Hold on, I need to take a shower first.

This incident is significant yet also seemingly trivial. The entire bar is now crowded and inaccessible. By the time Yang Yuxin led the team to the location, Su Chen had already taken Zhang Li back to the rental house. However, the throng of elite individuals gathered outside didn't choose to leave. They were eager to watch the drama, especially curious about Ye Haotian's possible reactions. 

They all knew there wasn't an actual kidnapper; that person was Su Chen. So, if Ye Haotian arrived, it would be a showdown between two of Beijing's young elites. This naturally tugged at their attention. After all, who doesn't love watching drama unfold?

"Where did the kidnapping happen?" As soon as Yang Yuxin arrived, she dashed into the bar. Finding neither Su Chen nor Zhang Li inside only fueled her anger. This meant she was too late. Was Zhang Li's plan a success? "It happened right here, but they've escaped!" said the burly man, looking pale and dejected. 

If Zhang Li got kidnapped under his watch, Ye Haotian would never forgive him. Losing his job would be the least of his worries. Worse, he might even lose his life. He was truly terrified. Initially, he thought of sending someone to tail them to provide updates for when Ye Haotian arrived. Surprisingly, despite sending his best trackers, who were former military scouts, they lost their targets. Yang Yuxin coldly glanced at these individuals, then exited without a word.

Outside, many recognized Yang Yuxin. Aware of the prowess of the second Miss Yang, very few dared to meet her gaze. But, as always, a few brave souls attempted to curry favor. "Officer Yang, there's no need to fret. 

This might not even be a kidnapping case. Perhaps they're just playing a joke," someone offered, hinting at the rumored relationship between Su Chen and Zhang Li. "Yes, maybe it's just a quirky interest shared between husband and wife!" another chimed in. "Husband and wife?" Yang Yuxin's nostrils flared. Furious, she glared at the man, "Bastard, who are you calling husband and wife? Believe it or not, I'll cut you down!" 

Terrified, he didn't dare respond, fearing she'd genuinely act on her threat. Bystanders reveled in his discomfort. "Idiot! Everyone knows what's going on between Yang Yuxin and Su Chen. To dare to say such things in front of her, he's lucky if he doesn't get beaten up," one commented.

Everyone knew Zhang Li wasn't truly kidnapped. It was all voluntary. Yet, compared to Su Chen, the crowd in the bar felt that Qin Yu, who was carried off by Ye Lanxiang, seemed to be the real victim of a kidnapping.

Of course, no one dared to voice out their thoughts for fear of offending Ye Lanxiang.

"Sister, since so many people have confirmed that this isn't a kidnapping, should we call off our team?" The young policewoman accompanying Yang Yuxin asked.

"Call off?!" Yang Yuxin was not about to let this go so easily. Even if she had to turn over every stone, she was determined to find Su Chen and Zhang Li. "Regardless of whether it's a real kidnapping or not, we must proceed with the rescue. It's our duty to the public," Yang Yuxin said, growing more agitated. She consoled herself, thinking this wasn't a misuse of resources, even if she knew that Su Chen and Zhang Li were staging the whole thing. 

It still technically counted as a kidnapping. "Alright, we need a citywide search. The culprits must be found!" Having given her orders, Yang Yuxin promptly left. Time was of the essence, and she couldn't waste a single minute.

Elsewhere, Su Chen looked at the stunning woman lying on the bed. He now understood that she was merely pretending. She clearly knew he was the kidnapper yet chose not to expose him, even cooperating by coming back with him. Su Chen felt lost, but he made up his mind. 

Despite being discovered by Zhang Li, he had to continue the act. Failing to complete the task was not an option; he didn't want to restart everything. Having to restart would lead him to lose faith in everything. "Even without an audience, I'll see the act through to the end," he thought. 

"Who are you? How dare you kidnap her?" Su Chen said, removing his awkwardly fitting clothes and using a distinct voice to convey danger. 

"Mind your own business or face the consequences!"

