Story of the Interrogation Room

Several people entered the police station, each with their own thoughts and intentions. Now, both Yang Yuxin and Qu Xiaoqi harbored mutual resentment, focusing their animosity on Zhang Li. Especially when Yang Yuxin took a glance at Zhang Li's figure and then compared it with her own, she felt a pang of disappointment.

Yang Yuxin followed Su Chen into the interrogation room. There was no need to interrogate Zhang Li and Qu Xiaoqi; they simply waited outside. Only Su Chen was taken inside. Deep down, he still held onto a glimmer of hope. He thought that maybe Yang Yuxin wanted to confront him in private since they had been in public previously. With no one around now, she could surely express some anger.

Yet, to his surprise, after sitting down, Yang Yuxin revealed a sweet smile, "Su Chen, I've told you not to worry so much." Su Chen was taken aback. The tone Yang Yuxin used was soft, and her demeanor resembled that of a wife gently chiding her husband. What did she mean by "not to worry so much"? What was he supposed to concern himself with? It sounded odd to him, but also intriguing.

Yang Yuxin took out a notebook used for interrogation, but there was no one accompanying her. This struck Su Chen as strange. In his thirty-three lifetimes, he had been to the police station countless times. But this life marked his first visit, and it felt surreal. What bothered Su Chen the most was that, for once, he wasn't there due to some wrongdoing. It was rather disheartening. Seeing Su Chen's bewildered expression, Yang Yuxin felt a surge of joy inside.

Every time Yang Yuxin thought of the contemptuous faces of Zhang Li and Qu Xiaoqi, she couldn't suppress her anger. At that moment, Su Chen suddenly sensed the murderous intent in Yang Yuxin's eyes. This revelation immediately excited him.

My, my! I wasn't wrong, Yang Yuxin. You truly are the embodiment of justice in people's hearts, he thought. Go ahead, interrogate me thoroughly. But wait, her gaze seemed as if she wanted to strip him bare and savor him completely. While Su Chen was filled with anticipation, Yang Yuxin sank into silence.

He quietly observed her as her facial expressions constantly shifted. 

Clearing his throat, Su Chen said, "Ahem, Yang Yuxin, shouldn't we start the record? If you have any thoughts, feel free to share them." 

Hearing this, Yang Yuxin seemed to snap back to reality, noticing Su Chen's eyes fixed on her. Her pretty face immediately blushed.

She shyly lowered her head, her face almost hidden behind her chest. Su Chen watched, puzzled by her behavior. "What the heck is going on? I can't quite understand Yang Yuxin now," he mused. Knowing her well, Su Chen realized she must be plotting something. Instinctively, he glanced up at the camera in the room and noticed it was turned off.

A dreadful thought crossed Su Chen's mind: Could Yang Yuxin be planning to execute me right here and now?

"Alright, we need to begin the record," she said.

"Pay close attention to the upcoming matters; they're of great importance." Noticing Su Chen's unease, Yang Yuxin quickly resumed questioning.

With a tone of righteousness, she said, "The case this time is of great importance, not only concerning the incident at the jewelry store but also the explosion at the supermarket." "I assume you are aware of the severity of the situation now," she added. "Don't worry, I will answer truthfully," Su Chen assured her.

Currently, Su Chen was unsure about what exactly Yang Yuxin wanted to inquire. Didn't Yang Yuxin suspect Qin Yu regarding the supermarket explosion case? Could it be that he was also a suspect? The thought strangely delighted Su Chen. No matter what Yang Yuxin would ask next, he planned to slowly shift the suspicion onto himself.

Su Chen felt immensely frustrated. Yang Yuxin's intelligence was not what it used to be, and he wasn't sure if he could trick her anymore. In his past life, Su Chen was confident he could easily seduce Yang Yuxin, but now, he felt less sure about it. Yang Yuxin looked at Su Chen seriously, but a teasing glint in her eyes suggested some hidden agenda.

Of course, she wasn't afraid of Su Chen lying. As far as she was concerned, he had no secrets from her anymore. "First and foremost," she began, "who is the woman you like the most?" 

Upon hearing this, Su Chen was utterly taken aback. 'My favorite woman? How is that related to the case? Could Yang Yuxin be abusing her power for personal gain?' he thought. "This has nothing to do with the case. I refuse to answer!" Su Chen declined outright.

