Half Villain, Half Protagonist

Su Chen emerged from the restroom, only to find the bar in a complete mess. The patrons inside greeted him with warm smiles and gestures, recounting the embarrassing events involving Qin Yu to curry favor with him. They all knew about the conflict between him and Qin Yu.

However, Su Chen didn't care. He headed straight to the bar where Zhang Li was sitting, to discover her leisurely sipping her drink, acting as if nothing had transpired. His frustration bubbled up, feeling an urge to lash out at her, yet he maintained his composure, having encountered countless plot twists and turns.

Su Chen always remembered a saying: "When the thread won't go through the needle's eye, wet it with your mouth and it will work" — a tailor's wisdom. He nodded towards Zhang Li, asking, "Are you okay?" Zhang Li pat her chest, which caught Su Chen's eye, and whispered, "Of course, you wouldn't believe the hilarious scene earlier. I never expected Qin Yu to have a child with Ye Lanxiang." Su Chen raised an eyebrow, "Did you really just find out?" Zhang Li replied with a laugh, "Of course! Why would I lie to you? Anyway, it's just a trivial matter. Let's continue our drinks."

Su Chen was puzzled. The playful look in Zhang Li's eyes made it seem like she had more to do with this than she let on. Qin Yu had left, and Su Chen was concerned. How should he proceed? He still had a mission to accomplish. If he failed, the world would restart. What would happen to these hollow heroines then?

"Su Chen, what are you staring at? Drink up!" Seeing Zhang Li's cheerful face, Su Chen really wanted to give her a piece of his mind. What to do now? Qin Yu truly was useless. If he couldn't be a protagonist, fine, but even as an antagonist, he was so clueless.

For a moment, Su Chen was speechless and uncertain. He let out a sigh, grabbed a glass of strong alcohol, downed it in one gulp, and instantly felt revitalized. That's right! The system's task was for him to rescue Zhang Li, but it didn't specify from whom. So, he could kidnap Zhang Li and then pretend to rescue her. Wouldn't that count as completing the task? With that thought, Su Chen began to feel a bit cheerful. He was no stranger to kidnappings.

By that logic, whether he's the protagonist or the antagonist, it's all up to him. In this case, even if the plot were to fall apart, it wouldn't matter. 

[It's better to rely on oneself than others. Since Qin Yu, that useless waste, is unreliable, I'll have to take matters into my own hands.]

[Completing the antagonist's tasks as the protagonist? Just thinking about it feels exhilarating!]

[Wait for me, you wretched woman. You'll get what's coming for you!]

"This really is a great situation," Zhang Li mused gleefully within. "Su Chen, show me what you've got. I'll be ready for it." She was rather looking forward to being kidnapped by Su Chen. After all, it was a great opportunity to grow closer.

The anticipation was building. "Su Chen, this place doesn't seem all that fun. How about we finish our drinks and head back?" Zhang Li suddenly proposed, placing a drink in front of Su Chen.

She sensed that Su Chen was brewing some sort of plan. Yet, she didn't want to give him ample time to craft a good one. Su Chen was taken aback; if Zhang Li left, he'd be in trouble. His mission would certainly fail.

"Wait here. I need to make another trip to the restroom," Su Chen said, patting Zhang Li's shoulder, signaling for her to stay put. Normally, under such circumstances, Zhang Li would've left in a huff. But she couldn't help it; this was what she had been hoping for.

However, Zhang Li teased, "Why do you keep going to the restroom?" "Is there something you don't want me to find out?"

Caught off guard by her words, Su Chen hesitated for a moment before replying with a smile, "Do you want to know?"

By that logic, whether he's the protagonist or the antagonist, it's all up to him. In this case, even if the plot were to fall apart, it wouldn't matter. "It's better to rely on oneself than others. Since Qin Yu, that useless waste, is unreliable, I'll have to take matters into my own hands," he thought.

[Completing the antagonist's tasks as the protagonist? Just thinking about it feels exhilarating!]

[Wait for me, you wretched woman. You'll get what's coming for you!]

"This really is a great situation," Zhang Li mused gleefully within. "Su Chen, show me what you've got. I'll be ready for it." She was rather looking forward to being kidnapped by Su Chen. After all, it was a great opportunity to grow closer.

The anticipation was building. "Su Chen, this place doesn't seem all that fun. How about we finish our drinks and head back?" Zhang Li suddenly proposed, placing a drink in front of Su Chen.

She sensed that Su Chen was brewing some sort of plan. Yet, she didn't want to give him ample time to craft a good one. Su Chen was taken aback; if Zhang Li left, he'd be in trouble. His mission would certainly fail.

"Wait here. I need to make another trip to the restroom," Su Chen said, patting Zhang Li's shoulder, signaling for her to stay put. Normally, under such circumstances, Zhang Li would've left in a huff. But she couldn't help it; this was what she had been hoping for.

However, Zhang Li teased, "Why do you keep going to the restroom? Is there something you don't want me to find out?"

Caught off guard by her words, Su Chen hesitated for a moment before replying with a smile, "Do you want to know?"

Zhang Li nodded. 

"No problem, come with me to the restroom, and I'll show you my secret!" Su Chen suddenly reached out and caressed Zhang Li's smooth, fair neck. 


Zhang Li's face flushed immediately. However, she didn't back down, replying directly, "Let's go. It's not like I haven't seen it all before when I was younger." 

"Pervert!" Su Chen responded, then quickly made his way to the restroom.

It's best to resolve matters sooner rather than later. To avoid unforeseen complications in the night. Of course, Su Chen didn't go directly to the restroom. Instead, he first fetched a new set of clothes, including a hood. He had to ensure that everything was perfect; otherwise, if Zhang Li recognized him at a glance, it would be game over.

