The Second Female Lead, Yang Danxuan

Yang Yuxin snorted coldly, a hint of emotion stirring within her heart. "If you like me, just admit it!" She shot him a sideways glare, her voice still tinged with irritation, "Be careful not to get a nosebleed. You'll have a hard time explaining that."

"Joke," Su Chen retorted dismissively, "Such a scene doesn't faze me. Even if you were completely undressed, I wouldn't get a nosebleed. It's not like I've never seen it before." Then, he paused, realizing something was off. Why was she speaking to him in this flirtatious tone? "Yang Yuxin, you're the main female character! Why are you tempting me like this? Even if you like me, this isn't the way!" He wondered where Qin Yu, the troublemaker, had gone off to; if he didn't show up soon, he'd lose his leading lady.

Despite what Su Chen believed about Yang Yuxin's character—that she'd undoubtedly be angry at his prior behavior—everything seemed calm. "Little heroine, something's not right with you." He eyed her suspiciously, trying to discern her intentions. Yet, love was evident in her gaze.

[Wow, women are such good actors. After what I just did, you remain completely unaffected. I, Su Chen, genuinely admire you.]

[It must be something you learned from Chen Yuxin. This acting skill has utterly deceived my eyes.]

Su Chen had interacted with Yang Yuxin for a long time and understood her well. Usually, when she was angry, she wouldn't think or hide her emotions. In the past, under similar circumstances, he would've definitely gotten a beating. Seeing Yang Yuxin's unusual behavior, Su Chen felt more uneasy inside than he let on.

Suddenly, a crisp sound of metal breaking filled the air, spreading a cold tension throughout the room.

The one emitting such an unsettling aura was none other than Yang Yuxin. At that moment, the utensil in her hand had been snapped in two by her tightly clenched fingers, and her rosy lips turned pale under the pressure of her teeth. "Haven't I told you not to mention Chen Yuxin in front of me?"

Su Chen, already confused, felt his mind whirl even more. He rapidly tried to recall everything he had just said, realizing he hadn't mentioned Chen Yuxin at all.

"Yuxin, are you jealous?" Just then, the door to the private room opened.

A woman dressed in a light black long dress with her hair tied up walked in, her naturally beautiful face adorned with a smile. Her voice was incredibly melodious, gentle yet refined, making it unforgettable upon a single listen. Following the voice, Su Chen finally saw a beacon of hope in the midst of his confusion; the second female lead of the story, Yang Danxuan, made her entrance.

Yang Danxuan had an ethereal quality about her, like a celestial being untouched by the mundanity of the world, her every move elegant and beautiful. At the same time, she was a national icon, whether it was singing or acting, she was the very best. While her stunning looks had captured the hearts of many wealthy admirers, her unique status had kept her unsullied even in the notorious entertainment industry.

Her calm demeanor contrasted with the joy evident in her eyes. Yang Danxuan was referred to as the leading lady because, despite her late introduction, she was the woman Qin Yu, the male lead, loved the most. A woman who had been engaged to him since they were young.

"Who's jealous? Sis, stop making things up. I don't like Su Chen at all," Yang Yuxin quickly retorted. However, her current emotional turmoil betrayed her innermost feelings. Yet, Yang Yuxin seemed unperturbed, genuinely puzzled by her own emotions. She was, however, curious about why Yang Danxuan had suddenly appeared here.

Moreover, even if Yang Danxuan's appearance could be overlooked, she was clearly her own sister. Why were her eyes constantly fixated on Su Chen? From a woman's intuition, Yang Yuxin felt that something was off, but she couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. Perhaps Yang Danxuan was just interested because of her?

"Let me introduce you, this is my ex-fiancé, Su Chen." Yang Yuxin promptly introduced Su Chen to her dear sister. "Hello, I'm Yang Danxuan. It's a pleasure to meet you." Upon hearing the introduction, Yang Danxuan greeted with a beaming smile and naturally extended her fair hand.

