Su Chen Takes Action for the First Time

Qiu Wushui was now the target of Qin Yu. Because she was so beautiful, the fire of desire in Qin Yu's heart was instantly ignited. Thinking this way, Qin Yu still portrayed a caring demeanor towards Qiu Wushui, asking, "Wushui, are you alright? How have you been all these years?"

"Not good," Qiu Wushui shook her head, looking coldly at Qin Yu. She had always harbored immense hatred towards Qin Yu due to the enmity related to their parents. And now, she was disgusted by his lascivious gaze. Comparisons are always the most terrifying. The greedy look in Qin Yu's eyes made it seem like he wanted to devour her. Compared to Su Chen, Qin Yu appeared even more detestable. 

Even though many have had intentions toward her due to her beauty, she felt particularly unhappy about Qin Yu's actions. It was as if he believed Qiu Wushui solely belonged to him. Clearly, just as Su Chen had suspected, Qin Yu indeed harbored such intentions. Yet now, he seemed to be plotting against her. 

Seeing Qin Yu's occasional sly smile, Qiu Wushui felt nauseated. To think she had called this enemy her brother for so many years. Now, her hatred towards him grew even more. Not only did Qin Yu's parents kill hers, but they also intended to have her married to Qin Yu. If that happened, the Qiu family's name would be tarnished forever.

"Wushui, tell me what's bothering you. I will help you seek revenge," Qin Yu expressed with apparent concern. He noticed the distracted look and even the hint of resentment in Qiu Wushui's eyes, assuming someone might have bullied her. That displeased him. Qiu Wushui was, in his mind, his designated woman, and he couldn't imagine anyone daring to offend her. Yet, he also felt pleased. If Qiu Wushui was troubled, then his appearance was like delivering coal in snowy weather. Given their deep past connections, it would only be a matter of time before he won her over.

However, the disdain in Qiu Wushui's eyes was palpable. She coldly retorted, "Qin Yu, you're not worthy of speaking to me, much less being my brother." Her words were filled with dissatisfaction.

"Qiu Wushui, have you forgotten who I am?" Qin Yu's brow furrowed. He was getting a bit angry. He was displeased with Qiu Wushui's attitude, reminding him of past encounters with other women. "I haven't mistaken you. I know the truth. We don't share any blood ties, so from now on, we're strangers," Qiu Wushui's words weighed heavily. Each word she uttered was filled with force. She didn't directly mention seeking revenge. 

It was best to keep her vendetta secret for now. She realized she was still too weak, especially after the confrontation with Chen Tong. Voicing her intentions now would make Qin Yu wary. She needed to play her cards close to her chest and not startle the snake by hitting the grass. This was not the outcome she desired.

Qin Yu, on the other hand, seemed nonchalant, laughing, "So you've found out." He was actually quite pleased. To him, this revelation was insignificant. In fact, it might even be a blessing. Once things were clear, winning over Qiu Wushui would be straightforward. At this moment, he could barely contain himself. Qiu Wushui's youthful face, brimming with scholarly charm, tempted him. Suddenly, he understood why she was so angry. It was to be expected.

Qiu Wushui is the one that Qin Yu trusts the most, yet his sudden disappearance is naturally distressing to her.

Given that she probably waited for him for a long time, her resentful reaction is quite understandable. In fact, the deeper the love, the deeper the resentment.

To Qin Yu, Qiu Wushui's reaction seems promising. He knows that he needs to address the issue of their identities if he hopes to win Qiu Wushui over. But now that this is out in the open, it actually saves Qin Yu a lot of trouble.

Concernedly, Qin Yu said, "Wushui, it's all my fault. I should have come to see you sooner, but I've been too busy. Rest assured, from now on, I won't let you suffer any injustice."

After a pause, he realized it was time to be forthright with Qiu Wushui. "Years ago, my father took you in out of pity, hoping you'd become my child bride. But after seeing you, I didn't agree. In fact, you should have a choice."

