The Male Lead Who Flees in Panic

Qu Xiaoqi now understood that the person who had written to her back then was actually Su Chen. Naturally, she chose to stand by Su Chen's side. As for Qin Yu's situation, she didn't want to get too involved.

However, Qin Yu thought differently. The moment he saw Yang Yuxin arrive, he could barely contain his smile. In his heart, Qin Yu harbored immense resentment towards Su Chen.

The fact that Yang Yuxin liked Su Chen was initially known to very few, but recently, many had begun discussing it. In his eyes, if he could make Yang Yuxin arrest Su Chen personally, it would surely make Su Chen feel the despair of being betrayed.

Furthermore, his favorite fiancée, Yang Danxuan, was Yang Yuxin's elder sister. So, winning Yang Yuxin's favor was very important for Qin Yu. Qin Yu had also set up a crucial plan this time. He had submitted evidence of Su Chen's crimes to the police department, specifically concerning the explosion.

Perhaps Yang Yuxin had other reasons to be concerned about Su Chen, but Qin Yu was confident that Yang Yuxin would not let Su Chen go. When Yang Yuxin had just entered, Qin Yu had noticed the flash of anger in her eyes, and her gaze was firmly fixed on Su Chen.

While the feeling of being ignored was hard for Qin Yu to bear, thinking about Su Chen's tragic fate brought him immense joy, and he eagerly anticipated that moment. At this moment, he coldly stared at Su Chen, appearing like he was watching a play unfold.

Su Chen noticed the darkness in Qin Yu's eyes and instantly became interested.

What does that mean? Does the male lead have some scheme targeting me?

It's possible!

Su Chen genuinely didn't know what plot or plan Qin Yu had in store. That's because the current scenario was actually off-script. Su Chen was now testing the system's limits, trying to see to what extent the plot could be disrupted before the system would intervene.

As for Qin Yu's schemes, they were just additional plans. Su Chen was not afraid of being plotted against. On the contrary, he welcomed it. Unfortunately for Qin Yu, he was too weak. Up to this point, he hadn't even landed a blow on Su Chen, which left Su Chen speechless.

As expected, upon Yang Yuxin's arrival, she glared angrily at Su Chen. This made him excited, and he unconsciously raised an eyebrow, looking forward to the moment Su Chen would be caught.

Qu Xiaoqi was now nestled in Su Chen's arms, unsure of what to do next. She lifted her alluring and affectionate face to look at Su Chen, then at Yang Yuxin, hesitating to speak. At that moment, she felt like she'd been caught in a compromising position.

If it were Lin Qingyan, she might not feel this embarrassed. Because Qu Xiaoqi knew that Su Chen didn't truly like Lin Qingyan, she wouldn't feel apprehensive, but Yang Yuxin was different. She knew that in a past life, Su Chen seemed to have been in love with Yang Yuxin. Now, Qu Xiaoqi felt like she had stolen someone's man mid-journey, which naturally made her feel bashful.

Her face flushed with a radiant peachy hue, appearing shy and timid. This gave Su Chen a sense of having the upper hand.

"Su Chen, how long do you plan to hold me?"

"You jerk, daring to get close to another woman behind my back. I'm going to tell my aunt."

Unable to hold back anymore, Yang Yuxin erupted with curses.

Upon hearing this, Su Chen was completely taken aback.

Yang Yuxin was clearly angry, but what Su Chen saw in her was... jealousy? How could this be? Su Chen finally understood: Yang Yuxin was upset about seeing the intimacy between him and Qu Xiaoqi.

"Don't you know what I just did? You're not angry about the dangers to the public, the disruption of peace, and so many other things I've done – but you're jealous?"

Su Chen was simply speechless.

Qu Xiaoqi, already highly sensitive, immediately left Su Chen's embrace. Her face turned beet red, and she couldn't bring herself to meet Yang Yuxin's gaze. In her understanding, such behavior was highly inappropriate.

"Miss Qu Xiaoqi, I've heard that you're a well-mannered lady, but you dared to do such a thing."

Yang Yuxin's resentment hadn't subsided.

However, her words made Qu Xiaoqi somewhat irate. Yang Yuxin, you only had some entanglements with Su Chen in a past life. Who knows about this life? You have no reason to be so arrogant. In this lifetime, things are still uncertain.

"Yang Yuxin, what right do you have to speak like this? Did Su Chen sleep with you last night? Besides, you're just someone he broke off an engagement with."

This set Yang Yuxin off. "You wretch! I'm going to tear you apart today!" she fumed, poised to act.

Qu Xiaoqi, lifting her alluring face, said nothing, her expression seemingly daring Yang Yuxin to make a move.

Of course, Yang Yuxin didn't actually take action.

Yang Yuxin was fuming because of what Qu Xiaoqi had just said. She had, of course, overheard what had transpired the previous night.