He felt deeply disappointed, not expecting such an irrelevant question from Yang Yuxin. But the assertive Yang Yuxin wasn't about to let Su Chen have his way. 

"Answer quickly. Haven't you noticed there are no cameras here? If you don't cooperate, I can't guarantee what might happen to you next!"

Confronted with Yang Yuxin's threats, Su Chen genuinely began to fear her, especially seeing the intense greed in her eyes. He was genuinely concerned about what Yang Yuxin might impulsively do with him in this setting. Yang Yuxin was no Su Xian'er. Su Chen had learned his lesson before; any misstep, and everything could reset. All his efforts would go to waste.

"Lin Qingyan!" Su Chen declared with certainty. He thought, 'Might as well answer. My character is designed to be in love with Lin Qingyan anyway.' Su Chen was indeed fearful of Yang Yuxin getting jealous. Because he understood Yang Yuxin so well, the more he acted this way, the more she would become infatuated with him, trying relentlessly to win his affection.

"Do you truly like Lin Qingyan?" she asked. "Of course, everyone in the world knows it, except for you. Even if my mother liked you, it would be pointless. I will never fall for you," retorted Su Chen.

[It's been a while since I last saw Lin Qingyan. Even though I'm not particularly interested in her, she is undeniably beautiful. I must admit, the feel of her legs is quite nice.] 

[It's also been a long time since I touched Yang Yuxin's legs. I wonder which one feels better?']

Yang Yuxin clenched her fists tightly. "You little rascal, I will definitely teach you a lesson today!" Yang Yuxin declared angrily, slapping the table so hard it developed a noticeable crack. Su Chen's heart raced with fear, thinking, 'Do all these female leads also have a system backing them? Why have they all become so terrifying?'

This was the pinnacle of martial arts. Su Chen lifted his head and saw Yang Yuxin approaching him step by step. He was taken aback for a moment. "What are you trying to do?" Su Chen felt that Yang Yuxin was dangerous at that moment, and a momentary lapse in attention might lead to a disaster.

Under the illumination of the lights, Yang Yuxin gracefully reached Su Chen's side. Her movements were fluid and enticing, with a delicate sway of her slender waist and a gentle twist of her hips. Her eyes were filled with fury, but her facial expression was captivating. The blush on her pretty face hinted at a mixture of shyness and flirtation. 

"Don't speak, touch me!" Yang Yuxin ordered, her face flushed and her beautiful eyes glaring at Su Chen in anger.

Su Chen was completely stunned, unsure of how to respond. 'Has Yang Yuxin gone mad? Can't she show some restraint? I don't even know how to deal with this situation now.' Su Chen did have some thoughts, but he quickly suppressed them. 

After all, Yang Yuxin was one of the main female characters. To touch her without reason might not be appropriate. Of course, Su Chen was still afraid. Yang Yuxin's abilities were formidable. He wondered if this might be a trap she had set. If he dared to touch her, she might explode in anger and seriously injure him on the spot.

Although Su Chen was confident he could defeat Yang Yuxin, he generally refrained from raising a hand against women, unless it was in intimate situations. However, such thoughts were quickly dismissed by Su Chen as a more alarming idea occurred to him: if he touched her, wouldn't he be giving Yang Yuxin an opportunity to possess him? By then, whatever he said would be futile. Especially when he thought of Chen Qing. Su Chen could already anticipate what his mother would likely say. 

[No way, I mustn't touch her, no matter what!]

Yang Yuxin furrowed her brows. Every word that Su Chen had just spoken replayed in her mind. Unable to contain herself any longer, Yang Yuxin took Su Chen's hand and placed it on her smooth thigh. Su Chen, feeling the touch, wanted to exclaim just how amazing it felt. 

Yang Yuxin's skin was incredibly soft. Su Chen thought, since he had already touched her, he shouldn't let go easily. He had to take this opportunity to make Yang Yuxin feel disgusted and to let her truly see the image of Su Chen as a debauched young master. Su Chen's hand explored further, behaving like an extremely lecherous person.

Not only this, in order to cultivate his perverse persona, Su Chen's eyes were filled with excitement, and he muttered to himself, Not bad, not bad. If she wore lolita-style white stockings, it would look even better. A maid look wouldn't be bad either.

Though Su Chen seemed to be spouting nonsense, he was actually expressing his inner thoughts, making Yang Yuxin see the depravity of this wastrel young master.

