Renewing the Engagement Contract?

Nightfall descends, a time often favored for the unfolding of intriguing stories. In the most upscale restaurant in Kyoto, laughter and cheer fill the air inside a VIP dining room. The jovial faces belong to none other than the parents of Yang Yuxin and Su Chen, sitting together, while Su Chen himself sits reluctantly beside Yang Yuxin.

Su Chen is at a loss for words as he observes the mutual smiles exchanged between the elders of the two families. This dinner couldn't be more absurd. The two families are close friends, so close that they had once arranged a child marriage between Su Chen and Yang Yuxin. Even more shockingly, the families are now discussing the possibility of formally organizing a wedding for Su Chen and Yang Yuxin.

Su Chen is speechless, especially since it seems both sets of parents agree with the idea. Maintaining a stoic expression, Su Chen says, "Eating dinner is one thing, but marriage between Yang Yuxin and me is impossible, something I made clear a long time ago." Although the Yang family may not be as powerful as the Su family, they're also among the top ten families; Su Chen's words, then, are undoubtedly a slap in the face for them.

[Ah, Yang Zhiguang, I should actually be calling you my father-in-law. It's not that I don't want to marry your daughter, but that I have important matters yet to attend to], Su Chen thought, his mind drifting back to his childhood memories with Yang Yuxin. At this, Yang Zhiguang's smile suddenly became stiff, clearly awkward.

Yang's mother also frowned, her eyes flashing with dissatisfaction and anger. There were plenty of men who wanted to marry her daughter, Yang Yuxin.

Although the Su family was indeed powerful, marrying Su Chen could hardly be considered marrying up; it might even be demeaning for her. Nonetheless, their daughter was enamored with Su Chen.

For her daughter's happiness, she was willing to swallow this humiliation, using the opportunity to make Yang Yuxin realize how unworthy Su Chen actually was.

Yang Yuxin, however, was internally delighted, though she noticed her parents' displeasure.

She quickly gave them a meaningful glance, and Yang Zhiguang and his wife exchanged a look.

Yang Yuxin kept urging them not to be mad, insisting that Su Chen wasn't as terrible as he seemed on the surface.

So, no matter what Su Chen said or how he behaved, they shouldn't take it to heart.

The objective was to make every effort to finalize the marriage arrangement.

Although Yang Zhiguang was reluctant to trust Su Chen, he chose to believe him since Yang Yuxin had vouched for him.

Upon hearing this, Chen Qing became agitated, slamming the table and yelling, "How could you speak like that?"

"Auntie, please calm down, Su Chen didn't mean it that way," Yang Yuxin quickly came to Su Chen's defense.

Yet her seemingly kind words were actually loaded with implications.

Hearing this, Chen Qing became even more convinced that Yang Yuxin was the perfect daughter-in-law.

"Su Chen, let me tell you, stop thinking about Lin Qingyan. That woman will definitely not like you, and besides, I really don't like that kind of strong-willed woman," Chen Qing said with a very firm attitude.

Originally, she wanted Su Xian'er to be her daughter-in-law as this would easily resolve the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law issues. However, it seemed like Su Xian'er was not willing to marry Su Chen, so her thoughts turned to Yang Yuxin. Because Yang Yuxin liked Su Chen and had shown minor signs of this just now, this made Chen Qing extremely satisfied. In contrast, she became increasingly annoyed with Lin Qingyan.

Su Chen looked puzzled at his mother. He was still somewhat confused; it seemed like in the original story, Lin Qingyan and Chen Qing were very similar, especially in terms of character. This would naturally lead to them disliking each other.

Thinking about this, Su Chen felt like he was about to collapse internally.

"[No, why is this happening all of a sudden?]"

"[Logically, at this stage, Yang Yuxin and I shouldn't be possible anymore. She hates me to death, but now it seems we are going to resume our marriage plans? This doesn't make sense]"

Su Chen originally wanted to refuse. However, he was afraid of causing conflicts between him and his parents, which he truly did not want to happen. Over the years, he had felt the love and concern from his parents, Su Long and Chen Qing, which made him feel guilty. After all, he had squandered the results of their hard work and lifelong struggles.

But Su Chen was not ready to surrender just like that.

