Born with a Natural Fragrance, Self-Sufficient!

Even though he had been beating Qin Yu for quite a long time, Su Chen was still somewhat reluctant to let go. After all, the feeling was too exhilarating. Especially when it came to Qin Yu's behavior, Su Chen couldn't stand it. Why did he always have to be humiliated by him? After 33 lifetimes, Su Chen was simply speechless.

He had had enough of it, and while he usually bottled up his anger, this time he truly seized the opportunity to fight back. Why did Qin Yu have to come up with such a self-sacrificial plan? At first, Su Chen didn't really care about this novel world and merely treated it as a playground. This attitude led to a total collapse of the storyline. However, as time went on, Su Chen's perspective began to shift. Especially in this life, he was extremely cautious, fearing the recurrence of the same events. Damn it! The one time he took things seriously, the plot spiraled out of control, especially the characterization of the female leads; it had deteriorated severely.

But Su Chen was curious as to why, even after hitting the male lead Qin Yu, there were no indications of the story collapsing. As he continued the beating, he eventually lost the desire to continue. After all, if he accidentally killed Qin Yu, he would have nowhere to turn. Just then, Chen Kai arrived. "What are you all doing?" Chen Kai approached them with a stern face, a hint of menace in his eyes.

Clearly, Chen Kai was very displeased with the current situation. The onlooking crowd could perhaps sense that Chen Kai and his group were no ordinary people. Without hesitation, they all left in a hurry, as the situation had become too dangerous for their liking, and they didn't dare to linger.

At this moment, Su Chen stood his ground, waiting for Chen Yuxin to complain. Then, Chen Yuxin smoothly stepped forward and latched onto Su Chen's arm, her eyes filled with affection. "I came to book a room with my boyfriend, and then this man tried to force me to leave with him," she explained. "Of course, I refused. My boyfriend then stepped in and defended me." As she spoke, Chen Yuxin's delicate body pressed closer to him. The fragrance emanating from her was intoxicating, making Su Chen feel extremely comfortable. But what did she mean by that? As one of the main female characters, why was she referring to an antagonist as her boyfriend? Was this some kind of joke?

Upon hearing this, Chen Kai responded righteously, "We despise such scum as well. Given the circumstances, we'll help you by throwing this man out." Su Chen nodded in agreement, "Take him away. His presence here is simply an eyesore." Inside, Su Chen chuckled to himself. It was fortunate he was familiar with the storyline; otherwise, he might have been deceived. Chen Kai and his group were clearly from the Chen family, yet now they pretended not to know Chen Yuxin. Who were they trying to fool?

Su Chen thought to himself that today would be the day to see what these people were truly plotting. As for Chen Yuxin ordering Qin Yu to be thrown out, Su Chen viewed it as a display of concern. She was probably worried that Qin Yu would genuinely get hurt by him, given that the two of them were most likely putting on an act. Their scheming ran deep. The way this story's writer always targeted him, the antagonist, was truly nauseating.

Following this, Chen Kai, accompanied by his men, lifted the immobilized Qin Yu and took him away. At that moment, Fang Han was still trying to grasp the situation. However, seeing the affectionate look in Chen Yuxin's eyes as she gazed at Su Chen, Fang Han took the hint and promptly left with his gang. Now, only Su Chen and Chen Yuxin remained in the room. Chen Yuxin, resembling a frightened little rabbit, seemed reluctant to leave Su Chen's side. "Young master Su, thank you for earlier. Who was that annoying man?" she asked, "Thankfully you were there to protect me. Are you hurt?" As she spoke, Chen Yuxin moved closer to Su Chen, seemingly wanting to check him for injuries.

Su Chen, always the arrogant one, quickly retorted, "How could I possibly be hurt? To me, he's as insignificant as an ant, haha!" Watching Chen Yuxin feign concern while trying to get closer, to the point of almost climbing onto him, Su Chen appeared to be enjoying the attention on the surface. However, internally, he was trying to decipher what Chen Yuxin was planning. It wasn't that Su Chen was afraid of being outwitted.