Moved by his own words, Qin Yu was quite touched. His performance was seamless, and he believed that Qiu Wushui could not remain unaffected. However, seeing no reaction from her, he immediately thought of a crucial point. He was convinced that deep down, Qiu Wushui must still harbor feelings for him.

With this thought, Qin Yu confidently said, "The truth is, our parents wished to see you marry me. Even though they're no longer here, I don't wish to sadden them. So, I don't mind our sibling relationship; I want you as my wife." He added, "Plus, I'll still find you some pretty sisters-in-law."

While Qiu Wushui should be his, he wouldn't put all his eggs in one basket. But no matter what, he believes he can change his approach later if needed. However, when Qiu Wushui heard all of this, she was stunned. She couldn't believe that Qin Yu could be so shameless and audacious.

But, strangely, a part of her felt moved. If she hadn't known his true nature and the reality of things, she might have been deceived. Now, thinking about it, she realized just how ludicrous his words were, even to the point of revulsion.

With a cold smile, Qiu Wushui said, "Qin Yu, you're mistaken. From now on, we're strangers. We've never had a relationship, and we never will."

Qiu Wushui spoke with sincerity, conveying her true feelings. Qin Yu was momentarily taken aback, but he quickly adjusted, attributing her comments to mere shyness. He truly believed that she was fond of him as a child and wouldn't miss this opportunity.

Adapting, he responded, "You're right. From now on, we're strangers. We're no longer siblings, so you can be with me without concerns. Why should we care about what others think?"

Pretending to care deeply for Qiu Wushui, Qin Yu believed he understood her. In his eyes, Qiu Wushui was merely being coy. He had his tactics. Considering how obedient Qiu Wushui was as a child, he believed that using the name of their adoptive parents would ensure her compliance. Refusing would be unfilial. Qin Yu was adept at understanding human nature. By grasping someone's character, there was nothing he couldn't achieve. Knowing Qiu Wushui's inherent kindness, he was convinced that in the given situation, she would willingly accept him.

Qin Yu felt elated with his plan, believing it to be the right way to woo a woman. In his view, Su Chen's reliance on his family's wealth and status hardly made him a man. Just thinking of Su Chen infuriated Qin Yu.

An idea popped into Qin Yu's mind: to have Qiu Wushui seduce Su Chen. In his perspective, someone as worthless as Su Chen would certainly fall for beauty. And when the moment was right, Qin Yu would sweep in and take Qiu Wushui into his embrace. The mere thought of the resentful look Su Chen would give him filled Qin Yu with joy. But, he also learned a lesson from the past; he shouldn't let Qiu Wushui stay too close to Su Chen or else she might end up like Zhao Menghan.

Qin Yu couldn't help but laugh out loud. Meanwhile, Qiu Wushui was taken aback. She was astounded. How could someone be so absurd? His words were utterly disgraceful. Qiu Wushui felt numb, regretting even considering such a man for over a decade. It was laughable. She pitied her younger self. 

She didn't want to entertain Qin Yu's ludicrous remarks any longer and turned to leave, but Qin Yu grabbed her arm. Qiu Wushui's expression changed instantly. She immediately slapped him, her face filled with disgust, not even wanting to look at him. The sound of the slap drew many onlookers, and Qin Yu's face quickly swelled. Even Qiu Wushui was surprised by the power of her slap, which had been amplified by her anger. She wondered if this newfound strength was the "secret" Su Chen had mentioned. By now, she had complete faith in Su Chen.

As for Qin Yu, he was completely baffled. He believed Qiu Wushui was in love with him, so why would she slap him? And with such force? Was this the same Qiu Wushui he remembered? Wasn't she supposed to be gentle and obedient? He couldn't accept it and wanted answers.

Just then, a voice Qin Yu loathed resonated. He instantly thought of Su Chen. Although Su Chen had been preoccupied, considering Qiu Wushui's presence, he promptly returned with Chen Tong. He had brought her, so he couldn't leave her aside. Unexpectedly, he encountered Qin Yu, which he found amusing. It seemed that the protagonist and antagonist were natural enemies. No matter what Su Chen did, Qin Yu would always appear.