[One must admit, the feel of Yang Yuxin's skin is quite nice, perhaps even better than Lin Qingyan's, oh how I miss it!]

Upon hearing this, Yang Yuxin's delicate body shuddered, and her alluring face turned red in an instant.

Her eyes were filled with joy. 'Look at you, little puppy; why shouldn't I tease you at will? Mine are definitely more fun than Lin Qingyan's.' 

Yang Yuxin smirked triumphantly, then, blushing, returned to her seat and stared at Su Chen with evident delight. The moment he lost the sensation in his hand, Su Chen felt a void in his heart, exhaling a sigh of disappointment. 'What a pity, I haven't had enough fun yet.' 

Immediately after, Su Chen's gaze uncontrollably wandered over Yang Yuxin's body. Sensing Su Chen's unintentionally intense gaze, Yang Yuxin's face turned even redder. Almost reflexively, she extended her tempting long legs in front of Su Chen, as if challenging him: 'If you dare, do more than just touch!' "

At that moment, Yang Yuxin could hear her own heart thudding wildly, her face displaying a mix of daze and anxiety. Especially in a place like the interrogation room, she felt a thrilling mix of anticipation and fear. However, she really enjoyed Su Chen's malicious stares. 'Who would have thought Su Chen was such a lecherous man?' 

Yang Yuxin giggled. 'It seems I've found the way to completely conquer Su Chen. Lin Qingyan, Qu Xiaoqi, or that old woman, all of you can come at me. 

At this moment, Yang Yuxin no longer maintained her cool policewoman facade and seemed more like a young girl in love. Of course, she also noted everything Su Chen had said earlier. 'So, he likes uniforms? That's easy.'

Yang Yuxin displayed a satisfied smile. At this moment, Su Chen also came to his senses. "Yang Yuxin, have you had enough? I don't have time to chat with you here."

Su Chen realized that Yang Yuxin's moods were quite unpredictable. Even when he acted out of line, it seemed like she didn't notice, or even appeared to be pleased. However, when he did nothing, she behaved as if she had taken the wrong medication.

Su Chen felt this woman was too dangerous. He couldn't spend too much time with her; the consequences would be grave. "Who said there's no problem?" Yang Yuxin's lips curled up, "Just so you know, you can't leave easily today."

"Do you know which song I like the most?" Yang Yuxin stared at Su Chen, wanting to see if he truly understood her. 

"I don't know!" Su Chen replied, uninterested.

She glared at him angrily and then removed her uniform jacket. 

"Sorry, I love you," Su Chen said with clear reluctance. 

Yang Yuxin nodded, smiled happily, and asked expectantly, "Can you sing it for me?"

"Get lost!"

Su Chen thought to himself, sensing this wasn't a good sign. Yang Yuxin already liked him enough; if he sang for her, he feared she might act impulsively. And she was the devil when impulsive.

Su Chen was puzzled. Yang Yuxin was originally a shy girl; how did she become like this? "Sing one for me," Yang Yuxin persisted, having her own little thoughts. 

"I won't sing. Go away, or I'll hit you hard." 

"Please, just one song."

An abnormal flush appeared on Yang Yuxin's face, her eyes shining bright. Damn it, this woman is beyond help. Su Chen almost forgot that she likes it when someone scolds her, being strictly stern with her.

"What's the current status with your sister's engagement?" Su Chen changed the topic, intending to steer the conversation towards Yang Danxuan. "The engagement's been called off. It's none of my business anyway. Suddenly, my sister didn't like Qin Yu. He's a disgrace. With my sister's discernment, she definitely wouldn't like someone like him."

A murderous glint flashed in Yang Yuxin's eyes, clearly showing her immense dissatisfaction towards Qin Yu, yet at the same time, she felt fortunate. In the past, she had considered giving up on Su Chen, thinking his playboy image wasn't worth her attention. She even thought about arresting him. Now, every time she thinks of it, she feels a chill. If it weren't for hearing Su Chen's true feelings, wouldn't she have missed out on him and instead tried to please a scumbag like Qin Yu?

Her current feelings for Qin Yu were only disgust, primarily because of her sister, Yang Danxuan. From Su Chen's feelings, she learned that the bastard Qin Yu even dared to harbor intentions towards her sister. The mere thought of this made Yang Yuxin extremely nauseous. To be honest, she was genuinely afraid that her sister might be deceived by Qin Yu's ugly face. Moreover, Qin Yu's primary objective was the Yang family's assets.

