She's Pregnant? Meeting the Parents?

At the time, Su Chen was truly terrified. Lin Qingyan, a delicate beauty, can be described as a perfect existence. If such a woman undresses on the bed after getting drunk, and outsiders see it, Su Chen knows that no explanation would suffice.

After Lin Qingyan playfully pouted, she suddenly locked eyes with Su Chen. Looking into his calm eyes, Lin Qingyan felt a hint of shyness and lowered her head. Including their past life, she had known Su Chen for over a decade, but they had never deeply connected as they did now. Yet, from Su Chen, Lin Qingyan felt a profound sense of security. Of course, Lin Qingyan also recognized that Su Chen was highly capable; otherwise, he wouldn't have crafted such grand plans.

"Su Chen, I'm sorry. I rarely drink, so I get drunk easily," Lin Qingyan explained, her face blushing. She didn't realize what she had done after getting drunk, but even if she did, she might not care. There were countless criticisms of her from the outside world. But deep down, she felt she needed to explain things to Su Chen.

Hearing this, Su Chen blurted out, "Understood. Next time, you should drink more."

"What?" Lin Qingyan looked at Su Chen, confusion evident in her eyes. 

"You trust my character, right? I'm not the kind of man to take advantage of a situation."

Lin Qingyan's eyes widened. She felt that Su Chen's eyes were telling her something wasn't right. Did something happen while she was drunk? Lin Qingyan became curious. However, she knew that asking Su Chen wouldn't yield any answers. Fortunately, she had a recording device in the living room.

"Su Chen, please leave for now. I need to change," Lin Qingyan said as she gently pushed him out.

Bang! Lin Qingyan locked the door behind her. The loud noise brought Su Chen back to his senses. He wondered if Lin Qingyan was doing this intentionally. Everyone in Kyoto knew he was a notorious young master who had wronged many innocent girls. And now, they were under the same roof. How could Lin Qingyan dare to change her clothes in front of him?

He smirked, thinking, did she believe that door would stop him? But truly, Su Chen didn't dare to barge in. He decided to wait downstairs.

After making sure Su Chen had left, Lin Qingyan cautiously took out a Bluetooth earpiece and began listening to what had happened. "Su Chen, you're the first and the last man I loved." "I want to hug, to kiss." "If you want to touch, touch properly!" The more she listened, the redder her face became, and she looked utterly incredulous. After getting drunk, she was hugging and kissing? Even stripping? Lin Qingyan quickly checked her clothes but found no signs of impropriety. She felt discontented.

After a while, having changed and taken a bath, Lin Qingyan entered the living room to find that Su Chen had prepared a variety of delicacies. "After drinking, you must be hungry. Have some tofu pudding," he suggested.

"Okay." Lin Qingyan gracefully sat opposite Su Chen, taking small sips of the tofu pudding. As Su Chen watched, he never imagined that Lin Qingyan, an unapproachable woman in the eyes of others, would now seem like a child enjoying candy, her face lit up with a sweet smile. He was puzzled as to why Lin Qingyan loved tofu pudding so much, considering she had even bought it to drink at home. The white, steaming tofu pudding, topped with a spoonful of sugar, emitted a sweet fragrance. 

Su Chen inhaled deeply. Hungry as he was, he quickly finished it all. Lin Qingyan, on the other hand, maintained her ladylike demeanor, elegantly scooping a spoonful of tofu pudding, topped with sugar, into her mouth. The smooth texture of the pudding combined with the sweetness of the sugar exploded on her taste buds. 

She closed her eyes in enjoyment, nodding slightly, "This white tofu pudding is delicious!" 

Su Chen tried hard not to laugh.

"Let's head to the banquet soon!" Lin Qingyan, wiping away the residue from the corner of her mouth, smiled at Su Chen.

"Damn, you remember?" Su Chen was somewhat surprised. He thought this matter would be just a passing comment, but Lin Qingyan still remembered it.

"Of course, I have a good memory. Don't think I'd forget just because I was drunk." There was a tenderness and playfulness in Lin Qingyan's voice that she hadn't even realized.

"You mean you remember everything that happened after you got drunk?" Su Chen almost burst into laughter.

When Lin Qingyan was drunk, she was truly like a child, directly "climbing" onto him. At that moment, everything went black before Su Chen's eyes. The best way to describe his feeling was utter bewilderment.


Lin Qingyan looked up in astonishment, noticing the mischievous smile on Su Chen's lips. Her fair neck instantly flushed red.

That damn Su Chen, he's probably thinking about what happened when I was drunk.

Seeing Lin Qingyan's blushing cheeks, Su Chen couldn't help but tease her. "Maybe I shouldn't go. I'm just an outsider, after all. Maybe it's best I don't attend the banquet."

"No way, you promised to go!" Lin Qingyan reached out and grabbed Su Chen's hand.

So soft. Su Chen thought, no wonder they say a woman's hand reflects her beauty.

