Daily Life

Deep into the night.

Su Xian'er sat alone on the sofa in the villa, looking rather isolated. Zhao Menghan wasn't there, neither was Chen Yuxin, and Su Chen hadn't come back either. A few empty wine bottles were placed on the table.

Su Xian'er rested her chin in her hand, her small lips slightly pouted, and a hint of dissatisfaction in her eyes. "Damn Su Chen, smelly Su Chen, why aren't you back yet? Where the hell are you messing around?"

Just as Su Xian'er was complaining, the sound of a car starting echoed from outside the villa.

She quickly hid the empty wine bottles under the table, then rubbed her delicate cheeks with her hands until they blushed. She then pretended to fall into a deep sleep, mimicking the look of a sleeping beauty.

She remembered the last time she pretended to have a stomachache, how concerned Su Chen was. If it weren't for that annoying woman Zhao Menghan intervening, everything would have been settled by now.

Now that she had tricked Zhao Menghan into leaving, tonight was the night to make her move. With that in mind, Su Xian'er got into her performance mode.

Sure enough, as soon as Su Chen entered, he immediately saw Su Xian'er lying on the sofa, looking drowsy.

"Have you been drinking?" Su Chen detected a strong scent of alcohol as soon as he entered.

Picking up a wine bottle, a pained expression appeared on Su Chen's face. This bottle of wine was a limited edition, worth at least 500,000! And it had been completely emptied by Su Xian'er.

While Su Chen was lamenting the loss, Su Xian'er sneakily glanced at him from the corner of her eye. Seeing his sad expression, she closed her eyes in satisfaction.

Heh, just as she thought, Su Chen does care about her after all.

"You little witch, always showing off in front of me."

Seeing Su Xian'er sleep so deeply, Su Chen felt at ease.

He reasoned that Su Xian'er probably drank because she realized that the Su family's business no longer had anything to do with her, given his recent exemplary performance.

"You really are a fool. If you're unsatisfied, just compete with me. Look at what you've been doing these days; can you muster the spirit you had before?"

After saying this, Su Chen specifically checked to ensure Su Xian'er was truly asleep. If the little witch had heard his comments just now, he suspected he wouldn't have many good days ahead.

"Su Xian'er, are you sleeping like a log?"

Perhaps Su Xian'er's sleeping posture was too tempting, and Su Chen felt a playful urge.

He couldn't help but gently pinch Su Xian'er's soft, warm cheek – it was addictively comforting. While Su Chen used to pinch her when they were kids, he hadn't been privileged to do so in their adulthood.

Such a rare opportunity shouldn't be wasted. Half an hour later. Su Xian'er thought to herself: Just bear with it a bit longer.

This audacious man, taking such liberties. After having his fun, Su Chen reluctantly let go.

Yet, in the sweltering summer heat, she felt chills run down her spine, as if she had a bad premonition.

Worried, Su Chen glanced down at Su Xian'er and found her still asleep. He let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, wake up and go sleep in your room."

He reached out and shook her body. A moment later.


Su Xian'er was clearly not yet fully awake. With sleepy eyes, especially after Su Chen's pinching, her plump cheeks turned exceptionally red.

She looked utterly dazed, adorable, and irresistibly charming.

Noticing Su Xian'er regaining some consciousness, Su Chen took the initiative to help her up, intending to escort her back to her room.

After all, it wouldn't be proper for her to be passed out in the living room.

Half-opening her eyes, Su Xian'er's large, dewy eyes looked at Su Chen in confusion. She then opened her arms towards him, murmuring, "Hug me, I want a hug."

Su Chen was taken aback.

Good heavens, did she mistake him for someone else? Was this really Su Xian'er?

Was she still not sober from the alcohol?

"Su Xian'er, don't push your luck. You want me to carry you? Do you even know how heavy you are?"

Though he sounded somewhat annoyed, Su Chen eventually picked her up in a natural princess carry.