"Hey, isn't that Qin Yu? What are you doing here?" Su Chen taunted coldly. "Trying to hit on someone and it didn't work out? Now you're attempting to take her by force? I've never seen someone as shameless as you."

Qin Yu clenched his fists, glaring at Su Chen, his eyes filled with rage. At this moment, he genuinely wanted to kill Su Chen. His hatred for Su Chen was unbearable, especially seeing him holding Chen Tong, who Qin Yu had long deemed as his. What horrified him even more was realizing how powerful Chen Tong was. 

The fact that she was now devoid of her initial dominance towards him and was bashfully leaning into Su Chen's embrace was evidence enough. Reluctantly, Qin Yu deduced that something had transpired between them. To his dismay, he realized that Chen Tong might no longer be a virgin, and all signs pointed to Su Chen being the reason. Otherwise, why would she lean into Su Chen so trustingly? Enraged, Qin Yu felt an intense surge of anger.

Ever since Lin Qingyan deviated from his plan, Qin Yu had set his sights on Chen Tong as the ultimate conquest. Not only was Chen Tong alluringly beautiful, but every nuance of her expressions was captivating. To have such a woman would be the envy of many. Moreover, her capabilities were immensely powerful. 

The family she belonged to wasn't initially this strong. Yet, in a short time after Chen Tong took over, they were rivaling the prestige of the Su family. If he could secure Chen Tong, his aspirations for empire would be easily realized. However, Chen Tong had betrayed him, getting involved with Su Chen. This felt like a grave insult to Qin Yu.

"Chen Tong, explain yourself!" Qin Yu demanded menacingly. Yet, Chen Tong paid no heed to Qin Yu's hostile gaze, not sparing him a glance. It felt as if she didn't even acknowledge his presence, as insignificant as a mosquito buzzing around. Her thoughts were far away at this point. Now, she barely had any strength left and relied on Su Chen to support her, or else she'd collapse. 

That damned Su Chen had been too vigorous, she thought, her face flushing in embarrassment. She felt humiliated, especially after having consumed too much alcohol, which had made her feel like using the restroom even more. She felt utterly embarrassed. After all, she was an empress! Throughout her life, even an extra glance from someone would enrage her to the point of wanting to kill. And now, Su Chen had done everything to her. She felt like she had lost all face and had no choice but to let Su Chen have his way with her.

Seeing Chen Tong not responding made Qin Yu even angrier. It was humiliating. He thought to himself, "If I die because of Su Chen, it would be bad enough on a regular day. But now, with Qiu Wushui watching, I can't lose face in front of her. How would I impress her then?" He couldn't bear it any longer. 

He had initially planned to torment Su Chen, to make him feel pain and despair. But now, he just wanted to kill him outright. "Su Chen, you're courting death!" At this moment, Qin Yu was on the verge of exploding. But he held back, for Qiu Wushui was still watching. He needed Su Chen to make the first move to maintain his gentlemanly image, which would undoubtedly win over Qiu Wushui.


Since Qin Yu was asking for it, Su Chen was happy to oblige. Qin Yu was pleased, thinking Su Chen would soon take action. Just as he was about to continue mocking Su Chen, he heard again, "Idiot!"

Annoyed, Qin Yu shouted, "Is that the only word you know?!"


Qin Yu's patience was at its end. His eyes turned red, and a voice in his head screamed to kill Su Chen. "Su Chen, die!" But before he could act, he felt a powerful slap on his face. He fell face-first to the ground, losing two teeth. Su Chen casually massaged his hand, saying, "I insulted you this much, and you still didn't retaliate. If not an idiot, then what are you?"

It felt amazing. Su Chen had never felt this satisfied. After being oppressed for so many years, he finally had the chance to thoroughly slap Qin Yu.