The Wavering Su Chen

Upon seeing Yang Yuxin again, Su Chen wasn't embarrassed at all. On the contrary, he was pleased. Women like Yang Yuxin, who, like Chen Yuxin, are brimming with a sense of justice but lack depth, never perplexed Su Chen like previous female protagonists had. Simply put, they lacked cunning schemes. In Su Chen's eyes, he knew Yang Yuxin better than anyone else and believed she would definitely give him a hard time.

"Stay where you are and behave," Yang Yuxin coldly commanded as she passed by Su Chen to enter the room. Her dissatisfaction was clear on her face. However, Su Chen was far from a law-abiding citizen. He acted as though he didn't hear her commands and even gave her a defiant look.

"Damn, Officer Yang is so bold," whispered one officer. "To think she'd raise her voice against Su Chen, the top young master of the capital." Another younger officer added, "She's amazing. It's no wonder she's the one I think about every day."

An older officer nearby chuckled, "You guys might not know the full story. Officer Yang's background isn't to be underestimated." Lowering his voice, he shared a secret: "Rumor has it she was once engaged to Su Chen. They parted ways due to certain reasons, but it's not our place to pry into such matters."

The group nodded in agreement, understanding the unspoken implications.

Curiosity filled the eyes of those who witnessed the unfolding scene before them. Su Chen was caught in the act of solicitation by Yang Yuxin, a woman he was once engaged to. Such a scene was truly a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle.

Everyone present knew of Yang Yuxin's domineering nature, especially those subordinate to her. They remained silent, waiting to see how things would unfold. "What are you all doing? I shouldn't have to tell you what's next. Speak up now," Yang Yuxin demanded, her face ashen with anger evident in her voice.

The masseuse, terrified, cast a pleading glance at Su Chen. Su Chen, as the young master of the Su family, was hardly phased by situations like these. But for her, a vulnerable woman, the consequences of offending Yang Yuxin were clear. At this moment, her only hope was Su Chen. However, she was also afraid that Su Chen might abandon her, knowing that he had been involved in similar incidents before.

Su Chen thought to himself, exasperated, "Why are you so scared? This will only make you look guiltier." He recalled how, in a past life, every time Yang Yuxin saw him, she would leave teary-eyed. He quickly reassured the woman, "Don't worry. Officer Yang Yuxin is a kind-hearted person. She wouldn't falsely accuse us." As Su Chen spoke, he glanced at Yang Yuxin, his face betraying a mix of emotions and a hint of a smile.

Although Yang Yuxin was on official business, she had unusually applied makeup. Her long eyelashes and rosy lips accentuated her delicate features. Su Chen had a peculiar habit: his attention often drifted downwards. True to form, his gaze landed on her slender legs, which, without stockings, showcased her milky-white skin. However, his blatant stares seemed to delight Yang Yuxin.

Being an unparalleled beauty, she was no stranger to such attention. Yang Yuxin had been engaged to Su Chen since they were children. Her family, the Yangs, had a more distinguished background than Lin Qingyan. The Yang family took the marriage arrangement very seriously. More so Yang Yuxin; she had cherished feelings for Su Chen from a young age. For some inexplicable reason, her heart always raced whenever she saw him. Yet, Su Chen seemed indifferent to her, a stunning beauty, and instead constantly fawned over Lin Qingyan.

Yang Yuxin never voiced her grievances, but she was taken aback when he chose to end their engagement. Due to Su Chen, Lin Qingyan's reputation soared, and she gradually earned the title of the top beauty in the capital city. With the backing of Su Chen, the city's most sought-after bachelor, and the consistent media coverage, Lin Qingyan's fame outshone many of her peers. Therefore, the sight of Su Chen's lustful gaze on her made Yang Yuxin exceptionally happy.

However, her joy was short-lived. Spotting the female masseuse nearby caused Yang Yuxin's brows to furrow in displeasure. The man she adored was on a path of decadence, embodying everything she despised. He had become a hedonistic young master, corrupting societal values, and now he dared to frequent such places for rendezvous.

This was undoubtedly a slap in the face for her. Even though their engagement was terminated, it was Su Chen who had initiated the breakup. Now, seeing him with a female masseuse, if word got out, wouldn't it seem as if Yang Yuxin was inferior even to a masseuse?

The saying goes, "The deeper the love, the deeper the hatred." One reason Yang Yuxin had refrained from reaching out to Su Chen was her fear that she might not restrain herself from attacking him out of resentment. "What are you looking at? Hand over your ID," she snapped, even though deep down, she wished Su Chen would look at her a bit longer. Yet, she appeared very standoffish.

