Your cheeks are flushed like a rosy teapot

The Lin family.

"President, Young Master Su, we have arrived." Throughout the journey, Jiang Yu was filled with questions. Now that they've finally reached the Lin residence, she was incredibly eager to witness the day's unfolding events.

Su Chen awakened from his pleasant nap. It must be said that he had dozed off rather quickly, comfortably resting on Lin Qingyan's soft and fragrantly enticing body. After Su Chen stepped out of the car, Lin Qingyan followed suit.

However, due to being used as a pillow by Su Chen for quite some time, her thigh felt somewhat sore. Although it wasn't a severe issue, it made her walk with a slight limp. Lin Qingyan was always the center of attention, and seeing her in this state, Jiang Yu's imagination began to run wild.

She thought, "Young Master Su is indeed remarkable, making it so hard for Lin Qingyan to even walk." Yet, she didn't dare to voice her thoughts. After all, they were now on Lin family territory, and in such a prominent family, it was wise to speak less, or the consequences might be dire.

Jiang Yu kept silent, but there were others in the Lin family who disapproved of Lin Qingyan's actions. "Young Master Su is here too? Cousin, why didn't you notify us when you decided to bring your fiancé home?" At that moment, a young woman resembling Lin Qingyan approached.

Su Chen gazed at the woman. She appeared to be in her early twenties, and her beautiful face radiated youthfulness. However, unlike Lin Qingyan's gentle charm, this woman had a more provocative allure and looked incredibly seductive despite her youth.

For a moment, Su Chen was taken aback, recognizing the woman in front of him. It was Shen Zhiran, Lin Qingyan's cousin. In the original story, she was a female antagonist. Despite being related to Lin Qingyan, she repeatedly schemed against her due to jealousy.

Ultimately, with the help of the male lead, Qin Yu, Lin Qingyan defeated Shen Zhiran. Shen Zhiran was incredibly envious of Lin Qingyan. In the eyes of many, Lin Qingyan was the pride of the Lin family, single-handedly bringing billions in wealth to the family.

However, in Shen Zhiran's perspective, Lin Qingyan simply seduced Su Chen to gain his support. She was naturally discontented, believing that if she could gain the support of the Su family, she could achieve everything that Lin Qingyan had. Su Chen had a deep impression of her; she had always tried to lure him.

But of course, Su Chen was too preoccupied with his games and affairs to pay her any attention. And later, when he realized the main female character was not to be trifled with, he didn't provoke Shen Zhiran. Because, at present, Shen Zhiran was indeed very capable.

If she received even the slightest external assistance, Lin Qingyan might not be able to best her. Seeing that neither Lin Qingyan nor Su Chen responded, Shen Zhiran continued with her sarcastic remarks:

"What's the matter? Do you feel embarrassed about bringing your fiancé home, dear cousin?" "You really don't know how blessed you are!" "Wait, you seemed unstable while walking earlier; did something happen between you and Young Master Su?"

Shen Zhiran's voice was melodious, but there was a hidden threat behind her words. Su Chen couldn't help but exclaim internally, noting the stark contrast between the two women, each embodying different styles.

Surprisingly, Lin Qingyan didn't react angrily to Shen Zhiran's mockery; instead, she blushed instantly. "Don't talk nonsense, we haven't reached that kind of relationship yet."

Su Chen was taken aback immediately. "Damn, this isn't what I had in mind at all!" "Why are you blushing like a boiling teapot!"

With everyone mocking like that, won't you refute? This might lead to misunderstandings; there's nothing between us! A chill ran down Su Chen's spine, fearing that Lin Qingyan would suddenly announce, "I'm pregnant with Su Chen's child."

Shen Zhiran looked at Lin Qingyan's flushed face, equally astonished. She had deliberately made those comments earlier, intending to provoke Lin Qingyan. She knew Lin Qingyan very well, having regarded her as a rival since childhood.

Lin Qingyan would never get involved with someone like Young Master Su. But what she didn't know was that Jiang Yu thought the same way. The more she thought like this, the more Shen Zhiran looked down on Lin Qingyan, believing she just wanted to retain the protection of the Su family.

What the public said about the aloof lady was merely a joke. "Hello, I'm Su Chen. Pleased to meet you." Without waiting for Shen Zhiran's consent, Su Chen held her delicate hand and even took the opportunity to feel it a few times.