She had tried not to think about it, but for Qu Xiaoqi to audaciously bring it up was unbearable.

Yet, it also made Yang Yuxin realize that Qu Xiaoqi might be another person who could hear Su Chen's inner voice. This meant Qu Xiaoqi knew that Su Chen was the man she had once secretly loved.

If this was the case, Qu Xiaoqi would definitely pursue him.

Yang Yuxin had been elated upon learning that Su Chen didn't truly love Lin Qingyan. But now, a new rival had appeared.

Of course, this alarmed Yang Yuxin. After all, Qu Xiaoqi was younger, and men often preferred younger women. Su Chen was no exception, or he wouldn't have had a connection with Su Xian'er. Yet, a casual remark from Qu Xiaoqi had put Su Chen on his guard.

As a man experienced in the ways of love, he was confident that he wouldn't show any signs of exhaustion the next day, even after five hours.

However, perhaps Qu Xiaoqi knew something. Could this be part of Qin Yu's scheme?

Indeed, Su Chen had an epiphany. Even if Qin Yu's plot wasn't as such, Su Chen wanted to capitalize on this potential opportunity.

A smile crept on Su Chen's face, his heart filled with delight.

If his parents knew about his involvement with Su Xian'er, the repercussions would be dire. They might rage, and might even kick him out of the Su family.

Furthermore, if this news reached the public, the consequences would be catastrophic. Su Chen would undoubtedly become the target of the entire capital city's criticism. And the stock prices of Chen Qing's corporation would plummet.

Even if evidence later showed that Su Xian'er was not biologically related to the Su family, no one would believe it. They would think it's just a PR stunt to clean Su Chen's image.

Determined, Su Chen decided that he would make this matter public.

"Officer Yang Yuxin, shouldn't we be addressing the main issue at hand now?" Qin Yu reminded her.

Seeing Yang Yuxin and Qu Xiaoqi bickering over Su Chen, Qin Yu's heart filled with envy and resentment. After returning to the country, he had investigated everything about the capital city and marked the city's beauties as his own targets. His main plan revolved around courting these beautiful women.

However, his repeated failures angered him, especially seeing Su Chen easily garnering the attention that Qin Yu thought should be rightfully his.

But no matter, Qin Yu was confident. He believed that soon both Qu Xiaoqi and Yang Yuxin would be swayed by him.

Su Chen's face lit up in delight, recognizing Qin Yu's predictably righteous behavior. The hero-type, always focused on neutralizing the villain.

Yang Yuxin nodded, "You're right, I almost forgot our main agenda."

A shiny silver handcuff appeared before Su Chen with a click.

Before Su Chen could rejoice thinking it was his turn to be arrested, he saw the handcuffs being put on Qin Yu instead. Su Chen, witnessing this scene first, was utterly dumbfounded.

Wait, shouldn't I be the one being arrested? Why are they arresting Qin Yu? Could this be part of Qin Yu's elaborate plan?

Qin Yu was equally confused.

He had provided Yang Yuxin with evidence of Su Chen's crimes. Why was she not taking any action against him? Why was he, instead, being cuffed?

Could it be that the investigation revealed falsehoods? Qin Yu believed his plan was foolproof, with no room for exposure. This must mean that Yang Yuxin is shielding Su Chen.

Being known as a "war god," Qin Yu naturally wouldn't allow such things to happen. "Yang Yuxin, on what grounds are you arresting me? Are you trying to protect Su Chen?" He spoke coldly. "Didn't you see the one causing trouble was him? I haven't done anything wrong."

There was not a shred of fear in him. Since the facade was already broken, he felt no need to continue the charade. To Qin Yu, the handcuffs were virtually non-existent.

He was very confident in his own abilities. "You shameless person, even if I committed a crime, you can't arrest me. Do you have any objections?" Yang Yuxin was on the verge of snapping, her slender eyebrows furrowing, her elegant nose moving slightly as if she was fuming.

It was undeniable; Yang Yuxin's angered appearance made those present swallow hard, including Qin Yu whose rage noticeably diminished. After all, he very much wanted Yang Yuxin. In Qin Yu's eyes, once he had Yang Yuxin, Yang Danxuan would not be a problem.

Ultimately, Qin Yu chose to temporarily restrain himself. "Officer Yang Yuxin, I'm a law-abiding citizen. Arresting me without evidence isn't reasonable, is it?"

Qin Yu appeared nonchalant.

He wanted to leave a profound impression in Yang Yuxin's heart by acting this way. Moreover, he didn't believe he had offended Yang Yuxin in any way, except for the incident where he ordered Zhao Long to attack. But Qin Yu was confident that Zhao Long hadn't revealed anything. This was because Zhao Long's family was under his control.

Upon receiving certain news and to avoid any future trouble, he immediately arranged to poison Zhao Long in prison. Currently, there was no evidence linking him to that incident.

Seeing Qin Yu's smug actions, Su Chen couldn't help but think he was an idiot. 

