The Evil Dragon Finally Becomes the Dragon Slayer

"What does that mean?" Su Chen felt a hint of trepidation. He had been deceived by this darn system far too many times. That's why he never dared to use the so-called "antagonist card." It seemed like a trap, just waiting for him to leap in. As expected, Su Chen's suspicions were spot on.

[Antagonist card function: Temporarily seals the antagonist role for three days.]

[Given that aside from the antagonist, there's only the protagonist, the system officially releases the protagonist's plot for the host!]

Su Chen was dumbfounded. Damn it, he knew something was amiss. This dog of a system, not only did it swindle his points, but now it was forcing him into the role of the protagonist's story! He had personally witnessed Qin Yu's fate, which was pitiful. Maybe Qin Yu is still being tormented by Ye Lanxiang? His antagonist script was fine as it was, so why would he act as the protagonist?

The countermovement of Tao. Push anything to the extreme, and it reverses. The dragon slayer eventually becomes the evil dragon. Simply put, it means, stop pretending; I know you're elated now. Su Chen helplessly waved his hand, ultimately resigning himself to the situation. 

"Just to clarify, now that I'm the protagonist, can I do whatever I want with the female lead?"

The final answer Su Chen received was a yes. But before he could even rejoice, the system delivered more devastating news: if he didn't play the protagonist's role well within three days, the plot would reset. Su Chen grew increasingly exasperated. This lifetime, why did the system come up with so many bizarre twists?

Su Chen entered the company. The establishment was incredibly luxurious, boasting numerous high-tech virtual products. This came as a surprise to him. Who would've thought the world of novels had such advanced technology? Moreover, it all belonged to him. This company was initially under the Su family but was now given to Yang Yuxin as part of Chen Qian's grand scheme for a new company. It's undeniable; the treatment afforded to a young master of luxury was unparalleled.

Inside, many were longstanding employees of the Su family. Many could recognize Su Chen. Several approached him with flattery. Su Chen found it quite pleasing. Moreover, there was an office in the company specifically for him, reportedly retained for him by Yang Yuxin. Guided by others, Su Chen arrived at his designated office. 

While listening to someone elaborating various details, a crucial thought struck him, prompting him to ask: "Every big shot has a secretary. Do you guys have one arranged for me?"

The question left everyone present in shock. They hadn't anticipated Su Chen would bring up such a matter. Realizing this oversight in work arrangements, they feared Su Chen would hold it against them.

"After all, Young Master Su has quite the fearsome reputation." However, what they didn't know was that Su Chen was somewhat pleased that they hadn't arranged a secretary for him. A secretary was something he'd surely want to pick based on his preferences. And it had to be a woman, primarily because women tend to be more attentive in their work.

Upon settling into his office, Su Chen was immediately at ease. "Perhaps I should let Su Xian'er rest tonight. Zhao Menghan seems like a good choice; her skills are top-notch." "Chen Yuxin is also impressive; she perfectly embodies that mature charm." Su Chen felt the weight of indecision. Perhaps, he thought, he could just choose both when the time comes.

Ding! Amidst his swirling thoughts, the system chimed again. It had delivered a new script. The protagonist's script. Su Chen paused in surprise because he realized this didn't seem much different from the antagonist's plot. No wonder it's called the antagonist card. The only significant difference was that those actions that appeared villainous wouldn't lead to consequences. 

For instance, when he had kissed Lin Qingyan under the antagonist's script, he had been beaten up by her for his inappropriate actions. But now, under the protagonist's script, if he were to kiss Lin Qingyan, she would likely enjoy it and eventually fall in love with him.

"How preposterous!" Su Chen grew more irritated, mourning for those past years spent as the antagonist. But on second thought, even without these special functions, he didn't seem like a villain anymore. Su Chen was deep in his internal drama. However, he was unaware that not too far away, in another office, Yang Yuxin, who had initially been pondering how to flirt with him, suddenly received an influx of information.

What? Su Chen's unusual behavior was because he was acting, and due to his supporting role, he couldn't be loved by her, the female lead? But now, the script has changed. It's the male lead's script now. Meaning, he could happily interact with the female lead. "Am I the female lead?" Yang Yuxin knew something interesting must have happened with Su Chen. That's why he, despite liking her, had been trying to please that wretched Lin Qingyan. 

Just thinking of Lin Qingyan's sly face made Yang Yuxin more furious. She angrily slammed her desk, causing cracks to form on its surface, which was worth tens of thousands.

"What should I do now?" Despite her anger, Yang Yuxin's appearance, with her flushed and slightly puffed face, looked even more charming. It was just that Su Chen wasn't present. "Act alongside Su Chen?" Yang Yuxin received news that stunned her. When she understood its implications, the worry on her face instantly turned to joy. She'd have to assist Su Chen in completing the plot. Then, as the female lead, she'd crazily fall in love with him. She absolutely loved this idea. Hmph!