Su Chen spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, "This is a forced marriage. Even if you gain me as a person, you will never have my heart. Qingyan is my true love."

The implication behind Su Chen's words was clear. He only loved Lin Qingyan and would never have feelings for Yang Yuxin, even if they were to marry.

The atmosphere instantly turned silent. Yang Zhiguang clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white, his teeth grinding in rage. He had accepted his bad luck that his daughter liked Su Chen, but Su Chen daring to speak like this made him furious.

Chen Qing was at a loss for words. She really liked Yang Yuxin, but her own son had just spoken words that were deeply hurtful and unforgivable to another young woman. Yet, she felt helpless.

Looking at everyone's stern faces, Su Chen felt very satisfied overall.

"[What a joke, although I don't like Lin Qingyan either, compared to her, you, Yang Yuxin, are even more troublesome. I don't want to marry you.]"

"[If you have any dignity, you should drop this subject now.]"

"[Don't take advantage of my affection for you to act recklessly.]"

So you want me to leave voluntarily? Dream on!

The mistakes I've made in the past, I won't make them now.

I, Yang Yuxin, am committed to you for life.

Su Chen, you can't escape.

Yang Yuxin revealed a gentle smile, "Su Chen, rest assured, I will definitely make you fall in love with me."

"Love that begins in childhood is, after all, too rare."

"Besides, someone once said, a melon twisted off its stem is not sweet, but it quenches thirst," Yang Yuxin added.

Su Chen nearly choked. This line was actually something Yang Yuxin had previously asked him about Lin Qingyan, pointing out that Lin Qingyan didn't like him and that there would be no future between them. Su Chen had responded with that phrase back then, not expecting it to backfire on him now.

"[Dammit, wake up! Yang Yuxin, you're supposed to embody justice in the future. Falling for a small villain like me won't end well for you.]"

"[Ah, Yang Yuxin, even if you don't like Qin Yu, don't fall for me. My future is bleak. If you actually marry me, it won't end well.]"

Su Chen frowned slightly, contemplating how to continue playing his self-serving character. Just then, there was a loud slam.

Chen Qing angrily slapped the table, her chest heaving as she glared at Su Chen: "I warn you, Yang Yuxin is my most preferred daughter-in-law. You better call off your engagement with Lin Qingyan soon."

"Otherwise, your mother will have to be hospitalized."

Yang Yuxin's behavior was simply too perfect, completely aligning with the image of the ideal daughter-in-law that Chen Qing had in her mind.

Although Su Chen was her son, she had to admit that he was indeed frivolous. Because of this, Chen Qing felt that Su Chen needed a woman who genuinely loved him. Clearly, Yang Yuxin perfectly fit this role.

Su Chen felt drained.

"[Yang Yuxin, what on earth did you do to my mom? Weren't mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law supposed to clash? Now it seems like I'm the outsider.]"

Su Chen believed that Lin Qingyan was the best candidate for an engagement. Why? It's simple: Lin Qingyan would never actually marry him. Even if her character had shown some cracks lately, the most she might feel was a liking for him.

What about Yang Yuxin? If he got engaged to her, marriage would be inevitable. In that case, wouldn't he be jumping from one pitfall into an even bigger one?

Su Chen really couldn't understand. Yang Yuxin's character was designed to like him, sure. But shouldn't she realize by now that he's just a frivolous young master? How could someone like her, considered a heavenly pride, be so smitten with such a person? Su Chen was bewildered.

Yang Yuxin, however, wasn't doing much better. At this moment, she discovered that Su Chen was not just intelligent; he appeared to be a reincarnated person as well. What exactly happened in Su Chen's previous life? Why did he get to live again?

The more Yang Yuxin thought about it, the more mysteries piled up. Considering everything Su Chen had been expressing recently, she finally understood that the fate awaiting the Su family must be quite tragic. Su Chen himself was probably nothing more than a stepping stone for someone named Qin Yu.

As for why Su Chen was rejecting her, Yang Yuxin assumed it must be to avoid implicating her in his tragic future. To think that Su Chen loved her this much made Yang Yuxin feel even more smug.

She looked at Su Chen, slightly crossed her legs, moistened her alluring red lips with her small tongue, and her eyes flashed with a bit of playfulness. "Don't worry, puppy. I'll protect you," she said.