Su Chen responded with a laugh, "What's our relationship that you need to interrogate me like this? Really?" She retorted, "Who said we're close? I won't say it again, confess while you can." Seeing Su Chen's nonchalant attitude, Yang Yuxin was genuinely angered. "Who dares? Do you know who I am, to speak to me this way?" Su Chen felt a sense of relief and coldly said to Yang Yuxin, "Remember, you're just a woman I broke off an engagement with. How many times must I tell you? I don't like you. I only have feelings for Lin Qingyan. Actions like this only disgust me."

Upon hearing this, everyone present was clearly unsettled. They soon realized that, although the club they were in had a significant reputation, a task like this seemed beneath someone of Yang Yuxin's stature. Why would she personally get involved?

Especially with that attire, it was overtly tempting – a blatant allure! This appearance was completely different from Yang Yuxin's usual image. Initially, everyone was puzzled about the change, but after Su Chen's comments, it became all too clear.

Yang Yuxin's face changed drastically. She hadn't expected Su Chen to discern her intentions. The turmoil in her heart now shifted to murderous intent. In the end, Yang Yuxin let out a resigned bitter smile. Indeed, this man was no longer the one she remembered. "You bastard, how dare you speak to me like that?" she snapped. "I now believe you're soliciting. Come with me to the police station and explain yourself."

True repulsion for Su Chen had now taken root in Yang Yuxin's heart. In her anger, she pulled out handcuffs, ready to restrain Su Chen. At this moment, Yang Yuxin had essentially given up on Su Chen. Initially, she believed she could achieve the happiness she desired, but now it all seemed like naive wishful thinking.

Of course, Su Chen noticed the change in Yang Yuxin's expression. However, he internally breathed a sigh of relief. After all this time, he had finally encountered a leading female character who was genuinely mad at him, even considering taking him to the police headquarters. It wasn't easy! At last, there was a normal leading lady.

At this moment, Su Chen couldn't describe how elated he felt. He even wanted to move forward and kiss Yang Yuxin. This was precisely what a female lead should do. However, just as Su Chen was secretly rejoicing, Yang Yuxin's expression subtly changed. Because at that moment, she suddenly heard a familiar voice.

[Damn, I almost thought everything was going to fall apart this time. I never imagined that the person who would come to save me in the end would be Yang Yuxin.] Su Chen's inner voice exclaimed.

[I really can't understand. Yang Yuxin is such a wonderful girl. How could I abandon such an amazing fiancée and fawn over Lin Qingyan? It's so shameful.]

[I have to admit, Yang Yuxin is a hundred times better than Lin Qingyan.]

Memories of beautiful moments began to uncontrollably flood Su Chen's mind. He had numerous connections with Yang Yuxin, and he knew the depths of her heart very well. Every detail, even those that hadn't appeared in the original story, he was aware of.

[Come on, take me back, scold me well. The more you despise me, the happier I become.]

At this time, Yang Yuxin also heard this bizarre voice, eerily similar to Zhang Li's from before. However, the difference was that Yang Yuxin could directly identify the voice as Su Chen's. Because she was all too familiar with it, a voice she would never forget. It was almost impossible not to recognize. Yang Yuxin's captivating eyes stared intently at Su Chen. She noticed that Su Chen hadn't spoken out loud. A terrifying thought began to emerge in her mind.

Could it be that she can now hear Su Chen's inner thoughts? Though it seems incredulous, the reality in front of her is undeniable.

"Am I really much better than Lin Qingyan?" "Does Su Chen actually like me deep down?" Hearing these words from Su Chen, Yang Yuxin stood in shock. Waves of emotions surged in her heart, a mix of confusion and elation. Was this Su Chen's genuine thought? This is the man who had broken off their engagement and never once looked her straight in the eye. She never realized she held such a high regard in Su Chen's heart.

A glimmer of hope reignited, as a passionate spark flashed in Yang Yuxin's flowing eyes. She had believed that Su Chen genuinely disliked her. But in reality, all that was just a facade! Su Chen's inner voice was the true reflection of his feelings. Yang Yuxin wanted to confront Su Chen right then and there, questioning his intentions. That's the kind of woman she was—she wore her heart on her sleeve. Whether she liked or disliked someone, it was always evident.

However, when the words reached the tip of her tongue, she found herself unable to speak, as if bound by some unseen restraint. Yang Yuxin grew increasingly anxious, desperately wanting to voice her confusion, but she couldn't.

[What's going on, Yang Yuxin? Why aren't you taking action? Are you planning to catch me with just your words?]

[If you don't make a move, how will the others dare to?]

[What are you dazed about? Don't tell me you've fallen ill. No way, someone as beautiful as you can't fall sick!]

[Something's off, why are you staring at me? Have you encountered some problem too?]

[Damn it, you foolish woman, I just praised your beauty, and now you're acting up? I take back what I said earlier; you're not as pretty as Lin Qingyan.]

"Su Chen!!!" Suddenly, a furious voice that could shake the entire building reverberated throughout the room. At that moment, Yang Yuxin glared at Su Chen with a gaze that seemed capable of murder.