Su Chen was incredulous. Staring at the fair hand extended before him, his already sour mood worsened. How did the plot turn out like this? He didn't have a deep impression of Yang Danxuan. Although he had gone through 33 scenarios with her in the past, Yang Danxuan was, after all, betrothed to the male lead, Qin Yu, since childhood and had deep feelings for him. Being a villain, Su Chen knew he wouldn't have a favorable ending with her. Therefore, he didn't bother trying to befriend her.

The only scenario he remembered vividly was when Yang Danxuan, along with Yang Yuxin and Chen Yuxin, went grocery shopping with Qin Yu. Unfortunately, they were targeted for assassination by Zhao Long. Initially, Zhao Long didn't intend to kill them but only to frame Su Chen. However, the fool Zhao Long decided to use explosives, thinking it would infuriate both the Yang and Chen families. This idiot overlooked the fact that there was a gas station right next to the supermarket. Su Chen was secretly watching from the sidelines at that time. And, as he expected, things unfolded disastrously.

Su Chen gazed at the three main female characters who lay on the ground, barely breathing, and realized he had no choice but to rescue them. He wasn't motivated by their beauty, but primarily to ensure that the plot didn't collapse entirely. If the three main heroines died, what would be the point of continuing?

At that time, Su Chen was utterly drained. Not only did he have to clear the debris surrounding them, but he also had to protect these three women. Moving from front to back, left to right, he managed to save all three from the raging fire and swiftly made their escape. Back then, Su Chen was elated beyond measure.

Unexpectedly, after the incident, he assumed that the Yang and Chen families would never let him off the hook. He believed his mission would definitely be accomplished. However, in the end, the mission was a failure. This left Su Chen utterly bewildered, trying to fathom where things went wrong. But all that was now in the past.

At this moment, Yang Yuxin noticed Su Chen gazing at Yang Danxuan, lost in thought, and she had an ominous feeling. The temperature in her icy gaze dropped rapidly. How infuriating! What's so special about Yang Danxuan? No matter how beautiful she might be, could she ever compare to her? Yang Yuxin's confidence, which was initially rock-solid, was now shaken by Yang Danxuan's presence.

Exasperated, she remarked, "Sister, I remember you being very busy. Why do you have the time to linger here? I'm sure you're not here for me, so there's no need to stay on my account." Although she was livid, she knew better than to vent her anger on Su Chen.

Otherwise, wouldn't it give Su Chen an excuse to push her away? She would never allow such an event to transpire, so she redirected her anger towards her sister, Yang Danxuan.

Yang Danxuan was taken aback. She had hurried over because she was worried about potential conflicts arising between Yang Yuxin and Su Chen. She was deeply concerned that everyone might misunderstand Su Chen as they had in their past lives. However, upon arriving, she observed no overt hostility. On the contrary, her younger sister seemed to harbor affectionate feelings for Su Chen, her words dripping with jealousy. This left Yang Danxuan perplexed, trying to grasp what had transpired.

But she was by no means willing to simply hand Su Chen over to Yang Yuxin. Yang Danxuan quipped, "Why would I leave so easily? I've come because I've heard tales of the charming escapades of the young master of the Su family."

"That's not the case. Actually, Su Chen..." Yang Yuxin faltered, her expression uncomfortable. She nearly forgot that Su Chen's reputation outside wasn't good, and her sister was genuinely kind-hearted. How could she possibly fall for Su Chen? Still, she wanted to defend him, not wanting her sister to view Su Chen as a bad person. Yet, the words wouldn't come out. Eager to change the subject, she asked, "By the way, sister, why did you suddenly call off your engagement with that man? Didn't you like him before?" Yang Yuxin was referring to Yang Danxuan's engagement with Qin Yu.

"Who said I liked him?" Yang Danxuan retorted, her patience worn thin. She snapped, "Yang Yuxin, stop spouting nonsense or I'll rip your mouth apart!" Yang Danxuan was a kind and gentle woman, one who rarely displayed anger.

