Su Chen: "Stop moving, my back hurts."

Yang Danxuan's fair and delicate feet were blatantly placed on Su Chen's instep. Su Chen could distinctly feel the refreshing sensation it brought. A tingle, and the most devastating part was that this woman was becoming increasingly bold.

"Cough, cough!" Su Chen cleared his throat and said righteously, "Miss Yang Danxuan, could you please move your feet? After all, it seems we're not that close yet!" His words made perfect sense. It would be different with Yang Yuxin since they were familiar and he had practically raised her since childhood. But with Yang Danxuan, it felt inappropriate.

Hearing his words, Yang Danxuan did not retract her feet but instead revealed a teasing smile. "How can we not be close? You just said I'm Yang Yuxin's elder sister, so of course, we're familiar."

Su Chen was momentarily stunned. Well, it seemed he had dug a pit for himself. Su Chen casually remarked, "Does Yang Yuxin know you're here to see me?" Yang Danxuan took Su Chen's hand and gently placed it on her thigh, which was covered by her pants. "Of course she doesn't know. I came secretly, and she's still asleep."

Good heavens! It seemed Yang Danxuan was planning a thrilling journey behind Yang Yuxin's back. "So, why did you come looking for me?" Su Chen asked earnestly, sneaking a glance at Yang Danxuan. Getting involved with a national idol would make him the target of envy.

"Actually, it's nothing much. I just wanted to invite you to my concert," Yang Danxuan confessed shyly.

"Concert?" Su Chen was momentarily taken aback. This wasn't mentioned in the original story. "I thought you were a film actress? How did you suddenly start holding concerts?" Su Chen was genuinely puzzled. Was Yang Danxuan's talent so outstanding that she'd shifted to singing and even had a concert?

"Yes, I eventually stopped acting and started singing. My new album has become a nationwide sensation, so I wanted to invite you to see it." After saying this, seemingly worried Su Chen might refuse, Yang Danxuan embraced him. "You must come, or I won't let you leave today."

Su Chen??? Feeling the softness in his arms, Su Chen looked down. At that moment, Yang Danxuan was leaning to the side, with half her body pressed against him. Through his eyes, Yang Danxuan's tight jeans perfectly showcased her curves. Su Chen felt visually overwhelmed.

"So, Su Chen, will you come?" Yang Danxuan's intent was evident. After her rebirth, she wanted to present her best side to Su Chen. Since returning to life, she'd always pondered how to face Su Chen. Especially during her interactions with Yang Yuxin, she would inevitably mention Su Chen in almost every sentence. Every time Su Chen's name came up, a smile would naturally spread across her face. Furthermore, Yang Danxuan had heard her sister had earned Chen Qing's approval. As long as Lin Qingyan couldn't meet the conditions, the two would get married.

At that moment, Yang Danxuan felt as if lightning had struck from a clear sky. She had just resolved to pursue her belated happiness. Yet she hadn't anticipated that her sister, Yang Yuxin, and Su Chen had progressed this far in their relationship.

When Yang Danxuan received the news, she felt a hint of despair. Was she supposed to compete with her sister for a husband? Yang Yuxin was the family member she cherished the most, and they had depended on each other since childhood. This sudden revelation was something Yang Danxuan couldn't come to terms with immediately.

After a long period of contemplation, Yang Danxuan finally made up her mind. Regardless of the circumstances, she wouldn't miss out on Su Chen this time. The best approach was to let Su Chen decide. If Su Chen confessed his love for her, Yang Yuxin would surely agree. Furthermore, this wouldn't harm their sisterly bond; at most, she would make a small sacrifice. That's why she made this decision.

Yang Danxuan wanted to invite Su Chen to her concert. She was most confident when facing the big screen. So, she believed Su Chen would surely be enchanted. On another note, Su Chen smelled incredibly good. Holding Su Chen, Yang Danxuan couldn't help but shift her body. 

The closer Su Chen got to her, the more flustered he felt. It was really uncomfortable.

"Alright, I agree," Su Chen didn't refuse. Yang Danxuan's proximity was making him restless. If he didn't agree now, he might feel even more frustrated. The only complication was that Yang Danxuan's appearance wasn't in the protagonist's script, so he didn't know how to handle this situation. 

But one thing was certain: Su Chen knew Yang Danxuan's concert was part of the storyline. The reason he didn't remember was that this was part of the male lead's script. In the original story, this concert was an occasion for Yang Danxuan and the male lead's relationship to escalate. But now, Su Chen had become the male lead. So, who would he confront?

After giving it some thought, Su Chen could guess without doubt that it would be Qin Yu. After all, Yang Danxuan was Qin Yu's dream girl. If Qin Yu witnessed her getting cozy with Su Chen, what would happen? Su Chen didn't want it to go down that way, but Yang Danxuan had invited him.