Of course, he was willing to go to the banquet. Because Su Chen already had a plan in mind. And it was a flawless one. He was entirely confident that Qin Yu, the male lead, would appear at the banquet. Wherever there was a disturbance, he would show up. Moreover, Su Chen still needed Su Xian'er's help. He believed that she wouldn't have the courage to refuse him now.

Though he planned to attend the banquet, Su Chen wasn't just going to agree so easily; he wanted to annoy Lin Qingyan a bit first. Build up some antagonism.

"Let me think about it," Su Chen said.

"Su Chen, you can't go back on your word!" Lin Qingyan pouted. "The banquet is about to start; there's no time to think."

Su Chen looked at her fair face, "If I'm going to go, there has to be some incentive, right?" After saying this, he reached out and playfully pinched her soft cheek without waiting for her consent.

Su Chen felt confident to do so because he had noticed that certain actions were permissible when Lin Qingyan was asleep. Moreover, he thought this would make Lin Qingyan dislike him more, which suited his purposes. After gaining a little leverage, he wanted to tease Lin Qingyan even more: pinch her face, her waist.

"Su Chen, what are you trying to do?" "Let go, or I'll ignore you!" Lin Qingyan's eyes widened in surprise.

She never imagined that Su Chen would dare to touch her like this, treating her like some delicate maiden.

Her voice, cold and authoritative, implied resistance was futile. If this were the Su Chen from the original story, he certainly wouldn't have dared to act this way. But the current Su Chen wasn't afraid in the slightest. Especially upon hearing that Lin Qingyan might get angry, it only emboldened him further.

Of course, Su Chen was now struggling to control himself. Lin Qingyan, with her puffed-up cheeks, looked incredibly adorable, completely different from her usual unapproachable CEO demeanor.

What a treat.

Seeing her now, Su Chen felt even more exhilarated, and a bolder idea crossed his mind. In his past life, he'd enjoyed certain genres of fiction where innocent girls were often playfully teased by the male lead. The idea of treating Lin Qingyan in a similar manner was tempting.

But would that be disrespectful?

If it were Su Xian'er or Yang Yuxin in front of him, he would have acted without hesitation. With Lin Qingyan, however, he wasn't as familiar. Moreover, she was a potentially dangerous figure.

Yet, he still couldn't resist trying.

It felt amazing to imagine treating the lead female character and the prestigious CEO like an old childhood friend.

But Su Chen reminded himself that he was a gentleman. Everything was for the mission.

At this moment, Lin Qingyan realized Su Chen had no intention of releasing his hold on her face. Not wanting to get angry, fearing that Su Chen might leave, she pondered her options. If she lost this chance to be with Su Chen, what would be the point of her reincarnation?

However, Su Chen's actions made her extremely uncomfortable. To appease him, Lin Qingyan decided to be more accommodating.

Using a soft, coquettish voice, she said, "Su Chen, stop pinching my face. Let go."

Hoping that her gentle voice would persuade him, Lin Qingyan believed this tactic would work. After all, this method often succeeded for women in the TV shows.

Though it was a good plan in theory, reality was more ruthless. Lin Qingyan underestimated her own allure. Her sweet voice only piqued Su Chen's interest further.

"Wife, since we're preparing for our wedding, it should be okay if I touch your face, right?"

Su Chen's way of addressing her had changed. Then, he reached out to touch Lin Qingyan's beautiful face, placing both his hands on her cheeks.

Su Chen was confident that with this two-pronged approach, Lin Qingyan would have no reason not to get angry. 


Lin Qingyan had hoped her coquettish act would work, but she didn't expect Su Chen to become even bolder. She wanted to push his hand away, but she remembered what Su Chen had just said.

Yes, tonight, she was going to announce her marriage to Su Chen in front of everyone. They would be husband and wife in the future. She really had no reason to refuse.

Seeing Lin Qingyan silent, Su Chen thought this was a prelude to an explosion, so he increased his force, kneading her beautiful face like one would with a small kitten. But after a while, she still hadn't reacted.

Su Chen decided to push a bit further, his hand slowly sliding to her fair, delicate neck. He didn't dare to go any further, realizing that Lin Qingyan seemed genuinely indifferent. This wasn't going well for him.

Finally, Su Chen let go, cleared his throat, and said, "It's getting late. Let's head to the banquet."

The once audacious Su Chen was now very cautious. Lin Qingyan's tense body relaxed as soon as she felt Su Chen's warm, solid hands leave her skin.

She had initially wanted to speak to Su Chen sternly, but seeing his change of attitude almost made her burst into laughter. What a coward, he was so bold just now and chickened out in the end. And it's not like she hadn't agreed.

Her face was very red, perhaps because of Su Chen's touch. She sat on the chair and noticed that Su Chen's gaze was elsewhere, lost in thought.

She got angry. After all, Su Chen had just taken advantage of her, and now he was acting as if nothing had happened.

"Su Chen, what are you looking at? What are you thinking?" She had just been taken advantage of by him, and now he was daydreaming.