Yang Yuxin, despite being her younger sister, had never seen such a reaction from Yang Danxuan before. The current incident seemed to have deeply affected her.

Su Chen, on the other hand, was quite curious, especially upon hearing that Yang Danxuan intended to call off her engagement with Qin Yu. He immediately became agitated. However, upon further thought, it became clear to him. This was simply a display of romantic banter. The only one capable of causing such emotional turmoil in Yang Danxuan was probably Qin Yu, and indeed, he was the male protagonist of their story. Seeing Su Chen's stunned expression, Yang Danxuan quickly grew anxious. With a look of astonishment, she reached out to grasp Su Chen's arm, urgently saying, "Su Chen, there's nothing between Qin Yu and me. I've already broken off our engagement."

Hearing this, Su Chen was flabbergasted. What on earth was happening? As the female lead, especially the one most favored by the male lead, why would she care so much about the thoughts of him, the antagonist? He internally shouted, "Stop adding scenes without a reason!" At this moment, Su Chen desperately wanted to ask them one question: Had they possibly picked up the wrong script?

"Why are you so concerned about Su Chen's feelings?" While Yang Yuxin might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, when it came to matters involving Su Chen, she had to be careful. Not to mention, Yang Danxuan's beauty was no less than hers. A long-forgotten panic welled up within Yang Yuxin's heart, though this time it wasn't about Lin Qingyan, but her own sister, Yang Danxuan.

"Nothing." Yang Danxuan shook her head, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. She felt she had been a bit too emotional earlier. Of course, she cared about Su Chen's opinions.

In this new life, Yang Danxuan wanted nothing to do with Qin Yu. In fact, she harbored deep resentment towards him. Above all, what she feared most was a misunderstanding by Su Chen.

She faintly remembered the past, during a fire incident. The forceful shockwave from the fire had caused both Chen Yuxin and Yang Yuxin to faint on the spot. However, a vague consciousness still lingered within her. She vividly recalled the moment when Qin Yu abandoned them, fleeing from the scene. Just as her vision began to blur amidst the despair, a man's silhouette emerged from the flames. Without any hesitation and risking his life, he pulled them out to safety. After inhaling a breath of fresh air, she completely lost consciousness. When she awoke, she found herself in a hospital bed, fortunately, unscathed.

She later heard from her grandfather that the one who tried to harm them was Su Chen. Conversely, it was Qin Yu who had saved them. However, Yang Danxuan refused to believe it. She clearly remembered every moment amidst the raging fire and knew for certain that Qin Yu, the one who had turned away without a second thought, couldn't be their savior. Yang Danxuan regretted not being able to clearly identify their rescuer, but she remembered a unique scent emanating from him. She sought out many perfumers in an attempt to identify the fragrance but to no avail. It wasn't until later, when her sister Yang Yuxin invited her to the Su family residence in search of a treasure, that she encountered the familiar scent again. To her surprise, that distinctive aroma came from Su Chen's room.

Subsequent investigations revealed that the true mastermind behind Zhao Long was Qin Yu and not Su Chen. Thinking back to when they had united to persecute Su Chen, Yang Danxuan was filled with immense regret upon uncovering the truth. Later on, she teamed up with Su Xian'er to defeat Qin Yu, but Su Chen could never return.

In this new life, she certainly couldn't bear to see Su Chen wronged, nor could she let Su Chen misunderstand her. In any case, in this life, she vowed to be Su Chen's woman. Su Chen, on the other hand, noticed Yang Danxuan staring at him intently, her expression and gaze resembling that of a young girl infatuated with a crush. He was at a loss for words.

"Miss Yang Danxuan, please explain to me what happened with your sister today," Su Chen said, showcasing his acting prowess. He recounted the day's events in full, naturally omitting any intimate details between himself and Yang Yuxin. Su Chen could anticipate what would unfold next in the story. Given Yang Danxuan's protective nature towards her sister, she would surely accuse him of causing trouble, and then proceed to reprimand him. Left with no other choice, Su Chen decided to give up. Yang Yuxin, due to the author's storyline, harbored unique feelings towards him. But Yang Danxuan was different. In the original plot, she was Qin Yu's fiancée, a role that was more than enough to make Su Chen uncomfortable.

