The Tragic Female Lead, Qu Xiaoqi

Before long, Su Chen found a storyline in his mind where Qin Yu interacted with Yang Yuxin. It was actually quite clichéd. A rich second-generation young man, with a not-so-small family fortune, wanted to buy a gift for his beloved lady. At a certain jewelry store, he took a liking to an expensive gemstone. Unfortunately, that gemstone had already been reserved by someone. The person who reserved it was none other than the beauty of the capital's school, Qu Xiaoqi.

The young rich man, of course, wouldn't easily give up what he had set his eyes on. He not only forcibly tried to snatch the gem but also became infatuated with Qu Xiaoqi's beauty, hoping to have dinner with her. At this very moment, as fate would have it, the protagonist Qin Yu just happened to be at the place and witnessed the entire scene. He then heroically stepped in, saving the damsel in distress. School beauty Qu Xiaoqi began to have feelings for him.

Moreover, it turned out that this wasn't the first time Qin Yu had rescued her. From her childhood, Qu Xiaoqi had a deep impression of Qin Yu. Naturally, the two ended up together. As for Yang Yuxin, she appeared later when the rich second-generation man thought of seeking revenge and she promptly took him to the police station.

"Stupid author, still using such outdated plots," Su Chen couldn't help but grumble, voicing his complaint. His mission for today was actually quite simple: replace that unlucky spoilt rich second-generation character. Hence, the simpler the plot, the better it was for Su Chen. Originally, he was without a plot, and now he had to add more to it. The simpler, the better; he felt like a mere tool for advancing the story.

"A call was made, and a group of guards and bodyguards were summoned immediately." Su Chen felt at ease, knowing that these people were all there to provide a stage for Qin Yu to dramatically show off and save the damsel in distress. Of course, at the same time, it was a perfect setup to showcase Yang Yuxin's portrayal of him, the pampered young master, bullying others because of his privileged status.

[Yang Yuxin, meet me at Hengxuan Jewelry Store. I'm waiting for you. Hurry up; I'll definitely put on a great performance this time to make you completely give up on me.]

[Qin Yu, this is your golden opportunity to put me in my place. If you miss it again, it just proves you're a fool.]

[And Qu Xiaoqi, you better not disappoint me. After all these years, you finally get to meet the man you adore, Qin Yu.]

[After meeting him, you'll be deeply moved and swear you'll marry him someday.]

[Unfortunately for you, you'll never win Qin Yu's love. Your fate is to end up miserable because those who blindly follow never get love in return.]

As Su Chen expressed his thoughts freely, Zhang Li suddenly burst into laughter. She set aside her work, leaning back curiously in her office chair. "It seems Su Chen is about to execute his plan. I'm genuinely curious why he's never succeeded before." Nowadays, Su Chen's inner thoughts had Zhang Li utterly captivated, and she couldn't concentrate on her work. Every day, it seemed she was waiting to hear Su Chen's inner monologue. 

At the same time, she was a bit scared. Scared that one day she'd hear something about herself in Su Chen's thoughts.

However, since it wasn't about her now, Zhang Li's interest was piqued. So, is this story about Yang Yuxin getting mad because of Su Chen's actions? Unlikely, it seems Yang Yuxin really likes Su Chen. With these thoughts in mind, she stood up and left her office.

At this moment, Yang Yuxin is interrogating a criminal. She can't leave now; if she does, Su Chen's plot won't progress. Little puppy, you think you can shake me off? Dream on. Just then, the door opens and a confident policewoman walks in, saying, "Sister Yuxin, I heard there might be trouble at Temple Street. Can you check it out?" 

The policewoman makes a pleading gesture and adds, "It's said that the troublemaker this time has a very powerful background. While we, as police, shouldn't be fearful, if you go, Sister Yuxin, there's hardly anyone in the capital who would dare act recklessly."

"Temple Street?" Yang Yuxin pauses briefly, then checks her phone and realizes that the Horizontal Jewelers mentioned by Su Chen is on that street. "Can I really not avoid this?" "What?" The policewoman looks quite anxious. 

Yang Yuxin says, "I understand. You can leave first." Thinking to herself, if she can't avoid it, she might as well see it through. She intends to make Su Chen utterly despair.

Su Chen drives his car and soon arrives at the jewelry store mentioned in the original plot. This place is one of the bustling streets in the capital. Almost every store is doing good business. At a glance, Su Chen notices that the business at Horizontal Jewelers is no exception, with many people going in and out. And from their appearances, they seem to be quite notable individuals. 

Su Chen can't help but think it's no wonder the plot chose this place; it's a perfect setting for a confrontation! Su Chen enters the store directly. As expected, everyone present recognizes him immediately.

People quickly stepped aside, their faces showing a variety of emotions, but fear was the most prevalent. However, what Su Chen perceived from their gazes was reverence. The fact that many looked at him this way left him speechless. As a villain, how could he be treated like a protagonist?

In a short while, a woman who appeared to be in her thirties, presumably the shop owner, rushed over, panting. Her lips were stained with grease, suggesting she was in the midst of something, perhaps having a meal. "Young Master Su, I didn't expect you to visit our store. What can I assist you with?" Encountering an attractive woman like this, 

Su Chen naturally felt the urge to act domineering, characteristic of a privileged young master. He took liberties with the female store manager, touching her inappropriately.

At the same time, he noticed Qin Yu in a corner, selecting gifts. But this time, Qin Yu avoided eye contact with Su Chen, choosing to remain discreet. 

Su Chen's gaze lingered suggestively on the female store manager, "Go, bring out the best items from your store. I want to choose something." "This will be a gift for Lin Qingyan." 

As soon as he said this, many in the room shook their heads, showing pity for Su Chen. Such a powerful man, yet he had fallen for a woman who did not love him back. With that thought, there was a sense of shared sorrow among the attendees. Many had loved women they couldn't have.

The look of helplessness on the faces of the people around him brought immense joy to Su Chen. He thought it was due to his recent inappropriate actions. As for the female store manager, she paid no heed to Su Chen's suggestive gaze and his forwardness. Instead, she immediately recommended several exquisite pieces of jewelry to him. However, Su Chen showed clear disinterest in her recommendations. His actual target had always been on a nearby exquisite display stand.

Feeling that the moment was right, Su Chen pointed to a pink gem on display, saying, "I'm quite satisfied with this one. Wrap it up for me." The shop owner replied, "Of course, right away." Initially, she responded with a smile, but her expression darkened noticeably when she realized which gemstone Su Chen had chosen. She looked troubled. 

After hesitating for a moment, she said with a pale face, "Young Master Su, perhaps you might consider another piece? This one has been reserved by Miss Qu from the Qu family."

"Qu family?" Su Chen sneered dismissively. "Wrap it up for me quickly. Otherwise, you know the consequences. After today, I can't guarantee your shop will still exist." Su Chen was all too familiar with this arrogant persona, and he portrayed it with such authenticity that there wasn't a hint of incongruity.

Those who witnessed this scene couldn't help but shake their heads. Even those who had once regarded Su Chen with a hint of reverence now couldn't help but curse him under their breaths, thinking they had misjudged him. Yet, no one dared to intervene. After all, Su Chen's reputation and status were well-known.