She's furious, absolutely furious. Seeing Lin Qingyan's frown, Su Chen was a bit startled. He had been having some naughty thoughts, so he assumed Lin Qingyan had caught on and was angry.

Happy with this assumption, Su Chen decided to continue with his line of thinking. "Looking at your beautiful face, I just wanted to give it a gentle kiss. It must feel soft."

Having said this, Su Chen realized he might have sounded a bit sleazy. But it's okay, the more he behaves like this, the more Lin Qingyan will despise him. However, his words left Lin Qingyan stunned. She had never expected him to answer like that, making her momentarily unsure of how to react.

She didn't expect Su Chen to flirt with her so boldly. With dissatisfaction in her eyes, she retorted, "Su Chen, stop with the sweet talk. I'm trying to discuss something serious with you!"

"Are you angry?" Su Chen asked cautiously, genuinely unsure.

To him, Lin Qingyan looked upset, very much like how Yang Yuxin looked when she was jealous. Lin Qingyan assumed her aloof demeanor and coldly stared at Su Chen.

"What do you think?" 

Su Chen was flabbergasted, wondering how he could possibly know what she was thinking.

Probing further, Su Chen said, "Surely you're not angry? In my eyes, Lin Qingyan is like a goddess. She doesn't get angry."

Although Lin Qingyan was pleased with Su Chen's words, she responded with a feigned pout, "Yes, I am angry."

Su Chen was elated. He had been waiting for her to say this for a long time. In this life, he hadn't had a good night's sleep. Every night, women like Zhao Menghan and Chen Yuxin would climb into his bed. Not one of the female leads was normal until he met Lin Qingyan.

His efforts had finally paid off; the lead female character was finally angry. Su Chen braced himself for a beating. After all, her strength shouldn't be as formidable as Su Xian'er's.

Even though getting beaten up wasn't ideal.

Recalling the comforting sensation from pinching Lin Qingyan's soft cheeks earlier, Su Chen immediately felt like he had gained something. Damn, this woman really is trouble. Just pinching her face felt so amazing. 

As Su Chen's gaze lingered, Lin Qingyan's expression grew more and more unamused. She stared furiously at him, her eyes gleaming with a murderous intent. 

"Su Chen, I am really angry now," she asserted, her tone indicating a very clear subtext: 

"Comfort me, and later, you can do whatever you want."

Panicking, Su Chen replied, "Considering we just fondled each other, you shouldn't be this upset. If you're not pleased, feel free to hit me!" 

Lin Qingyan was taken aback. "When did I ever say I was unhappy? Can't you see I'm just trying to be cute here? Coddle me! You fool."

"It's okay. Let's attend the banquet," Lin Qingyan said with a huff. 

"What?" Su Chen replied, bewildered, as he glanced awkwardly at her. 

"What do you mean by 'what'? Do you expect me to kiss you before you decide to go?" 

To be honest, Lin Qingyan felt like biting Su Chen at that moment to vent her frustration.

But as Lin Qingyan saw the silhouette of Su Chen's retreating back, she felt a strange attraction to him. Lin Qingyan, what's gotten into you? You can't be like this! 

Even though she truly fancied Su Chen, she wasn't about to admit it so easily. 

Meanwhile, Jiang Yu, who had been waiting downstairs, felt that waiting wasn't helping, so she decided to peek upstairs. After all, they had been there for five hours. What could they possibly be doing for so long?

But as she was lost in thought, she was suddenly taken aback. Both Su Chen and Lin Qingyan appeared, with Lin Qingyan walking behind him. This was an unimaginable scene for Jiang Yu, knowing Lin Qingyan's domineering nature. 

The only explanation was that she had fallen for Su Chen. Observing closely, Su Chen seemed very pleased, and Lin Qingyan's flushed cheeks hadn't faded. All of this was apparent to Jiang Yu, who was utterly dumbfounded.

Had Su Chen and Lin Qingyan really...? Within those five hours? Lin Qingyan's flushed appearance reminded Jiang Yu of a woman's demeanor after being newlywed. But this woman was seen as a goddess by many. Jiang Yu, being Lin Qingyan's close friend, was aware of the relationship dynamics between her and Su Chen. So, what circumstances made them pretend to be enemies in front of the world?

Racking her brains and inspired by romantic dramas, Jiang Yu started to imagine all sorts of scenarios. Meanwhile, Lin Qingyan, looking through the window, noticed the surprised yet mischievously smiling Jiang Yu. She instantly realized that her best friend had gotten the wrong idea. As memories of the recent events flooded back, her face reddened even more.

"Damn it, there's definitely something going on," thought Jiang Yu. "Lin Qingyan, this sneaky woman, has even kept secrets from me. I wonder what other secrets they have. Could they possibly have a child?" She knew that tonight was the grand banquet at the Lin household. 

Now, Lin Qingyan was going to take Su Chen home to meet her parents.