Finally, the Performance was Successful

Looking at this pure and exceptionally beautiful face, Su Chen was directly dumbfounded. He had been preparing himself to get slapped. However, Qu Xiaoqi still hadn't made a move.

Act already! In the original story, you had boldly slapped without hesitation.

Now facing me, you've become timid? What's there to fear? Just the identity of the young master of the Su family.

What's the big deal? If you don't act soon, I might just kiss you.

Don't you find that repulsive? Though on the surface, Su Chen still maintains a cold and arrogant smile, internally he's screaming in anxiety.

[Qu Xiaoqi, fight back! Aren't you disgusted by me? Why would a handsome youth like me want to kiss you?]

[Don't give in to fear! It's only the Su family, so what? If you resist now, Qin Yu will surely come to save you.]

[Then it would be time for both of you to rekindle your past ties. Hahaha, but it's really hilarious. You got deceived by that kind of person so easily.]

Qu Xiaoqi shot Su Chen an angry look. I didn't despise you and that's already generous. How dare you speak of me like this? What's with this Qin Yu nonsense? I want to see how he could make me fall for him.

Qu Xiaoqi, always a kind-hearted woman, had been anxiously awaiting her own story to unfold. But when Su Chen spoke of her tale, she discovered something rather humorous.

It seemed Su Chen was following a script and felt compelled to act it out.

Qu Xiaoqi is inherently a kind-hearted girl, willing to help Su Chen progress the story while maintaining her character. However, upon hearing Su Chen's disdain, she felt a surge of defiance and decided not to let Su Chen continue his act smoothly. She aims to make the progression of the story difficult for Su Chen, at least without breaking her character setting.

Internally, Su Chen is incredibly conflicted. With so many people watching, he can't possibly slip up and must maintain his villainous persona. So, unless Qu Xiaoqi explicitly rejects him, Su Chen has to stay in character.

He can't stop; otherwise, he'd expose himself. Even though he's trying his best to control the situation, the distance between them is rapidly closing. Su Chen can almost feel the tempting soft lips beckoning him. Moreover, he can even hear Qu Xiaoqi's somewhat anxious heartbeat.

This moment might be what countless men dream of, but for Su Chen, it's incredibly baffling.

[Qu Xiaoqi, can you show some restraint? I really don't want this, stay away from me.]

[Silly woman, did your heart flutter? It's typical in CEO-type stories. Once the male lead lifts the female lead's chin, she becomes deeply lost.]

[But I don't want to kiss you. Even if I know you're not the fated heroine, and the world won't crumble after our kiss, I just don't want to!]

Dark spots seem to dance across Su Chen's vision. Qu Xiaoqi is utterly speechless now, thinking, What do you mean you don't want to kiss me? Who are you looking down on? Jerk!

You don't want to kiss, huh? You wish to continue the plot? Keep dreaming, Qu Xiaoqi retorted.

"Su Chen, you bastard," Qu Xiaoqi spat out, now clearly angered. Although she didn't particularly like Su Chen, she found herself deeply irritated by his previous words. On hearing this, Su Chen immediately halted his actions, a wave of relief sweeping over him.

That was close; he nearly couldn't hold back. He thought to himself, What a joke! I'm no saint; I was just frantically telling myself to stay in character. In truth, I wanted to experience it. Female leads in novels aren't like real-life women; they seem to satisfy every single detail of one's ideal woman.

Thankfully, Qu Xiaoqi, you finally spoke up and rejected me. But in your refusal, why put on an act like a woman scorned, as if you've been denied love? Don't you know how perilous that is? Su Chen thought resignedly that at this rate, Qu Xiaoqi might become the next Su Xian'er. He reflected on how he had stayed up till 5 am the previous night. With another one like Qu Xiaoqi around, he'd never get any sleep.