"Yang Danxuan, you owe me an explanation for this!" Su Chen exclaimed, directing an intense gaze at Yang Danxuan, his acting skills coming into play spontaneously. He had to strike a balance between displaying fear and arrogance in his portrayal, which was quite a challenging task. Yet, for Su Chen, he managed to pull it off flawlessly. "This was indeed Yuxin's fault. I apologize on her behalf," Yang Danxuan recalled the past. Su Chen had once sought justice due to the relentless challenges posed by Yang Yuxin.

As Yang Yuxin's elder sister, Yang Danxuan was naturally inclined to support her younger sister. She was also well-acquainted with Su Chen's character, so she didn't treat him kindly. However, she later discovered the full extent of the events, realizing they had all been manipulated by Qin Yu.

"But young master Su has always been magnanimous. He wouldn't bicker with a young woman like Yang Yuxin, would he?" she said, "Regardless, I still need to apologize to you, young master Su." Having said that, Yang Danxuan stood up and deeply bowed to Su Chen as a sincere gesture of apology.

Caught off guard, Su Chen was momentarily dumbfounded and unsure of how to respond. He thought, "Damn it, this isn't what the secondary female lead is supposed to do!" Although Yang Danxuan always spoke in a soft and pleasing manner, one would expect her to be furious and place the blame squarely on Su Chen. Why wasn't she playing by the rules?

"I'm sorry, I apologize to you," Yang Yuxin said with a smile, addressing Su Chen in a very friendly manner. In reality, she knew that Su Chen didn't really mind; in fact, he might have been pleased. She just didn't want Yang Danxuan to misunderstand Su Chen. Part of her really wanted to blurt out all of Su Chen's secrets, but she held back.

"Since both of you sisters have apologized, let's just drop the matter," Su Chen said, waving his hand, though he felt rather helpless internally. These main female characters were truly driving him crazy. Each one seemed more unpredictable than the last. If you said that Lin Qingyan's previous behavior was due to her ties with the Su family, that would be understandable. While Yang Danxuan's gentle tone could also be overlooked, Yang Yuxin's immediate apology was unexpected. Was she discarding her fierce and tough image altogether?

Where has your sense of justice gone? Su Chen sighed, feeling immensely frustrated. "Given the circumstances, let's sit down and have a meal together."

"Sure, I'd be thrilled to dine with you," Yang Danxuan replied without hesitation, taking a seat immediately. Both Su Chen and Yang Yuxin were stunned by her response.

[What is Yang Danxuan thinking? She should know that Qin Yu is back. Wasn't she utterly devoted to Qin Yu? Why is she approaching me now?] Su Chen pondered internally. [I must admit, Yang Danxuan is the epitome of a good wife and mother – so gentle. I wonder how it would feel to have her as a wife at home.] [It's not that I'm trying to push you away, Yang Yuxin, but your sister is just so attractive and wife-material.] [Such a pity I can't quite grasp the situation.]

Hearing Su Chen's remarks, Yang Yuxin clenched her fists, her delicate frame quivering slightly. Her eyes seemed to blaze with an internal fire. Even if it's her sister, she shouldn't vie for the same man. Yang Yuxin was fed up with Su Chen's inner thoughts. "I'm the one best suited to be a wife, okay?" She almost blurted out these words, but in a fleeting moment, she suddenly found herself voiceless. Her cherry-red lips slightly parted, and the more she felt this way, the angrier she became.

From the corner of his eye, Su Chen noticed Yang Danxuan constantly sneaking glances at him. Every now and then, her pretty face would blush, making him wonder what she was plotting.