Su Chen was mainly worried that he wouldn't be able to keep up with her act. It would be truly embarrassing if he faltered. "Young master Su, don't forget your promise to take me home," Chen Yuxin said with a playful grin.

"Just come with me, beautiful," someone interjected, "Even if I don't have as much as Su Chen, I'm not that far behind!" At that moment, Fang Han, still feeling uneasy, came back to take a glance. Immediately, he heard Chen Yuxin's words. He was fully aware of who Chen Yuxin really was. The idea that the young lady of the esteemed Chen family didn't have a place to stay was ludicrous. To him, it seemed like a transparent lie. Fang Han suspected that Chen Yuxin had some ulterior motive against Su Chen, and he wouldn't stand for it. He had researched everything about Chen Yuxin. Beyond her family's background, her reputation alone was enough to send chills down one's spine.

"That won't work, I won't go with a stranger," Chen Yuxin replied with a radiant smile, putting on a coquettish demeanor as she leaned closer to Su Chen. "You've only known Su Chen since tonight, right? How can you trust him?" Fang Han challenged, pressing the issue and frantically signaling Su Chen, warning him not to trust the woman before him. Chen Yuxin replied, "Because the moment I laid eyes on him, I was smitten. He gives me a sense of security." She fondly recalled their past, though their time together had been brief. The memories had always been treasured deep within her heart.

She had always been too shy to admit it. However, now that she had expressed it, she felt even happier. With eyes filled with 'him', she looked at Su Chen, shyly lowered her head, tiptoed, and gave him a peck on the cheek. With a teasing smile, she said, "Your earlier act of protecting me was commendable. This is a reward from your elder sister. Are you surprised or not? Expecting this or not?"

Su Chen's lips parted slightly in shock. What kind of surprise is this? He thought, I'm more startled than anything. Chen Yuxin's unique way of expressing happiness was to tease Su Chen, a habit she had formed in just a few days. However, she had never behaved this way in public. If she had, the headlines would be filled with news of the Chen family's young lady openly kissing the notorious young master of the Su family. It would be scandalous - "The prodigious young master forces a young maiden into submission!" Of course, at this point, Su Chen was utterly clueless about why Chen Yuxin was so excited and animated. Does she feel happy after such a public spectacle? He thought. It must be some sort of scheme against me coming to fruition. That's why she's so elated.

Even though Su Chen was confused, he was going to play along; he wouldn't miss a beat. Of course, he was least affected by Chen Yuxin's kiss, having gotten used to it in his past lives. "But..." Fang Han started, but was immediately interrupted by Su Chen. Joking aside, he needed to collaborate with Chen Yuxin in this act. If she wanted to cohabit with him, there must be a reason. Su Chen couldn't let Fang Han ruin that.

"Young master Su, let's go. Let's not bother with them anymore," Chen Yuxin urged. She seemed completely oblivious to Su Chen's exasperated look, clearly elated. With a skip in her step, she even broke out into a spontaneous dance, her spirits high.

Su Chen watched Chen Yuxin's graceful figure as she moved away. The tight skirt she wore accentuated her curves, compelling Su Chen to show his admiration. Reaching his Lamborghini, Chen Yuxin suddenly turned around, catching Su Chen's admiring gaze. With a mixture of delight and amusement, she teased, "It's getting late. How about I spend the night with you?"

"Cut the chatter and drive," Su Chen retorted, tossing the car keys to Chen Yuxin and settling into the passenger seat. Sarcastically, he added, "I'm not interested in you right now."

Chen Yuxin hopped into the car, pouting. "If you're not interested now, don't hold back. Simply hearing my voice isn't enough. How about I lend you some of my intimate clothing? I naturally smell wonderful, you know." Su Chen was inwardly cursing. Was there really a need to go to such lengths with her allure? In the original story, she would turn hostile even if a man came close!

The more he observed her, the more Su Chen felt that this version of Chen Yuxin seemed familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere before. It was reminiscent of a Chen Yuxin from a past cycle. Thinking about it brought a sense of contentment to Su Chen. In that life, Chen Yuxin was like a meal ready to be served — easy to deal with. However, after returning to the Chen family, she had quickly turned her back on him. With these thoughts, Su Chen's confidence surged once again.