It's simply infuriating. Comparing Su Chen's words, he is better than Qin Yu in every possible way. Whenever Yang Yuxin thinks of Su Chen, she can't help but want to smile.

However, seeing this, Su Chen instantly became extremely angry. "Yang Yuxin, what do you mean? You look so happy hearing about Yang Danxuan breaking off her engagement with Qin Yu. You don't like that bastard, do you?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Yang Yuxin quickly denied, "How could I? I would never like someone like him." She became somewhat flustered, fearing that Su Chen might misunderstand, and quickly approached to wrap her arms around Su Chen's arm. "I'm just happy that my sister could break off her engagement with such a bastard. I won't let anyone with bad intentions towards my sister get away with it." With her face reddening, she added, "Of course, I only like you."

Su Chen was uncertain whether to be happy or sad about this. No, this is actually an issue inherited from the original character setting. "Yang Yuxin, have you forgotten how you used to despise me, the playboy young master?" 

Wanting to provoke her, Su Chen continued, "Now that your sister broke off her engagement with Qin Yu, I might have a chance! Yang Danxuan is really good looking." 

Aren't you overly protective of your sister? In the original story, Yang Danxuan wouldn't get hurt at all. Now that I'm saying this, you should be angry, right? Remember what you said earlier.

"Do you want my sister?" Yang Yuxin took the initiative to place Su Chen's hand on her fragrant shoulder, then embraced him and leaned into his ear. Her moist lips kissed him softly.

"How about I help you drug her?"

Su Chen was taken aback. He stared at Yang Yuxin in disbelief. Yang Yuxin, thinking Su Chen didn't believe her, immediately explained, "Here's the deal with Yang Danxuan: first, you sleep with her, and then she'll whisper sweet nothings in your ear and agree to your advances."

Initially, Yang Yuxin was worried that her sister, Yang Danxuan, might vie with her for Su Chen's affections. However, upon reflection, Su Chen was an impeccable man. If Yang Danxuan could also be with Su Chen, Yang Yuxin would be alright with it. It would be much less troubling than Yang Danxuan ending up with someone with nefarious intentions.

The most crucial point became clear to Yang Yuxin. She wasn't the only one who could hear Su Chen's inner voice. There were many others, and Qu Xiaoqi was one of them. Whenever she thought of Qu Xiaoqi's sly expression, Yang Yuxin would become incredibly angry.

There were too many women attracted to Su Chen, and they were all so exceptional. With Su Chen being a bit of a playboy, how could he possibly resist them all? Hence, Yang Yuxin thought she needed to find some allies. Yang Danxuan was her target.

However, her words made Su Chen seriously question his life. He stared blankly at Yang Yuxin, some words stuck in his throat that he couldn't voice. 

Yang Yuxin wasn't angry and just smiled, saying, "I'm not mad. I don't mind."

In his heart, Su Chen exclaimed, My goodness, this woman has gone mad! There's no way it's this simple. Could it be that from the beginning, Yang Yuxin never really liked me?

Is her goal to make him pursue Yang Danxuan so that she could be with the male lead, Qin Yu, and fly high with him?

[Come to think of it, Yang Danxuan indeed seems like a great woman, and she is Qin Yu's favorite female lead. If I could have her, it would be like soaring in the skies.]

[Hehe, I now have three days where I can play around. By then, I will truly portray the role of a spoiled young master, sleeping with them and even taking photos and videos.]

[I'm starting to doubt if Yang Yuxin truly likes me now.]

[In our past life, you were very cautious, ensuring I never had the chance to find a mistress. Unfortunately, even though you were good at catching criminals, you were terrible at catching mistresses.]

While Su Chen's mind was still wandering with these thoughts, he suddenly felt a terrifying force on his neck, moving his body forward. Immediately after, a fragrant scent approached him, and Yang Yuxin's delicate features were close to his face. Her straight and beautiful nose seemed to flutter slightly, and below that nose was a cherry-like mouth. The well-defined lips were plump and rosy, resembling ripe cherries ready to be plucked.

Before Su Chen could react, he felt something blocking his mouth. A familiar sensation returned. Su Chen's eyes widened as a warm, fragrant aroma enveloped him.

Oh my God, what has entered?

She's gone mad, the female lead has gone mad.

Yang Yuxin's wild actions left Su Chen speechless.