Yang Yuxin was a woman whose intelligence seemed to be inversely proportional to her figure. Yang Danxuan, on the other hand, was a simple and kind-hearted young woman, exactly the type that playboys despised, and she was also Qin Yu's fiancée. Su Chen felt it would be an utter disgrace if he couldn't handle these two women.

What on earth? Su Chen sat up straight, and slowly, his face turned a deep shade of purple, making him resemble a purple yam. "Damn!" With quick reflexes, Su Chen grabbed the foot Yang Yuxin was trying to slide under the table. He sneaked a glance at Yang Danxuan, who was still lost in her thoughts with flushed cheeks, and then signaled silently to Yang Yuxin, "Are you crazy? Your sister is right here!"

It's undeniable; the feeling was thrilling and exciting. True to his character, Su Chen should have immediately pulled away from Yang Yuxin's advances and loudly proclaimed, "Without me, Su Chen, all of China would be plunged into eternal darkness." But right now, he couldn't, and in his mind, he had countless excuses for it. Indeed, this was Yang Yuxin's attempt to test his character. If he succumbed to temptation, she would certainly be angry. That's exactly what she was thinking.

Yet, Yang Yuxin wasn't as composed as she seemed. She had just felt a pang of jealousy. So, Yang Danxuan is gentle and wife-material, huh? Who's more suitable to be a wife now? But she couldn't deny, this feeling was unprecedented, and she had originally thought she'd let it go.

Seeing Su Chen's anxious demeanor, Yang Yuxin became more playful. Her enticing pink lips parted slightly, and she responded to him using lip language. Su Chen, who wasn't a mind-reader, had no idea what she was thinking.

However, her silent message was clear to him. When they were younger, before the narrative unfolded, Su Chen naturally applied the valuable lessons he learned from nine years of compulsory education to Yang Yuxin. Little did he expect that these lessons would eventually be used against him.

Just then, Su Chen felt another beautiful foot sliding over.

[Has this woman gone mad? Yang Danxuan is right here. Isn't she afraid?] he thought.

[Such a contemptuous woman, daring to disregard me, you illiterate woman!]

Su Chen grabbed both of Yang Yuxin's feet with his hands, glaring at her, "If you keep doing this, I might as well hang myself!" Yang Yuxin paid him no heed, resulting in a standoff between the two.

Suddenly, Yang Yuxin's wits kicked in. Lifting her charming face, she asked, "Su Chen, why aren't you eating? Haven't you forgiven me yet? Isn't this Lin Qingyan's favorite dish? Don't you like it?" Su Chen silently fumed, thinking,

[Just because you mention Lin Qingyan, you think it'll work? What she likes is none of my concern. What on earth is Yang Yuxin thinking?] Another thought intruded,

[In that case, to hell with Lin Qingyan.]

Hearing her sister's words, Yang Danxuan snapped back to reality and inquired with a hint of puzzlement, "Yes, Su Chen, why aren't you eating? Does it not suit your taste?"

With great effort, Su Chen managed a strained smile and said, "Having the rare chance to dine with a national goddess like Danxuan, I naturally want to watch you finish your meal." Hearing Su Chen's praise, Yang Danxuan was deeply touched and immensely happy. She thought to herself, "So Su Chen does like me after all. I was worried my charm wasn't enough."

With this realization, she became determined to win Su Chen over this time. "In this lifetime, Su Xian'er, I won't lose to you," she resolved. She felt inferior to Su Xian'er's selfless love for Su Chen. However, she now believed she could match that devotion, and even surpass it.

Suddenly, Yang Danxuan flirtatiously flicked her hair and teased, "Su Chen, how about I feed you?" Yang Yuxin shot a look at Su Chen that was somewhere between a smile and a smirk. This, combined with increasing pressure from beneath the table, made Su Chen extremely nervous. He thought desperately, "Who will come to rescue me?"

Just then, the door to their private room burst open with a bang. A beautiful and familiar figure appeared. "Chen Yuxin!" Su Chen exclaimed, his eyes filled with bewilderment. "What's going on? Why are these three women gathered together? Is this a case of 'three women, one drama'?"