The Female Lead Goes Mad

What the hell? You volunteered? What are you talking about? In an instant, Su Chen was completely dumbfounded.

Even though you seemed to be very cooperative just now, you should be holding a grudge against me behind my back. Moreover, I even recorded you earlier. At this point, all you need to do is have Qin Yu take me down.

Then, your Chen family would launch an attack on the Su family. At that time, as the prodigal young master, I would face the greatest humiliation of my life. Chen Yuxin, you should be plotting against me.

According to the script, you should be condemning all my previous actions when Qin Yu shows up. Including forcing you to accompany me in drinking, and getting you drunk. Why have you suddenly chosen to be willing?

Have you forgotten the scene just now when you were humiliated? I did touch you without restraint. Chen Yuxin is the queen of the righteous path.

Countless powerful figures have been dealt with by you. And now you're saying things like this. Su Chen felt incredibly frustrated and even angry at this moment.

He almost wished he could go up and slap Chen Yuxin's beautiful face to snap her out of it. Meanwhile, Qin Yu was even more confused about the situation.

He had clearly received the message that Su Chen, the notorious young master, had drugged Chen Yuxin and brought her to the hotel with malicious intentions. This led Qin Yu to rush out of his home urgently. Furthermore, someone had struck him hard at the back of his head.

After regaining consciousness, Qin Yu's first instinct was to assist Chen Yuxin and get her out of the predicament. To uphold justice and give Su Chen a good beating. After all, by using Chen Yuxin's identity, he intended to deal with the Su family appropriately.

But what's going on with Chen Yuxin now? She's known as someone who fears no authority, the nemesis of all injustice, and the queen of the righteous path. How did she get so easily disrespected? And after being treated like this, she even speaks in favor of Su Chen.

Could it be possible that she, Chen Yuxin, has feelings for Su Chen? Seeing Chen Yuxin laughing joyfully next to Su Chen, Qin Yu felt intense anger. He thought to himself that Su Chen must be threatening her in some way. He believed that deep down, she must be feeling extremely vulnerable. If he could step forward now, he would surely win her heart.

Images of all these scenarios raced through Qin Yu's mind. He believed that Su Chen was the primary instigator. Chen Yuxin's actions weren't voluntary.

With these thoughts, Qin Yu's expression gradually calmed down. He looked at Chen Yuxin with extreme seriousness and said, "Is this guy threatening you? Don't be afraid; I'll protect you. I promise I won't let you get hurt."

Hearing this, Chen Yuxin felt a bit guilty. An unnatural flicker passed across her face. After all, thinking about her recent encounters with Su Chen, and the embarrassing noises she made, made her blush. Even though it was embarrassing, it was a pleasant memory. For a moment, Chen Yuxin seemed genuinely happy.

However, seeing this scene made Qin Yu incredibly angry. He was now intent on forcibly taking Chen Yuxin away. "Su Chen, you have dared to oppose me these past days. Today, you will pay the price," Qin Yu proclaimed. Quickly changing his tone, he added, "Su Chen, a scum like you dared to drug someone. Today, I will teach you a lesson on society's behalf." Qin Yu planned to use his strength to teach Su Chen a lesson. After all, Su Chen had humiliated him too much recently. Qin Yu couldn't swallow his pride; he wanted revenge.

As Qin Yu's fist swung out, what was initially a powerful punch suddenly became limp, without much strength. Qin Yu quickly realized that something was wrong. It seemed as if he had been poisoned. At that moment, he glanced at the smiling Chen Yuxin beside him. Indeed, the mockery and disdain in Chen Yuxin's eyes indicated she knew about Qin Yu's poisoning. Qin Yu was taken aback and alarmed.

"Oh no," thought Qin Yu, realizing he had fallen for this woman's tactics. From his prior investigations, he had gathered some knowledge. The Chen family once acquired the art of poison from Miaojiang and had inherited it for many years. Of course, this information was very secretive, and Qin Yu had to spend a significant amount of money to uncover it.

At this moment, Qin Yu felt utterly powerless. A look of confusion spread across his face. He couldn't understand why Chen Yuxin would poison him, and more perplexingly, he wondered when she had managed to do it. Even though he was experiencing severe issues with his body, Qin Yu refused to believe that Chen Yuxin could poison him unnoticed under his heightened senses.

Suddenly, a thought crossed Qin Yu's mind about the individuals who had knocked him out at the door earlier. Could it be? On the other hand, Su Chen was utterly bewildered. He wondered why Qin Yu had suddenly retracted his attack. Was Qin Yu fearing something? Did he perceive Su Chen's strength? This didn't make sense to Su Chen. Zhao Menghan should have already given him the Kunlun jade pendant by now. The male protagonist should be brimming with confidence at this moment. But wait, a grave realization struck Su Chen.

Could it be that the reason Qin Yu hadn't shown up earlier was that he was absorbing the power of the Kunlun jade pendant? "Damn it," Su Chen thought, "I made a mistake!" He realized he had overlooked this crucial detail. After Su Chen had left, Zhao Menghan must have immediately sought out Qin Yu and handed over the Kunlun jade pendant. They had nearly jeopardized everything.

For a moment, Su Chen felt regretful. He then noticed Chen Yuxin and Qin Yu exchanging glances, seemingly communicating through their eyes. After all, as the male and female protagonists, the pair had an unspoken bond and their gazes held deep meaning. Su Chen surmised that Chen Yuxin might have been upset that Qin Yu didn't come to rescue her in time, hence the comments she had made earlier. She was probably just venting her frustration.

Relieved by this realization, Su Chen took a deep breath. The fact that Qin Yu didn't act must mean he was wary of something. "Given this," thought Su Chen, "I shouldn't let their goodwill go to waste. It's time for me to take the initiative." After all, the villain typically makes the first move, and the hero responds. With newfound clarity, Su Chen roared, "Where's that arrogance from earlier? Thought you wanted to oppose me?" He added, "Those who cross Su Chen will face dire consequences." As he spoke, Su Chen approached Qin Yu and, without hesitation, landed a punch on his face.

Gritting his teeth, Su Chen's facial expression at this moment held no pretense. It was pure anger. Especially when he thought of how many times Qin Yu, that jerk, had humiliated him. Deep inside, Su Chen had long been filled with resentment, so in terms of emoting, he was simply being true to his feelings.

However, when it came to the actual strength behind that punch, Su Chen had definitely held back. The force was merely equivalent to that of an ordinary person's punch. Qin Yu, the protagonist, could easily retaliate. After all, even though he was injured at the moment, his foundational strength remained. He was innately a powerful war god, and not displaying any strength would be implausible.

Such restraint would come across as fake and arouse suspicion. Su Chen could already anticipate what would happen next: Qin Yu would knock him down with a single punch, perfectly fitting the hero-saves-the-day narrative. However, what transpired next was something Su Chen could never have predicted.