Bang, bang, bang! Pots, pans, and dishes were knocked over by Su Chen, instantly setting a scene of a fierce battle. Then, he needed to deal with the awkward clothes. Looking around, Su Chen couldn't find a good spot, so he tossed them under the bed. Through the years, he'd learned that under the bed was the safest place to hide things. Cabinets were definitely not safe. Even with her eyes covered, for some reason, Zhang Li could picture Su Chen's frantic actions. The image was amusing. "How should I show my gratitude to him?" she pondered. "Maybe start with a kiss to build some rapport."

Everything was set. Su Chen took a deep breath. Honestly, he was nervous, more so than he had been in a long time. Because if the system determined that he hadn't successfully rescued Zhang Li, the consequences were something he wouldn't want to face.

"Zhang Li, are you alright?" Su Chen removed the blindfold from Zhang Li's eyes and then untied her hands. Although after removing the blindfold, her beautiful features were revealed, Su Chen strangely felt his interest in her wane.

Before he could fully register the situation, a soft figure suddenly threw itself into his embrace. "Su Chen, you scared me! I thought I'd never see you again." Su Chen looked down at Zhang Li, who surprisingly didn't shed a single tear, and was speechless. He couldn't help but comment internally, "With this level of acting, it's no wonder her entertainment company is facing financial troubles. It's just too fake."

"Su Chen, thank you for saving me. I..." Zhang Li trailed off, her face flushing with embarrassment. Su Chen had a good guess of what she wanted to say next, "Thank you for saving me; I don't know how to repay you except to give you my body." Su Chen paused. He just received a notification from the system. The 'rescue from kidnapping' mission was complete. It seems acting it out worked. He didn't have to tolerate Zhang Li's antics any longer.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing taking off your clothes?" Su Chen was startled by Zhang Li's sudden move and quickly chastised her. "It's to repay you for saving me!" Su Chen couldn't contain himself and bluntly said, "Stop acting. I know exactly what you're thinking." Zhang Li giggled in response, "Honestly, I thought you wouldn't catch on."

"If I didn't, what would you have done?" Su Chen inquired. "Wouldn't you hate me for such behavior?" Su Chen asked, instinctively using a villain's logic. The whole situation felt odd to him. A staged kidnapping should provoke some anger, right? "Of course, I'm not angry because I like being 'kidnapped' by you." Su Chen was taken aback. He understood the implication behind those words. 

He looked at Zhang Li, taking in her gorgeous figure, flowing raven-black hair, delicate features, soft yet youthful voice, long slender legs, professional attire paired with enticing stockings, and her mature age of thirty. 

It was time to demonstrate his true capabilities. "Hold on, let me take a shower first!" Su Chen said with a mischievous grin, stripping off his clothes and heading into the bathroom. Zhang Li lay on the bed, looking dazed and bewildered. Her initial plan was just to tease Su Chen a little.

She hadn't expected Su Chen to take things so seriously. Zhang Li was a bit taken aback. After Su Chen had obtained the protagonist's script, she never thought he'd be this bold. Memories of the five hours shared between Su Chen and Su Xian'er flashed in her mind, making her body tremble involuntarily. What should she do? 

Zhang Li's face reddened again, and she took a moment to fix her hair. "No, Zhang Li, you can't be afraid!" she told herself. "The more afraid you are, the happier Su Chen will be."

She tried multiple ways to console herself, but nothing worked. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more anxious she became. Not knowing what to do, she decided to pick up her phone and do some research on what precautions she should take. Suddenly, she noticed a slew of messages from Yang Yuxin. Threats. Blatant threats. 

Imagining Yang Yuxin's infuriated face, Zhang Li couldn't help but laugh. "Darn woman, daring to threaten me!" Quickly, Zhang Li snapped a photo of Su Chen's silhouette in the bathroom and sent it over, accompanied by the caption: "First come, first served!"

