Su Chen: Damn Author

Su Chen tiptoed inside. At this moment, Su Xian'er had just taken a shower. Her wet hair added a touch of wild beauty compared to her formal attire. Su Chen was elated inside.

He also felt fortunate that he hadn't gone with Yang Yuxin earlier. If he had, he probably wouldn't get the chance to be this intimate. "Eh, why didn't you go home with your fiancée? What do you want, sneaking into my room in the middle of the night?" Su Chen knew that Su Xian'er was furious, primarily because Yang Yuxin had the upper hand.

He was prepared for her sarcasm, as long as it made her happy. After all, any grievances Su Xian'er felt were because she loved him deeply. Otherwise, with her capabilities, no one could make her feel this way.

He was curious about Su Xian'er's background. Why was she so exceptional? It might just be because the original author favored this female lead.

Not bothering to think too much, Su Chen, wearing his pajamas, climbed into the bed. "Your room smells nice; I sleep better here." Su Xian'er was naturally not pleased.

She was at home after all. Perhaps Chen Qinq was lurking outside. How could she allow this to happen? But she couldn't resist Su Chen's dominance.

He paid no attention to her thoughts and held her in his embrace, caressing her with budding desire. Su Xian'er became flustered, noticing the change in Su Chen and hurriedly said, "What if mom finds out? We're just separated by a few walls."

Although the soundproofing was good, they might still be loud. Su Chen coughed awkwardly. He hadn't expected to be this... eager and explained seriously, "Don't worry; they are busy right now, following my advice to practice playing the trumpet." Su Xian'er turned away, resentfully saying, "I hate Yang Yuxin. I don't want to see her."

She wasn't truly scared of getting caught. She was merely setting the stage for her next move. By acting fearful now, she could be louder later on purpose. If they get caught, Su Chen wouldn't suspect her intention. Her genuine disdain for Yang Yuxin was the real issue.

But Su Chen didn't reply. This immediately displeased Su Xian'er. She shot Su Chen an angry glance, saying with a hint of grievance, "What's wrong? Just a while ago, you said I was the one you loved most?" "True. I'm now your possession, so an outside temptress is naturally more alluring." "Hmm, seems I need to teach you a lesson." Su Chen proceeded to act.

The pain made Su Xian'er tear up, and she frowned in distress. But she didn't dare to resist too much. There was no choice. The secretive intimacy under their parents' roof was both thrilling and nerve-wracking, but they couldn't cross a line.

Around 4 in the morning.

Su Xian'er was still deeply asleep, probably due to sheer exhaustion. Su Chen gently detached her arms from around his neck. Looking at her face, which radiated contentment, he reluctantly realized he had to leave.

It was almost dawn. Once Chen Qing woke up, it would be nearly impossible for him to exit Su Xian'er's room without being noticed. So, the best course of action was to hurry back to his room while it was still dark.

He covered himself with the blanket, quickly falling asleep as if nothing had happened. Some time later, while Su Chen was still sleeping, Su Xian'er brought him a sea salt cake. This was his breakfast.

Having grown up as a typical 21st-century young man, waking up early for breakfast was nearly impossible. So, his parents had to supervise it. But Su Chen hadn't expected the sea salt cake from Su Xian'er.

Taking a bite, the sweet yet slightly salty taste made him feel as though he was by the seaside without leaving the house. After breakfast, Su Chen drove Su Xian'er to her office. He then started preparing for the evening's role-play.

But upon reflection, Su Chen felt that the rewards for the protagonist's role-play were really lacking. The main issue was that it was just too embarrassing.

Being someone who cared about his reputation, Su Chen somewhat resisted such things. Therefore, he was reluctant to proceed. He then thought of a great solution.

According to the script, he was supposed to go out today and coincidentally bump into Zhang Li being bullied. So, if he didn't go out, everything would be fine. He planned to send Fang Han and some others to protect Zhang Li.

It was a win-win. The system? To hell with it!

Surely Zhang Li wouldn't take the initiative to come to him? However, just as Su Chen was about to call Fang Han, Zhang Li called him first. Su Chen had already guessed the outcome.

"Su Chen, there's a situation at the company that requires the involvement of a major shareholder like you." Zhang Li sounded quite helpless.