"Why would a girl as outstanding as me fall for Su Chen, a notorious playboy?" I'm not stupid. If he doesn't perform well, I'll just dump him.

[Damn, my next task is to interact with Yang Yuxin for the plot. This is way too easy. It would be better if I could switch her out. I think I can.]

Su Chen smirked confidently. His current mission was straightforward: to make Yang Yuxin accept him. Such an undemanding task made Su Chen almost too lazy to undertake it. However, at this moment, Yang Yuxin froze, her eyes filled with rising anger. 

"Why are they considering replacing me?" She felt both wronged and somewhat embarrassed. Especially since she just stated that she wouldn't let Su Chen have his way easily.

Su Chen is wealthy, handsome, and incredibly capable. By all means, he should have been the male lead. It's perplexing how he ended up as the antagonist. 

"What rotten idea led to my love being so delayed? And who would ever like Qin Yu, that arrogant man? Does he think he's unique? He's just extremely creepy. Su Chen, on the other hand, is perfect from any perspective."

While Yang Yuxin was still singing Su Chen's praises, another inner monologue emerged. 

[But thinking about it, this is a good thing. Being the male lead is easy, and there are almost no worries.]

[Especially now that I won't be humiliated. Qin Yu better stay away for the next few days, or I won't be merciful. I've held back for too long.]

[The most crucial point is to make the female lead fall in love with him. Everything I couldn't do before, I can now.]

Hearing Su Chen's inner thoughts, Yang Yuxin picked up on a few points. First, although Su Chen has no concerns now, he only has three days. She must seize this opportunity. Secondly, she needs to come up with a plan to make Su Chen deal with that beast, Qin Yu. Ideally, Qin Yu should be eliminated. At this moment, Yang Yuxin even noted all these points in her notebook.

Now, her focus shifted to aiding Su Chen in his performance. She must be very diligent. As long as she helps Su Chen nail the performance, she can lift the restrictions between them. After that, she could happily be with Su Chen.

Inside the office, Su Chen finally received his script. Simultaneously, Yang Yuxin got hers since her task was to assist Su Chen. Yang Yuxin was thrilled upon seeing the script's content. However, Su Chen was taken aback, even somewhat displeased. Especially after reading the script, Su Chen felt as though the world had gone silent. He has to confront the antagonist?

"What the hell?" Su Chen felt as though countless dark spots zoomed across his forehead. He wasn't pleased about being able to confront others after turning the tables; he just pitied his fellow antagonists. After all, he is a kind-hearted person.

"Ha ha ha!" Su Chen exclaimed in ecstasy. "Finally, it's my turn to put others in their place." But after reading the script, his expression turned sour.

"What's this? Why do I get such a storyline after becoming the lead? Can't it be of higher quality?" The plot was straightforward. It was almost lunchtime, and Yang Yuxin invited him out for a meal at the grand Huamanlou Restaurant.

This location was crucial, as Su Chen and Yang Yuxin would encounter the antagonist there, someone infatuated with Yuxin. Driven by jealousy, this person would then try to teach Su Chen a lesson. But now that Su Chen had a new script, he fiercely beat the antagonist and even thrashed the hotel's security.

Su Chen was at a loss for words. 

[This plot is of such low quality. It's one thing to confront someone, but why get physical?]

[And why in their hotel? Beating up the young master there is just asking for trouble. What if they call the police?]

[Moreover, with Yang Yuxin by my side, who's a cop, there's no way she'd just stand by. Especially given her voluptuous figure, she might actually intervene.]

[Why are these storylines always so stupid?]

[Oh God! I wish for a plot with some intelligence.]

[And why do these plots always unfold during meals?]

Of course, Yang Yuxin overheard Su Chen's internal complaints. Hearing his criticisms, she became somewhat discontented. "You bastard, Su Chen! I was even willing to give up my beloved job as a police officer for you, and yet you dare to complain about me?"

"And why should I be the one to initiate the date? Don't I have any self-respect?" Yang Yuxin remembered their intimate interaction at the restaurant the last time. Reflecting on his recent comments, her annoyance grew.

"What's wrong with plots unfolding during meals? Don't people eat? Besides, if a man and a woman hang out, isn't a romantic dinner the most typical scenario? Pervert, creep, lecher!"

Wondering who that young master infatuated with her might be, she mused, "Jealous? Why? I'm not just some woman you can flirt with. I hope Su Chen gives him a good beating to teach him a lesson."

Imagining such a scenario pleased Yang Yuxin. She loved the idea of Su Chen, her boyfriend, defending her honor by beating up anyone who harassed her and proclaiming to the world, "Yang Yuxin is mine! Mess with her, and you'll pay the price."

If Su Chen could hear Yang Yuxin's inner thoughts, he'd wish he could dig a hole with his toes and crawl inside, feeling utterly embarrassed.