Shen Zhiran frowned slightly, but her eyes quickly gleamed with delight. She glanced at Lin Qingyan with a triumphant look, concluding that Su Chen indeed had a lecherous nature.

With the Su family's assistance, Lin Qingyan had it all, making Shen Zhiran incredibly envious. Thus, she had also researched Su Chen, hoping to tempt him with beauty. However, after deep research, she uncovered a shocking secret.

Although Young Master Su had a notorious reputation, the investigation results showed that he had never forced any girl, and he rarely appeared in such disreputable places. So, Shen Zhiran abandoned her plan to seduce Su Chen, but when they met, she saw the suggestive look in Su Chen's eyes and actions.

She was elated, realizing she had a good chance with Su Chen. "Enough! How long do you two plan on holding hands?" Lin Qingyan noticed Shen Zhiran's malicious actions and was visibly displeased. "Su Chen, let's go inside."

With that, an annoyed Lin Qingyan forcefully grabbed Su Chen's arm and pulled him into the Lin residence. Su Chen was thrilled. He had intentionally tried to take advantage of Shen Zhiran, knowing she wouldn't refuse.

Shen Zhiran was a threat to Lin Qingyan's position in the Lin family. So, regardless of Lin Qingyan's thoughts, seeing him with Shen Zhiran would surely reduce his image in Lin Qingyan's eyes. "Su Chen, stay away from that Shen Zhiran," Lin Qingyan whispered in Su Chen's ear.

"Why?" Su Chen feigned ignorance. "There's no particular reason, just don't," Lin Qingyan was not worried that Shen Zhiran would threaten her position in the Lin family.

She was simply jealous. The moment she realized this, her beautiful face became incredibly flushed.

Shen Zhiran curiously stared at the departing figures of the two. "Does Lin Qingyan genuinely like Su Chen? What's happening? I felt that Su Chen doesn't seem to like Lin Qingyan as much. If this is the case, can I still succeed?" Now, Shen Zhiran felt somewhat disappointed.

Earlier, Su Chen's actions seemed like an opportunity for her, but now Lin Qingyan snatched it away once more. In Shen Zhiran's young heart, a sense of resentment surged. Su Chen, hand in hand with Lin Qingyan, headed deeper into the Lin family courtyard.

The Lin family courtyard resembled an ancient quadrangle, looking very grand. While the Lin family's power wasn't particularly strong, their reputation was immense. This event was to celebrate the 90th birthday of the Lin family's eldest member. The celebration was grand, especially with the Lin family's growing list of business partners over the years, making the banquet even more special.

Naturally, powerful families like the 'Top Ten Families' wouldn't give the Lin family any face. In the original story, Su Chen didn't attend, but the male lead, Qin Yu, did. And during the banquet, he stole the limelight, getting acquainted with several tycoons, no less influential than those from the capital.

Indeed, the Lin family was quite ambitious; they wanted to drag the metropolitan superpowers into the chaotic scene in the capital. Of course, in the original narrative, it all benefited Qin Yu. Eventually, the Lin family fell into Qin Yu's hands.

"Wait here for me; I'll be right back," Lin Qingyan didn't intend to let the members of the Lin family see Su Chen just yet. Instead, she wanted to announce it in front of everyone when the banquet truly began.

Su Chen nodded in agreement, wishing for Lin Qingyan to keep her distance. This woman was somewhat dangerous, even if she was entertaining to be around. Lin Qingyan walked joyfully into the Lin family's backyard. By now, many people had already gathered.

All of them were the direct descendants of the Lin family, and each held significant influence. Among them was an elder with snow-white hair, looking spirited. Holding a cane with a dragon head, his solemn face was hard to look directly at. This was the Lin family's elderly patriarch. He transformed the Lin family, once a nonentity in the capital, into the superpower it is today.

"Grandpa!" As soon as Lin Qingyan entered, she greeted him respectfully. With Lin Qingyan's arrival, the stern face of the old patriarch relaxed.

"Qingyan, you're here. I've been waiting for you for a long time. After my 90th birthday, you should take over the Lin family."

Before Lin Qingyan could reply, some family members around them grew restless. They hurriedly stood up, "Elder, this isn't appropriate. After all, Qingyan is a woman and will marry someday." "Plus, she's already engaged to Su Chen!"

"Su Chen?" The old patriarch snorted coldly. "I have the final say in this matter. All of you, be quiet!" The old patriarch's deep eyes seemed to be contemplating something significant.