She had been fuming since last night after hearing Su Chen's complaints. No matter how she thought about it, she couldn't let it go. She was determined not to give Su Chen any satisfaction. She decided not to go out, and if Su Chen failed his task, he would surely be frantic. Then she would see how arrogant he'd be.

Perhaps due to the plot's demands, the company happened to face an issue and called for a shareholder meeting. As Su Chen was the largest shareholder, it was only natural he should attend. Su Chen was speechless.

Apparently, the plot had everything planned. In the end, after weighing his options, Su Chen decided to attend. Mainly because he looked forward to the later plot where he'd go to a bar with Zhang Li.

A protagonist drugging and taking advantage was a typical trope, after all.

In the end, the male lead took action due to being left with no choice, and the female lead was powerless. If she were fertile, then having a child would definitely be in the cards. At this moment, Zhang Li was mentally rehearsing the entire plot.

"Hehe, the day has finally come when Su Chen, that mischievous brat, becomes my lapdog." No matter what, this time I must act more aloof and abandon my dominant female image. Of course, I can't just be taken for granted.

But a little flirtation wouldn't hurt. This was something Zhang Li had learned from Yang Yuxin, and overall, it proved to be very effective. Occasionally, act a little shy.

Instead of driving his Koenigsegg, Su Chen chose to ride a shared bicycle to Zhang Li's entertainment company. He intended to fully embrace the essence of the protagonist's role, but unfortunately, most employees at Zhang Li's company recognized him. Even when encountering TV's leading ladies, he was allowed free passage.

Many dark spots raced across Su Chen's mind. Damn it, his previous portrayal of the antagonist was so memorable that now even playing a sleazy protagonist was challenging. Guided by Zhang Li's secretary, Su Chen made his way to Zhang Li's office.

He couldn't help but admire the secretary's graceful figure. Su Chen began to look forward to the kind of secretary he'd hire in the future. His initial criteria? Not younger than 18 and not older than 30.

Upon reaching the office door, the secretary knocked. But before Zhang Li could respond, he entered. Su Chen gazed at Zhang Li with a playful look, "You called me for a meeting so late, do you have any intentions towards me?" After uttering those words, he struggled to keep a straight face.

A chuckle escaped Zhang Li's lips. She couldn't contain her laughter at Su Chen's antics and said, "Your dressing style today seems a bit off, Young Master Su. It looks quite deliberate."

Su Chen was taken aback. He had been so flirtatious, yet Zhang Li still managed to laugh. It seemed she really did have a preference for this type of man.

With the role he was portraying, she must like him even more now. "Enough chatter. If there's a meeting, let's get it started. I still have places to be," Su Chen deflected, not directly answering Zhang Li's question. He then shifted the topic and began the meeting with Zhang Li.

An hour later. The meeting had technically concluded. To be honest, when he, the esteemed young master of the Su family, made an appearance, the attendees didn't even dare to speak up.

Su Chen was stunned. When did he gain such an intimidating reputation? "You must be curious why you now hold such influence?" Zhang Li discerned Su Chen's thoughts and said, "It's actually quite simple. Currently, all the top ten families have ties with you. And the consequences faced by Qin Yu, who offended you, were clear for all to see. Naturally, no one would dare oppose you now."

"And you?" Su Chen shot Zhang Li a fierce look. Zhang Li smiled, reaching out to cup Su Chen's cheeks.

"Of course, I'll be obedient. Young Master Su can do whatever he wishes." You... infuriate me. Su Chen felt he was going to be driven mad by this woman. Always unpredictable. Though he's now the male lead, Zhang Li shouldn't be this forward. Typically, the male lead should slowly pursue the female lead!

At the same time, he felt a bit smug. 

[Zhang Li, Zhang Li, since you've said as much, if I don't take you to the bar, it'd look like I'm out of touch.] 

"Young Master Su, I suddenly feel like having a drink. Let's go to the bar!" Zhang Li suddenly suggested with a smile. Su Chen?? What's she planning?

[What's this about? When I was the antagonist, you weren't this cooperative!] 

"Going to a bar? This is quite the change for you, isn't it?" 