His actions were incredibly fluid, as if he had done this countless times before.

Upon entering the room and turning on the lights, it was instantly illuminated.

Looking down at the beauty in his arms, Su Chen thought, even after all these years, she remained so stunning.

"Su Xian'er, I'm putting you on the bed."

Suddenly, the strength in Su Xian'er's grip tightened as she clung to Su Chen's neck.

She cooed, "I don't want to sleep on the bed. I want you to hold me."

Su Xian'er wouldn't miss such a golden opportunity.

Hold her?

Su Chen wouldn't allow such a thing to happen. Instead, he promptly placed Su Xian'er on the bed.

"Alright, go to sleep."

Su Xian'er pursed her lips, sensing an awkward tension in the air.

She understood Su Chen's nature. He was typically aloof, showing warmth only when facing Lin Qingyan.

Furthermore, when she herself faced Su Chen, Su Xian'er often felt at a loss for conversation, leading to quiet moments.

To be honest, Su Xian'er had always been envious of Lin Qingyan, feeling this way in both their past and present lives.

She couldn't comprehend why a woman like Lin Qingyan would be the object of Su Chen's affection.

"Su Chen, my feet hurt. Help me take off my shoes."

Su Xian'er wasn't about to let Su Chen leave so easily.

She had planned this for a long time, intending to have Su Chen metaphorically kneel under her glistening skirt.

Glancing down, Su Chen noticed for the first time that Su Xian'er was wearing high heels, which caught him off guard.

Su Xian'er had a unique constitution, akin to those superior physiques described in fantasy novels.

Although she possessed incredible strength, able to knock out a bull with one punch, her body was also extremely supple. High heels were particularly unsuitable for her to wear. Because her skin was so delicate, such footwear could easily cause serious damage. Su Chen was at a loss, thinking, why would she wear high heels out of the blue? Who was she trying to impress?

"Su Xian'er, let's get one thing straight. I'll help you take off the heels, but you can't make any sudden moves towards me."

Su Chen carefully warned her. It wasn't that he was afraid, but rather he had previous experiences to base his caution on. Su Xian'er was speechless.

If she hadn't forcefully held back her anger, she might have kicked Su Chen in the face. When did I become this violent? Oh, there was that one time. That was when he touched her leg without any reason, and anyone would reflexively kick in such a situation. Besides, she didn't do it on purpose. Who could blame her when Su Chen was so fragile? A mere kick had him bedridden for half a month.

Su Chen, seeing her pitiful expression, removed her high heels. He gently held her delicate, snow-white foot in his hand. 

"Alright, that's enough."

Su Xian'er had initially intended to let Su Chen touch her sensitive foot, but it was becoming overwhelmingly shy for her. Her cheeks turned a light shade of red. Her eyes shimmered, clearly unaccustomed to such intimacy. It was so embarrassing.

Of course, Su Chen noticed Su Xian'er's coy demeanor. However, he felt extremely conflicted. He was wary, fearing this might be a trap set by Su Xian'er. Should he step into it, it would surely lead to his downfall. But then again, wouldn't this align perfectly with his antagonist character? To not even spare the young witch he'd lived with for over a decade? Su Chen could already envision his reputation in ruins. Ridiculous! The idea of being intimate with one of the main female leads was absurd unless he had a death wish.

Lost in his thoughts, Su Chen hadn't let go. He continued to hold and squeeze that soft object in his hand.

With Su Chen's continued touch, Su Xian'er's face turned even redder. 

She softly whimpered, "Su Chen, stop it, it tickles." 

Hearing Su Xian'er's trembling voice, waves of emotions stirred within Su Chen. Why do all of you female leads speak in such strange ways? You're ticklish? So am I? Su Xian'er's voice was incredibly seductive. When it reached one's ears, it felt as if a feather was lightly caressing the skin, a sensation both uncomfortable and exhilarating.

"Get some rest. I'm leaving," said Su Chen. 