"Qu Xiaoqi, there's nothing I wouldn't do. You missed your chance just now. It's no longer as simple as handing over the gem to me," Su Chen declared menacingly, "You too, will become an object in my possession." With that, he moved closer to Qu Xiaoqi, only to find her sporting a slightly gleeful expression, leaving him dumbfounded.

At that moment, he recalled a plot point from the original story and broke out in cold sweat.

[This woman's mind is something else, which I had forgotten. Heh heh, she seems like the pure and innocent school belle on the surface, but she's actually quite flirtatious behind the scenes and knows how to have fun.]

[She's gone through all sorts of learning materials like novels, movies, comics, and anime.]

[Is she not going to resist?]

At that moment, Zhang Li, who had just arrived at the shop's entrance, overheard Su Chen's inner thoughts. She couldn't help but chuckle and shook her head in disbelief. She was familiar with Qu Xiaoqi, knowing her as a very innocent girl with excellent academic achievements. She had heard that Qu Xiaoqi had earned the title of an honorary expert from the science academy based on her capabilities.

It was surprising to think that she might be such a woman behind closed doors. This revelation piqued Zhang Li's curiosity.

On the other hand, Yang Yuxin, who had just finished handling some matters elsewhere, saw the situation differently. If Qu Xiaoqi was indeed a hidden flirt, then there's a chance that Su Chen might be tempted by such a woman. This realization made Yang Yuxin's heart race, and she rushed towards where Su Chen was.

The officers who followed her saw Yang Yuxin's hurried demeanor and felt a sudden jolt of apprehension, fearing that something major had occurred. They became highly alert and followed her quickly.

Hearing Su Chen's inner monologue, Qu Xiaoqi's face burned with anger. What does he mean by that? Me, reserved yet flirtatious? That damned jerk! I am not like that. Just because he thinks he knows everything doesn't mean he can speak carelessly about me.

Su Chen was at a loss for words. He stared blankly at Qu Xiaoqi. Perhaps it was the way he looked at her, but he began to feel a bit embarrassed. Having such an outwardly innocent and sweet beauty in one's grasp, showing no signs of resistance, even squinting slightly as if waiting for a kiss - honestly, unless someone had a different sexual orientation, it would be hard to resist such a temptation.

Su Chen's sexy Adam's apple was visibly moving. I can't help it anymore; this is all your fault. If I don't kiss now, I'm not a man.


The lips of the two met effortlessly. Qu Xiaoqi was noticeably shorter than Su Chen, and now, with Su Chen gently holding her smooth chin with one hand, their positions seemed just perfect for a kiss. Su Chen could sense a hint of tenderness, and both of them were in a daze at the moment.

Qu Xiaoqi had her eyes tightly shut, not daring to open them and see the man who was now intimately close to her. It felt as if the moment had frozen in time. All she could sense was a buzzing in her head, everything else blanking out. She now regretted it - she had acted impulsively, driven by the anger from what Su Chen had said internally. It was as if there was a little devil inside her, pushing her to lose her senses.

Now, with Su Chen so close, his handsome face inches away, her heart raced uncontrollably, and even breathing seemed difficult. But it wasn't just Qu Xiaoqi who was disoriented. Su Chen was equally baffled about what had just transpired. He had merely entertained the thought without actually intending to act on it, but Qu Xiaoqi had unexpectedly taken the initiative. It was entirely beyond his expectations; he hadn't anticipated such an impulsive reaction from her.

He was now bewildered, not knowing what to do next. Time went on, passing second by second. Normally, the next step of a kiss would be to go deeper, and the hands shouldn't stop.

But Su Chen didn't proceed, fearing he might lose control. Based on his understanding of Qu Xiaoqi, this innocent school beauty, she was not only a literary girl but also quite sensual. Even though she might still remember a boy from her childhood, there's a chance she might fall for him because of this. That would be problematic.

[How much longer does Qu Xiaoqi want to kiss? Can she speed it up? I'm speechless.]

[They say comparisons are scary. Even though Qu Xiaoqi is good, compared to Zhang Li back then, she lacks a bit of temptation.]

