advise you to behave," Su Chen warned with a furious expression, seemingly displeased with Zhang Li's earlier behavior, even though he was actually delighted inside. "With just one word from me, your company will never have a chance to recover," he said, his lecherous gaze unabashedly sweeping over the beauty in front of him.

The storyline of this life had genuinely left him dizzy. With one female lead after another throwing themselves at him, he had begun to doubt his own charm. Finally, today, he met a relatively normal female lead.

Although this woman had her issues, he didn't really care anymore. As long as she got angry and followed the plot, everything would be fine. The male protagonist should be appearing soon.

Queen Zhang Li, please continue and don't hold back. Unleash all your anger upon me, Su Chen thought, filled with anticipation. Though he wasn't a masochist, he had no choice; these leading ladies were just too unpredictable, forcing him into these situations.

Yet, at this moment, Zhang Li didn't display any signs of anger. Instead, her mouth slightly parted, her face flushed with a hint of shyness. For the first time, the previously icy part of Zhang Li's heart felt warmth. Of course, deep inside, she was still extremely angry.

It wasn't Su Chen's rudeness that bothered her; in fact, after understanding Su Chen's inner thoughts, she found him somewhat adorable. She wondered to herself, "Why hadn't I noticed this before?" Zhang Li gradually became mesmerized by him.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became eerily awkward. Of course, the one feeling awkward was only Su Chen.

Zhang Li, what the heck are you trying to do? Speak up! Su Chen thought anxiously. If you don't speak, how am I supposed to continue acting? What does it mean for you to keep staring at my face?

Su Chen suddenly recalled a famous quote from a detective story: When a girl stares at a boy's face, there are only two possibilities: she either likes him, or there's something on his face. So, is there dirt on my face? Without thinking, Su Chen reached out and touched his face, only to find nothing unusual. Taking initiative, he threatened, "Don't think just because this is your territory, I won't take action."

"Then why don't you?" Zhang Li snapped back to reality, smirking inwardly. If she hadn't known Su Chen's thoughts, she would've been deceived. She was confident that Su Chen wouldn't lay a hand on her. After all, she had watched him grow up and knew him well. He was a kind-hearted young man.

"How about we discuss this?" Zhang Li said, having already thought of a counter-strategy in her mind. Discuss what? Just get angry! Su Chen was dumbfounded. Has this old woman gone mad? This isn't following the script at all! I've threatened her so much, according to the plot, she should slap me. Then, in my rage, I'd lunge at her, attempting to force myself upon her.

Then, the male lead, Qin Yu, should appear to rescue Zhang Li and fiercely confront Su Chen, right? "Zhang Li, why have you suddenly changed? Where's your pride? You wanted to defeat Chen Qing, so have you just given up?"

Zhang Li responded, "The best way to conquer a woman is to become her daughter-in-law." After hearing so many of Su Chen's inner thoughts, she realized that confronting the Zhang family on her own was a Herculean task. She would need assistance.

According to what Su Chen had said, she would receive help from someone named Qin Yu. Yet, for some unknown reason, after finding out what was about to happen, she found this idea laughable. She didn't care about the future, she was focused on the present.

So instead of seeking help from Qin Yu, who disgusted her, it seemed more assured to agree with Su Chen, who was at least kind-hearted. More importantly, she could hear Su Chen's inner voice, which seemed to be a safer option.

Zhang Li suddenly said, "Su Chen, have you ever considered that since this place is my territory, our earlier kiss might have been captured on camera?" "What do you think would happen if I sold that video to Lin Qingyan? Would she invest in me?"

Su Chen glanced at Zhang Li's smug expression. The mere thought was terrifying. How had the plot deviated so dramatically? Zhang Li's plan was actually brilliant, and her business acumen was impeccable. In recent years, the entertainment industry's ability to generate revenue has grown exponentially, and soon, the entire value of her company would soar. Su Chen was very familiar with the upcoming events in the storyline. He naturally understood the value of Zhang Li's company. Thus, she believed Lin Qingyan would surely see its potential, especially if armed with that video, which could serve as leverage for a divorce.

Such a beneficial situation would surely entice Lin Qingyan to invest. Especially given that Su Chen knows just how much Lin Qingyan despises the prospect of their marriage. Damn it, if Lin Qingyan invests in Zhang Li, then what role does Qin Yu have in all this?

No, I have to help the male lead and buy some time. The female leads have been too unpredictable, so Su Chen decided to focus on promoting Qin Yu to counteract this. "What are your conditions? As long as I can meet them, I will agree," Su Chen said as he settled back into his chair, feigning ignorance.

[Jokingly, do you think I'd invest 100 billion for you? If I did that, wouldn't it prevent you from falling for Qin Yu?] [Unfortunately for you, Qin Yu, being the chosen one, is destined to be with you. You'll have to accept your fate.] [I need to stall now and give Qin Yu a chance to enter the scene.] [Ha, did you think I really wanted to kiss you? It was all just for the mission.]

All these thoughts reached Zhang Li's ears. She was instantly enraged. Accept fate? I, Zhang Li, will never simply accept what's handed to me. The Zhang family tried to break me and failed. I won't let this Qin Yu have his way either. And as for you, Su Chen, how dare you look down on me!

"I want you to be my boyfriend," Zhang Li said with a gentle smile. She wasn't in a hurry to get the 100 billion investment. Because she knew that deep down, Su Chen wanted to invest in her company. It was just because of Qin Yu that she wasn't pressing the matter.

"Are you joking? 100 billion is not a small sum. No," Su Chen replied, preparing for some improvised acting.


"What did you say?" Su Chen thought. He had mentally prepared a lengthy speech and even some wicked schemes. And yet this was the response he received? He began to doubt whether he had misheard.

What had Zhang Li just said? That she wanted him to be her boyfriend? What the hell? Had she lost her mind? Su Chen was utterly perplexed by her intentions.