Inside the restroom, after Su Chen changed into the clothes, ensuring there were no flaws, he took a deep breath. "Bro, is this some kind of new show?" A curious man who had just finished using the restroom asked him. "Show? Hell no! I'm about to perform a kidnapping, get it?" Su Chen waved him off, speaking to the man just to get accustomed to the idea.

"Bro, are you kidding? Who kidnaps someone without weapons?" The man pointed out. Su Chen realized his oversight. Right, he needed weapons. No wonder he felt like he was missing something. Shaking his head, Su Chen thought that perhaps he was a bit rusty from not doing this in so long, leading to a decline in his skills.

Leaving the restroom, Su Chen casually picked up a fruit knife and headed towards Zhang Li at the bar. At this moment, Zhang Li wasn't drinking anymore. Instead, she was awaiting Su Chen's "kidnapping".

However, after ten minutes passed and Su Chen still hadn't returned, Zhang Li grew impatient. She thought that if Su Chen messed up, she'd remind him of the torment he once experienced during a bath. As she was contemplating, a sharp knife suddenly pressed against her neck.

Su Chen, disguising his voice, rasped, "Miss Zhang, don't make any sudden movements. Come with me, or you know the consequences!" It was finally happening. Even though Su Chen had changed his voice, Zhang Li could still sense his familiar presence. It was him. She turned to face Su Chen, who was now dressed in a black outfit, paired with a contrasting cloak and a Mickey Mouse hood.

It made Zhang Li want to laugh, but she restrained herself to avoid arousing Su Chen's suspicions. Still, she couldn't help but appreciate the effort he had put into it.

"Okay, I'll go with you. Just don't hurt me," Zhang Li replied, getting up with a surprisingly relaxed demeanor, showing no signs of fear. This reaction left Su Chen stunned. Was this really Zhang Li's character? He noticed a look of anticipation in her eyes, as if she was looking forward to the kidnapping.

"Don't think about trying anything funny, or I won't be nice," Su Chen warned. "No problem, I promise to listen to everything you say," Zhang Li responded with a nod. Su Chen was baffled. Did Zhang Li not understand the gravity of the situation? She seemed way too calm. Why wasn't she resisting or showing any signs of fear?

Anyway, it didn't matter. All he had to do was take Zhang Li away. He didn't care what she was thinking. Su Chen said sternly, "Let's go, and don't play any tricks."

"But my legs feel weak right now. I can't walk," Zhang Li said with an earnest face, seemingly concocting a plan. Su Chen was elated. It seemed Zhang Li wasn't as cooperative as he initially thought. The tension he felt earlier eased a bit, and he thought maybe she hadn't noticed his scheme.

"Enough with the nonsense. If you're unwilling to walk, do you want me to carry you?" Su Chen smirked, "If you, a beautiful lady, don't mind, then I certainly wouldn't object." 

"Sure, carry me then!" Zhang Li replied seriously. Su Chen was left dumbfounded, not sure what to say next.

Everything felt somewhat surreal. How could Zhang Li be so cooperative? For Su Chen, to hold her now would be inappropriate, but not to do so would also be wrong.

This woman, Zhang Li, was truly going to be the death of him. "Are you worried I'll run away?" Su Chen nodded in response. "There's no need to worry. After all, I'm in your arms. How could I possibly run away?"

Su Chen's face darkened, and without another word, he lifted Zhang Li into his arms. 

[Damn, Zhang Li looks similar in size to Yang Yuxin, but why does she feel so much heavier now? Where did this extra weight come from?] 

Zhang Li's face turned even redder. She instinctively looked down at her curvaceous body, a smug smile forming in her heart. Compared to her, Yang Yuxin was nowhere close. Zhang Li felt fortunate. After all, she could perform a very special task for Su Chen, which she considered a form of exercise.

Seeing Zhang Li's blushing face, Su Chen shivered. It was time to take action. "Hold on, where are you taking Miss Zhang?" A burly man suddenly blocked Su Chen's path. Su Chen could tell that this man was no amateur; he was trained and skilled. He hadn't expected someone to step up at this moment. 

Even though Zhang Li wasn't as famous as Lin Qingyan or Yang Yuxin, she was still no minor figure in their circle. To see no one react to her apparent kidnapping felt very strange to Su Chen. But now, with someone intervening, Su Chen felt somewhat relieved. More importantly, he had a plan in mind.

"Please don't interfere. Do we look like we're in any sort of trouble?" Although Zhang Li was the apparent "victim", she coolly denied any wrongdoing. "Shut up!" Su Chen snapped at her. He continued, "Can't you see the knife in my hand? If you don't want to die, leave now!" Su Chen's voice was loud enough for everyone in the bar to hear. Yet, no one reacted.

"Damn you, daring to kidnap Miss Zhang Li. Do you know she's desired by our Young Master Ye? Get lost!" The burly man who had blocked Su Chen's path shouted. Instantly, a large group surrounded Su Chen, clearly having been prepared in advance. It was evident to everyone present that a confrontation was imminent. They couldn't linger any longer, and the entire bar quickly emptied out.

Within moments, the once crowded bar was deserted. Even the bouncers had left. All that remained were Su Chen, holding Zhang Li, and the dozen men brought by the burly man.

Outside the bar, whispers spread rapidly. "What's going on? Zhang Li told us that guy is Su Chen, right? Why does he look like a kidnapper?" "You fool. Someone like Su Chen, a pampered rich kid, must have some unique fetish. Pretending to be a kidnapper and acting forceful is completely normal for him!"