Receiving the message, Yang Yuxin clenched her fists in anger, flames of fury visible in her eyes. She bit her red lips forcefully. "Damn it! I refuse to believe I can't find them!" she swore. "Once I find them, I'll make you regret it!" Those nearby officers who overheard thought she was worried about not catching the kidnapper.

Meanwhile, on the other end, Su Xian'er had just received news of Zhang Li's 'kidnapping', which caught her off guard. Zhang Li was not only an elder to her but also someone who had always given her advice. Without her, Su Xian'er would not have gotten so close to Su Chen so quickly. 

Regardless, Su Xian'er would never allow Zhang Li to suffer any grievances. She immediately ordered an investigation into what had happened. The findings, however, made her even more furious. Upon investigating, she discovered the recent events between Zhang Li and Su Chen and even pinpointed the bar they went to. "Oh, I see! Pretending to trust me while creating opportunities for yourself!" Su Xian'er felt like she'd been played. "You think, after getting involved with my brother, you can rest easy and oppose the Zhang family?"

Su Xian'er was furious. In her mind, she already considered Zhang Li as good as dead. With Yang Yuxin's departure, the police at the scene also gradually dispersed.

The journey to find the kidnapper began. Initially, at this late hour, everyone was lethargic. However, seeing Yang Yuxin's dedication and determination to not leave any stone unturned, the officers were instantly inspired by her spirit and began their search with renewed vigor. With Yang Yuxin's departure, those who had been partying in the bar lost interest. Naturally, they wouldn't return to such a seemingly dangerous place. For all they knew, it might invite unwelcome trouble, so they chose to leave.

Just then, Ye Haotian arrived. With a dark expression and eyes filled with murderous intent, his presence instantly instilled fear into everyone present. They might have held esteemed positions, but in the face of Ye Haotian, they felt weak and powerless. Ye Haotian, with the blood of many on his hands, radiated a strong sense of malevolence.

Compared to Su Chen, even though Ye Haotian came from a less prestigious background, no one believed Su Chen could ever surpass him. Some in the crowd knew the truth, but none dared to speak up. Even with his current anger, Ye Haotian could sense that the onlookers seemed to know something. He stopped and coldly addressed them, "Tell me exactly what happened. If I'm not satisfied, none of you are leaving tonight." His voice was calm but threatening, instilling fear.

"Sir Ye, this wasn't really a kidnapping. Zhang Li willingly went with someone. It's believed…" He wanted to suggest it was a lover's game, but one look into Ye Haotian's terrifying eyes made him realize the severity of saying such a thing. "The supposed kidnapper is Su Chen, but Zhang Li had agreed to it!"

Su Chen!

Upon hearing this name, everyone could see the growing fury in Ye Haotian's eyes. It seemed like the beast within was about to erupt. Originally, Ye Haotian had never taken Su Chen seriously, seeing him as a useless waste. How could Zhang Li possibly like such a man? 

Their earlier encounter must have been mere coincidence. But Su Chen's actions over the past days made Ye Haotian increasingly believe that Zhang Li truly had feelings for him. This fueled a murderous intent towards Su Chen, which only intensified now.

To Ye Haotian, Su Chen's status meant nothing. If Su Chen were to disappear mysteriously, who would suspect him? Anyone who crossed him shouldn't exist. Coldly addressing the remaining crowd, Ye Haotian said, "I don't want to hear a word about tonight's events. If I do, prepare to retrieve the corpses of your families." Having said this, Ye Haotian, with a glinting dagger in hand, entered the bar.

While everyone was still in shock, horrifying screams echoed from inside the bar. The sounds were heart-wrenching, and everyone knew exactly what was happening. Devil. Ye Haotian was an absolute devil. He was terrifyingly mad. 

They considered themselves fortunate, but what fate awaited Su Chen, who had offended Ye Haotian? Nobody dared to imagine. But one thing was certain: no one held out hope for Su Chen. Despite his powerful background, facing someone as mad as Ye Haotian, things seemed bleak.