[What kind of foolish act is this, thinking it's cool?] 

[Although, I have to admit, I imitated such behavior in the past, which now seems laughable.] 

[But it's undeniable; it does pique the interest of some women, especially someone like Yang Yuxin, who might be intrigued by Qin Yu's approach.]

Qu Xiaoqi was on the verge of bursting into laughter. Her stifled laughter, however, didn't go unnoticed by Yang Yuxin. Especially since Yang Yuxin knew that Qu Xiaoqi could also hear Su Chen's thoughts. This only intensified Yang Yuxin's anger.

Yet, she didn't confront Su Chen. For some inexplicable reason, a mysterious force seemed to hold her back. Therefore, Yang Yuxin vented all her frustrations onto Qin Yu.

Seeing Qin Yu's self-satisfied smile, Yang Yuxin almost felt nauseous.

"We have now found evidence linking you to the explosion that day. Please come with me," said Yang Yuxin. Following her statement, the officers who had come with her were stunned. They hadn't received such information.

However, they trusted Yang Yuxin's character, so it was highly probable that Qin Yu was indeed responsible and concrete evidence had been found. But her statement didn't seem to intimidate Qin Yu. Instead, Su Chen began to feel anxious.

What's going on? Has Yang Yuxin actually found evidence of Qin Yu's crime? When did she become so astute? It's improbable, even I couldn't find any evidence. Has Yang Yuxin become that skilled?

Could she possibly have some superpower? It seems not just Yang Yuxin, but all these leading ladies might. In this life, Su Chen had noticed a very peculiar thing. The abilities of these women seemed to be rapidly improving.

For instance, both Yang Yuxin and Su Xian'er appeared to have greatly advanced in their martial skills. The power they displayed was eerily familiar to Su Chen; it resembled the martial power he had obtained from the system in the past. Su Chen began to wonder if the rewards he received from his repeated cycles were somehow being taken by these women.

Deep down, Su Chen truly believed in what Yang Yuxin said. He felt that she was unlikely to lie; to put it bluntly, she might not be the brightest, with her strengths lying elsewhere. Qin Yu shared this sentiment. Being the male lead, he had a unique perspective. From his prior investigations, he had pretty much figured out the kind of person Yang Yuxin was.

Given what the other party had said, evidence must have been found. Qin Yu truly felt some inner tension. "If you have no evidence, be careful with your words. I won't be coming with you," he retorted.

A chill ran down Qin Yu's spine; he knew he must avoid being taken to the police headquarters at all costs. Qin Yu continued, "Who's to say you're not trying to frame me? I absolutely will not go with you." Upon hearing this, the policemen detected Qin Yu's unease, and their hands instinctively went to their holstered guns. However, Yang Yuxin quickly intervened.

With a sly smile on her face, Yang Yuxin teased, "Qin Yu, you think you've covered your tracks perfectly? You thought Zhao Long's death meant no evidence remained? How naive! Zhao Long left behind all the proof of your crimes." Qin Yu clenched his fists. To be honest, he was genuinely panicked. The worry about this matter had kept him awake for many nights, fearful of being exposed. After all, this was no ordinary affair. If mishandled, all his plans in the capital would be ruined.

"You're framing me, and I won't follow," he exclaimed, his anger evident. As flustered as he was, Qin Yu wanted to leave as soon as possible. Yet, Yang Yuxin wasn't about to let him escape easily. She swiftly moved to block his path and declared, "Leaving won't be so simple!" Qin Yu's eyes fixed on Yang Yuxin, then shifted briefly to glance at Su Chen.

Fury caused his veins to bulge. Yang Yuxin daring to block him surely meant she had concrete evidence. How infuriating!

Internally, Qin Yu was extremely unwilling to accept this, yet he felt cornered. Without confidence, he dared not gamble. Faced with this dilemma, Qin Yu finally made a decision. He immediately summoned all his strength and, in an instant, broke through the police encirclement. Those present didn't even have time to react.

The officers naturally wanted to give chase, but they were promptly halted by Yang Yuxin. "No need to pursue him. In truth, I don't have evidence. I merely had suspicions and wanted to test them out. It seems they were valid," she revealed, her face showing a hint of dejection. The crowd around her gritted their teeth in anger.

"How despicable! This kind of scum, evil can't overcome righteousness. We'll surely find evidence!" one exclaimed. "That's right, we will try even harder," another chimed in. "Such a person is nothing but a disgrace. Sooner or later, I'll arrest him myself," a third added.

As the crowd voiced their grievances, Yang Yuxin discreetly glanced at Su Chen and cheekily winked, her face breaking into a smile. Her radiant beauty, flushed with delight, was mesmerizing. Su Chen gazed at her, appreciating Yang Yuxin's bewitching beauty. Recalling a scene from their past lives, a smirk appeared on his lips: "Yang Yuxin is really radiant!"