[Heh, I really miss that!].

Zhang Li, who was watching from the side, heard these words and became annoyed, yet she felt a touch of joy. It felt strange, as if she knew beforehand his intentions. At that moment, Zhang Li's charming face turned a shade of red. Could she be falling for Su Chen? Probably not, she must just find him interesting.

Of course, the one who was most angered was Qu Xiaoqi. While being in the moment, he was still thinking of someone else. "Su Chen, you bastard!" Qu Xiaoqi immediately pushed Su Chen away, her face filled with anger, glaring at him intensely.

Su Chen was completely puzzled. What just happened? Why did she suddenly change her expression, when I didn't do anything? It was clearly you who was so cooperative just now.

Now you're blaming it on me? Aren't you the one who didn't resist?

In such a situation, when the other party is the one taking the initiative and then suddenly pushes him away, Su Chen was quite frustrated. However, at this moment, someone did not disappoint Su Chen.

Qin Yu stepped forward to stop Su Chen. "Let go of that girl, you beast!"

Remarkably, Qin Yu still maintained the demeanor of a protagonist. Whenever he sees such injustices, he always steps in! Qin Yu was actually trying hard to contain his anger.

Because he didn't think Su Chen's sudden appearance was just a coincidence. Every time his wounds healed, he would encounter Su Chen. The previous injuries made Qin Yu even more cautious now.

However, seeing Qu Xiaoqi push Su Chen away and looking furious, he decided to step in. Clearly, Su Chen and Qu Xiaoqi did not know each other. Qin Yu couldn't tolerate the woman he's interested in being so close to Su Chen.

At this moment, as if everything was planned, he finally let all his anger burst forth. Su Chen was overjoyed inside.

Clearly, no one knew what had just transpired; in the eyes of the onlookers, he had forced Qu Xiaoqi. With that being the case, Su Chen looked at Qu Xiaoqi's soft pink lips without any pressure. He even began to berate Qin Yu.

[What kind of pathetic protagonist are you? You just have to snap your fingers, and those leading ladies would swoon over you. Yet, you haven't even won the heart of a single female lead.]

[You're more adept at screwing things up than achieving anything. I'm furious on your behalf.]

Yang Yuxin, Zhang Li, Qu Xiaoqi: What nonsense is 'snap your fingers and they come running'? Who would even like such a person?

Qu Xiaoqi was even more incensed because Qin Yu was now in front of her. Perhaps influenced by Su Chen's sentiments, the angrier she looked at Qin Yu, the angrier she became. It was mainly just a bad first impression. But when she thought of the words Su Chen said, Qin Yu proclaimed, "She's my woman, and I call the shots." She instinctively felt a bit nauseated. Only an idiotic man would utter such words.

[It seems the situation isn't quite right now. Why isn't Qin Yu angry yet? It seems the provocation isn't intense enough.]

[However, Qu Xiaoqi seems lost in thought. She must have recognized Qin Yu as someone who left an impression in her mind.]

As Qu Xiaoqi was in a daze, suddenly a pair of large hands wrapped around her waist. The one reaching out was none other than Su Chen. Su Chen was now holding Qu Xiaoqi's petite yet alluring figure. Not only that, but he also instinctively squeezed Qu Xiaoqi's slim waist gently.

Qu Xiaoqi also instinctively let out a soft moan. Of course, only Su Chen could hear it. Su Chen immediately thought, Indeed, I wasn't wrong. What the author said is always right. This woman is indeed secretly passionate.

The reason Su Chen acted this way was to provoke Qin Yu and everyone present. 

"Qin Yu, it's been a long time. What's the matter? Haven't you been taught enough lessons all these times? Do you still want to meddle?"

Qin Yu, a person who doesn't allow any imperfections, became utterly enraged by Su Chen's provocation. 