Years ago, he reluctantly arranged for Lin Qingyan to be engaged to Su Chen, not just for the assistance of the Su family. The bigger reason was to give Lin Qingyan a powerful backing. Among the current generation of the Lin family, there was a glaring lack of competent individuals, except for Lin Qingyan. As expected, once Lin Qingyan gradually took control of the family's assets, the Lin family's strength surged dramatically.

What he hadn't expected was for the centuries-old Su family to produce a wastrel like Su Chen. He wouldn't mind if Lin Qingyan liked Su Chen, but her constant disdain for him was evident. This made him consider finding another supporter for Lin Qingyan, and now, a perfect candidate seemed available.

The grand banquet hosted by the elderly Lin patriarch had a primary purpose, aside from its obvious intent. In reality, he wanted to help Lin Qingyan dissolve her engagement. Meanwhile, Su Chen, feeling a bit bored, began admiring the surrounding scenery.

The reason he didn't resort to his phone was the underdeveloped state of the internet in this world, notably the absence of trending short videos. With no need for money and no time to spare, he focused on the present. Spotting an intricately beautiful pebble on the ground, he crouched to examine it closely.

"What are you doing?" A soft yet raspy voice questioned. Intrigued by the voice, Su Chen didn't immediately look up but instead slowly shifted his gaze upwards. Crystal white shoes paired with black stockings leading to a skirt. The woman had captivating eyes and a delicate collarbone that seemed to draw men's attention.

Su Chen was genuinely surprised; not many women could catch his eye nowadays. The lady's charisma made it hard for him to pinpoint her age; she could be a youthful 25 or a radiant 30. Su Chen scrutinized the woman from head to toe, realizing he hadn't seen her before. Given her aura and the exclusive location, she wasn't just anyone.

His sudden sense of unfamiliarity made Su Chen slightly anxious.

"How long do you plan on staring?" The woman seemed slightly irritated.

"Hey beautiful, how about hanging out with me tonight? I promise you a time you won't forget," Su Chen thought such a gorgeous woman must be one of the main female characters. Regardless, his first move was to make her dislike him, especially after the unexpected reactions he received from Lin Qingyan.

The woman laughed, not giving Su Chen any significance. "Is this how the Lin family raises its people?" She was genuinely upset, never expecting to be disrespected in the Lin household. "Believe it or not, you'll pay for your behavior just now."

Hearing this, Su Chen was delighted. 'This is definitely the character setup of a main female lead,' he thought. Though he wasn't sure which primary character she was, it didn't matter. "If you're against me, you're my friend," he mused.


Su Chen chuckled coldly, "I do enjoy paying the price." With that, he reached out, grabbing the woman's fair wrist, even daring to caress it briefly. The woman immediately furrowed her brows, anger burning in her eyes.

She was about to slap Su Chen with her free hand when she suddenly felt a warmth flowing from Su Chen's palm into her body. For a moment, she felt drained of strength. Despair was evident on her face.

However, not long after, she realized her body was undergoing a terrifying transformation. Her name was Chen Tong. Once, in a different realm, she had trained to become the most powerful empress.

To return to her homeland, she had abandoned her cultivated power. Yet, she believed that as long as she lived, she could regain her peak strength. However, she found the atmosphere of this planet unexpectedly toxic. Ordinary individuals couldn't detect it, but as someone who practiced cultivation, she was acutely aware.

It seemed the oxygen contained a potent toxin. Her years of training had caused significant damage to her body, and her once-mighty form was now but a shadow of its former self.

Yet, after being touched by the man before her, she felt her body gradually mending. It was beyond her comprehension. She knew the toxicity of this oxygen was immense, something even her at her peak would struggle to purge.

Could it be that this man had effortlessly detoxified her? Was his touch meant to heal her? Chen Tong was taken aback.

What she didn't know was that Su Chen was clueless about the entire situation. Internally, he was cursing. "What kind of ridiculous female lead is this? I was so rude, yet you're still unfazed! Where did that overbearing aura go?" Su Chen was speechless.

He had intentionally held only one of her hands, expecting her to slap him with the other. But after he grabbed her, she froze. "Could it be that she's also smitten by my good looks?" Su Chen thought, "Damn, why are you blushing? Your face is as red as a teapot!"

[System's internal monologue: This is as far as I can go; please derail the storyline soon!]