"Qin Yu, this time, I'll surely give you a resounding slap in the face," Su Chen mused. He wasn't vengeful, but he disliked Qin Yu's actions. Seeing Su Chen's agreement, Yang Danxuan's face lit up with a clear smile. "I knew it; my charm is still so potent," she beamed. "Su Chen, make sure you dress dapperly." Deep down, Yang Danxuan hoped Su Chen would dress handsomely.

God, such overpowering charisma.

"Am I really that kind of person?"

Su Chen chuckled, feeling more and more that Yang Danxuan seemed to be falling for him. Was it because of the male protagonist's script? Recollecting carefully, Su Chen realized that even before he had activated the antagonist card, Yang Danxuan seemed to have shown similar emotional changes.

He decided to ask her about it. However, before he could utter a word, Yang Danxuan offered, "Shall I pick out some clothes for you?"

"Huh?" Su Chen was at a loss for words. Why would she pick clothes for him? Under normal circumstances, shouldn't it be him helping her choose clothes? But even before he could react, Yang Danxuan took the initiative, pulling him along.

What left Su Chen even more speechless was the fact that Yang Danxuan navigated his place as if she had been there before, without asking him. She directly located Su Chen's room. Approaching the wardrobe, a sense of foreboding crept over Su Chen. As Yang Danxuan opened the wardrobe, she wasn't greeted by Su Chen's clothes but an array of women's wear instead. These outfits were relatively cheap and used minimal fabric. They were thin, with the majority being maid costumes.

Clearing his throat, Su Chen quickly explained, "These are for the young maid. Her room ran out of space, so they're stored here for now."

Of course, Su Chen wouldn't admit that these outfits were conveniently placed in his room. Meanwhile, Yang Danxuan was momentarily taken aback, a flush spreading across her cheeks. She mused, "So Su Chen has a thing for these kinds of outfits!" She then glanced at what she was currently wearing and felt a tinge of disappointment. No wonder Su Chen's initial attitude was so. It all made sense now.

"Su Chen, please leave the room," she instructed.

"Why?" Su Chen was puzzled by Yang Danxuan's request.

"Because I want to change into one of these outfits." Yang Danxuan's voice wavered, and she avoided Su Chen's gaze.

Su Chen was taken aback. What on earth? Was Yang Danxuan really going to wear a maid costume? Just the thought made him somewhat eager. But, being the gentleman he considered himself, how could he let this happen?

"This doesn't seem right," he protested.

"What's wrong with it? It's just wearing an outfit." As she spoke, Yang Danxuan started pushing Su Chen out and shut the door behind him.

However, a tiny action from Yang Danxuan made Su Chen slightly flustered. He noticed she had closed the door but hadn't locked it. Did this mean he could enter at any moment?

After waiting a few minutes and with Yang Danxuan still not emerging, Su Chen grew impatient.

Just the thought of the nation's goddess, Yang Danxuan, changing into a maid's outfit separated from him by only a wall made Su Chen feel like every second was dragging on like a year. Just as he was lost in thought, footsteps suddenly echoed outside the door.

"Oh no!" Su Chen instinctively thought that something big was about to happen. Could it be Su Xian'er? If she were to see Yang Danxuan dressed in a maid's outfit in his room, the consequences would be dire. Without much thought, Su Chen hastily pushed open the door. 

At this moment, Yang Danxuan hadn't fully dressed yet, and seeing Su Chen come in, she almost let out a scream. But Su Chen quickly approached her, signaling that he hadn't seen anything he shouldn't have. He then whispered, "Don't shout; someone's coming!"

Yang Danxuan appeared even more panicked than Su Chen. The color drained from her face when she heard someone approaching. Dressed in the maid's outfit, with her exquisite long legs encased in white stockings and her bare shoulders exposed, this sight left Yang Danxuan, a relatively inexperienced celebrity, in a daze. In a fluster, she asked, "What do we do now?"

Su Chen rolled his eyes, "What else? We hide in the closet, of course." This was his instinctual solution. He then swiftly pulled Yang Danxuan into the closet with him, quickly concealing their presence to avoid detection. However, the space inside was extremely cramped. Su Chen and Yang Danxuan were practically pressed against each other. 

Su Chen even had to bend over, using the strength of his waist to support Yang Danxuan due to the lack of space. Coupled with Yang Danxuan's current attire, not only did Su Chen get a feast for the eyes, but he could also clearly feel the smoothness of Yang Danxuan's skin.

But this wasn't the most thrilling part. Their current posture and situation made them look like secret lovers. The footsteps grew closer. While Su Chen remained calm, Yang Danxuan, either due to wearing too little, feeling cold, or simply being nervous, began to shiver slightly. Though this didn't bother her too much, it was painful for Su Chen's waist.

Struggling to hold on, he whispered urgently, "Stop moving; my back hurts!"