He quickly tried to depart, but as he turned around, a delicate hand firmly grabbed his arm. 

"Stay a while longer. Chat with me. I'll fall asleep soon," Su Xian'er pleaded. 

Su Chen shook his head. 

"Hmm?" Su Xian'er slightly furrowed her brows, increasing the strength of her grip. 

There was a cold, biting edge to her voice. This was the real Su Xian'er. One moment she's the "whimpering" little girl, and the next, she's the untouchable, aloof lady. Su Chen felt as if he might hear the sound of bones breaking any second. 

He hurriedly offered, "How about I tell you a story?" 

"Hmph! That's more like it," she responded. 

Thinking about certain things, Su Xian'er's cool face reddened a bit, and she looked away, responding with a hint of tsundere attitude. 

"Let's hear it, what story is it?" Su Xian'er lay on the bed, her long legs swaying before Su Chen's eyes, resembling a queen giving orders to her servant.

Gazing at the dazzlingly beautiful legs before him, Su Chen felt a playful intent arise within him.

"Let me tell you," he began. Su Xian'er raised an eyebrow, her curiosity evident, "I haven't heard of such a story before." 

Su Chen hesitated, "Never mind, I won't say it." In an instant, Su Xian'er's typically aloof face flushed a deep shade of red. Stay calm! Su Xian'er, you must remain calm. Did Su Chen's words imply something about her? A whirlwind of thoughts raced through Su Xian'er's mind as she wildly speculated on his intent.

Feeling it wasn't wise to linger, Su Chen wanted to leave, but Su Xian'er's grip showed no signs of loosening. He had no choice but to stay. Su Xian'er noticed Su Chen's subtle attempt to leave, her gaze turning dark. What a wild and unrestrained man! 

"Su Chen, fetch me a bottle of milk; I want to drink," she said, releasing his hand. 

Then, she added a stern warning, "Su Chen, if you dare not to return, you know the consequences, right?" 

A chill ran down Su Chen's spine as he anticipated a horrifying scene. Damn you, Su Xian'er, just you wait. One day, I'll surpass you, hang you up, and give you a proper beating to vent my frustrations and alleviate the grudge in my heart.

Su Chen couldn't understand why Su Xian'er's strength was so formidable. No explanations were provided even at the end of the original text. The magnitude of her power seemed almost on par with the complete Kunlun jade pendant. Complying with Su Xian'er's request, Su Chen brought her the milk and thoughtfully included a straw. Observing the clueless Su Chen, Su Xian'er's anger surged—she had meticulously planned everything, so how could it end like this?

"Su Chen, what am I to you?" she questioned. "Sister!" Su Chen replied earnestly, looking at her serious expression. "No, I'm not your sister; I was actually picked up by mother," Su Xian'er confessed, deciding it was time to be honest with Su Chen. 

Su Chen was taken aback. How could Su Xian'er know this? In his past life, Su Xian'er was definitely unaware of it. Did she find out later? But why did she know now? After some contemplation, a daring thought flashed across Su Chen's mind: could Su Xian'er have reincarnated?

Although Su Chen had never truly treated Su Xian'er as his sister, the truth felt oddly unsettling when spoken out loud. Unperturbed, Su Xian'er leaned closer to Su Chen, 

"Now tell me, what am I to you?" She clearly wanted him to express his true feelings. Aware of her intentions, Su Chen wasn't about to play into her hands. 

Glancing at the milk in hand, he cleverly replied, "You are my 'Telunsu', the one and only." After saying this, he handed her the 'Telunsu' milk brand he was referring to. Internally, he praised himself for his wit.

Su Xian'er rolled her eyes and said, "Then hurry up and put the straw in." "Oh!" Su Chen promptly inserted the straw he was holding into the milk and handed it to Su Xian'er. She took a big sip, seemingly trying to alleviate her internal rage. After that, she glared menacingly at Su Chen.