Flirting, Zhang Li replied, "Haven't you heard? Women are fickle." 

[Goodness, I'm at a loss for words with that reasoning!]

Given Zhang Li's stance, what choice did Su Chen have but to accompany her? The bar! It's a great place. He didn't drive, so Zhang Li drove them. Upon arriving, Su Chen exited the car, letting Zhang Li park alone. He did this intentionally to give her some alone time, setting her up for potential harassment.

As Zhang Li parked, a gang of regulars from the bar noticed the extraordinarily poised beauty. Especially her mature aura, it made it hard for them to resist approaching. Zhang Li was very displeased to see them. She's definitely going to be harassed.

She ignored them completely, which angered the hoodlums. Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out from afar. "You beasts, let her go, I..." Upon hearing this, Zhang Li struggled to keep a straight face. This was too funny. It was rare to see Su Chen act this way. He was truly in a bind.

Su Chen now wished he could drag the author of this story out and give them a good beating. This was utterly embarrassing. Playing the hero was one thing, but what was with that crooked mouth? Damn it, I don't want to act anymore. Let the world end!

The gangsters were unhappy. Seeing Su Chen daring to interfere, one of them pulled out a machete. The leader, with red hair, pointed the knife at Su Chen, threatening, "Kid, mind your own business. If you get hurt later, don't blame me!"

The characters in these stories really do have some issues. Even though the backdrop is a modern society governed by law.

They always pull out a knife at the slightest provocation. These people are seriously brainless. 

[Zhang Li, you foolish woman, just call the police! The police station is right across the street. Just call them!]

[What are you doing standing there like a statue?] 

If Zhang Li didn't know about the plot, she'd definitely be petrified by now. After all, so many men are brandishing knives. It's a terrifying sight just to think about it. But knowing that all these events mean nothing to Su Chen, she felt reassured. It's a perfect excuse to get even closer to him. And here's the chance.

Su Chen noticed that Zhang Li remained indifferent. Left with no choice, he had to continue the act. "You thugs are just asking for trouble. You dare lay a hand on my woman?"

As these words echoed, from a hidden corner of the parking lot, a tall and handsome man revealed a mocking expression. It was none other than Qin Yu. The words Su Chen uttered were all too familiar to him. He'd said the same things when Zhang Li was in danger, only to receive disdain from her.

Qin Yu clenched his fists, sneering, "Su Chen, let me see how you'll be dumped by Zhang Li, just like a clown." He was eager to witness Su Chen's despairing expression.

But by this time, Su Chen couldn't keep up with the act anymore. He wanted it done quickly. He directly approached and knocked those thugs down with a few punches and kicks. All were severely injured. He showed no mercy, handling it with such flair. The original script described it as 'handsome'.

"Handsome my foot!" Su Chen muttered under his breath. To be honest, as a former villain, seeing these thugs on the ground reminded him of his past dark times. "Brothers, don't blame me, it's all because of the script. Wait, don't I have advanced medical skills?" Su Chen realized suddenly. So that's what those skills were for!

Suppressing his embarrassment, he healed all the injured, ensuring no lasting harm. Then, Su Chen approached Zhang Li.

Qin Yu was ecstatic. "Slap him! Just like you slapped me back then, give it to him good. I want Su Chen to be utterly humiliated!" All Qin Yu wanted was to see Su Chen slapped in the face.

But before Su Chen could even speak, Zhang Li suddenly flung herself into his arms, whispering words of gratitude, "Su Chen..."

Su Chen was stunned. "Damn, is this the privilege of being the main lead?" Such a ridiculous character design, yet it got a top-tier female lead to willingly throw herself into his arms.

Su Chen was completely speechless. "Stupid author! Idiotic system! It's supposed to be a villain card, but it's the main lead's script. This is deceptive!"

Zhang Li paused for a moment. This is so funny. Why isn't Su Chen reacting at all? What should I do next? I suddenly want to burst out laughing, what to do?

"Why is it like this? This woman didn't say this to me back then, right? Trying to make a fool of me, huh? You deceitful couple will pay the price."

At this moment, Qin Yu had completely lost his sanity. His calm demeanor was nowhere to be found. He even forgot the terrifying combat power that Su Chen displayed just moments ago.