"Bastard, what do you mean I want to meddle? Look at what you're doing now! Is that human behavior? People like you should be condemned by everyone. How dare you do such a lewd act in broad daylight! It's not just me, anyone with a sense of justice would stand up against you."

Given Qin Yu's words, those present couldn't stay seated and began to show their bravery. After all, deep down, they too resented Su Chen's background. 

"Su Chen, let go immediately. Qu Xiaoqi is not an ordinary woman. You should be aware of the consequences of your actions. Shame on you! You've disgraced the Su family's reputation. It's utterly disgraceful to behave this way just because you have some backing at home."

More and more people began to condemn Su Chen. This also bolstered Qin Yu's confidence. Initially, after everything that had transpired, he wasn't sure if he could discipline Su Chen. However, Su Chen continued to play the role of the villainous young master.

"What business is it of yours? Do you all want to die?" "Do you know who I am?" "My father is Li Gang, no, it's Su Long." "Anyone who wants to meddle, step forward so I can get to know you better."

Su Chen now completely had the demeanor of come at me all together, I, Su Chen, fear no one. Seeing Su Chen's brazen attitude, Qin Yu truly couldn't bear it any longer. Without any more words, lest the night drags on with dreams, he directly threw a punch at Su Chen's forehead.

Watching this, Su Chen felt elated. While Qin Yu's strength had indeed improved compared to before, no matter how one saw it, it was still too slow for Su Chen. However, this was an enhanced punch of anger from Qin Yu. Its speed was so swift that even the bodyguards accompanying Su Chen couldn't react in time. Su Chen had also fully prepared himself to receive Qin Yu's blow.

Then, an unexpected turn of events occurred. "Stop!" A delicate shout was heard. Qu Xiaoqi suddenly stood in front of Su Chen, reaching out with both hands, trying to stop the attack. Qu Xiaoqi's sudden and mysterious action left everyone present stunned, a whirlwind of questions racing through their minds.

What's going on? Su Chen was bullying you just now. Shouldn't you be happy that such a bully is being hit? Why are you trying to stop it?

Though Qu Xiaoqi stepped in to stop it, the current state of Qin Yu was completely furious. He had lost all reason and didn't even notice Qu Xiaoqi suddenly appearing in front of him. That lethal punch was now heading straight for Qu Xiaoqi. 

This left Su Chen dumbfounded. What's happening? He was well aware of the power behind Qin Yu's punch. If it landed on an ordinary person like Qu Xiaoqi, the consequences would be horrifying. Would Qu Xiaoqi really be killed like this? Although she isn't some destined heroine, she has a significant role in the upcoming plot! 

Damn it! If she dies, what would happen to the rest of the story? Su Chen wasn't sure and he didn't want to risk it, especially now that things had progressed this far. Besides, if Qu Xiaoqi were in danger, it would be because of him. If he hadn't created this opportunity, she definitely wouldn't be facing such life-threatening danger. 

Morally and logically, Su Chen should step in. But doing so would reveal his true strength. And while Su Chen was contemplating, Qin Yu's fist was already an inch away from Qu Xiaoqi's head.

Su Chen gently pushed Qu Xiaoqi aside, allowing her to skillfully dodge Qin Yu's attack. However, he himself took the brunt of Qin Yu's furious punch. After all, it was a punch fueled by rage. The powerful force of the punch pushed Su Chen back a step. 

But that was about it. Su Chen himself wasn't seriously injured, but for the sake of dramatic effect, he pretended to be thrown back, shattering a glass case displaying numerous precious gems. Those valuable gems were damaged, resulting in significant losses. 

Su Chen smirked slightly, thinking his plan had succeeded. He then feigned the appearance of being gravely injured. As for the damaged gems, he had intentionally caused that as well. Su Chen believed that he would be held responsible for this financial setback. When the time comes, the embarrassment he'd face would be immense. After over a month of performance, there was finally a successful moment. At this very moment, Su Chen felt like awarding himself the 'Best Actor' trophy.