Su Xian'er Accompanies, Chen Qing's Dilemma

Su Chen glanced at Su Xian'er, then turned his gaze to Yang Yuxin, feeling resentment building in his heart. He felt completely spun around by the two women, without a clue on how to handle the situation. It was very awkward for him. Just moments ago, Su Chen was fearful due to the conflict between Yang Yuxin and Su Xian'er. However, in a blink of an eye, the two became fast friends. Su Chen felt there was nothing more baffling than this.

"Su Xian'er, if you wish to go, I have no objections, but you'll have to discuss this with mom. If she blames someone, I won't be the scapegoat." Su Xian'er snorted coldly and gave Su Chen a disdainful look, feeling very displeased inside. 

"You're such a mama's boy. Are you planning to live with your mom forever?" She could only curse him in her heart, as she was a bit afraid of Chen Qing. This fear was due to the domination she felt when they were children.

The phone call connected, and Su Xian'er recounted the events. On the other end, Chen Qing was utterly clueless about what had transpired. Just like Su Chen before, she wore a perplexed expression. Chen Qing asked, "What did you just say? Can you repeat it?" 

Su Xian'er repeated, "I said, I also want to travel with Su Chen and Yang Yuxin!" She then added with a hint of annoyance, "Originally, I didn't plan on telling you. But what can I do when there's a mama's boy here?" The last three words were muttered under her breath, but Chen Qing didn't take any notice.

What amazed Chen Qing now was Su Xian'er's eagerness to go out with Su Chen. "Are you joking?" she questioned. "Of course not," Su Xian'er replied innocently, "Do I look like the joking type? And what about that girl, Yang Yuxin?" Chen Qing still found it hard to believe. "She's also going," Su Xian'er said nonchalantly. This statement greatly shocked Chen Qing, leaving her speechless.

Regaining her composure, Chen Qing asked, "Let Su Chen answer the phone." Su Xian'er handed the phone to him. Understanding the situation, Su Chen made sure to take the call away from the two women, quickly finding a small room for privacy. "Mom, you can't blame me. I wanted to go on a honeymoon alone with Yang Yuxin, but Su Xian'er insisted on joining. I couldn't refuse her, right?" Su Chen tried to shift the blame, a tactic he was familiar with.

"That's not what I meant," Chen Qing voiced her deep concerns, "I just want to know, if Su Xian'er is accompanying you, what about Yang Yuxin? And with Su Xian'er's character, she wouldn't usually do something like this! Have you two reconciled?" Su Chen honestly replied, "Yes, we've made up, which is why she wants to travel and enjoy herself with me." Hearing this, Chen Qing was at a loss. She had previously made great efforts to mend the relationship between Su Chen and Su Xian'er. They used to be very close as children, but for some unknown reason, they grew distant. At one point, to avoid Su Chen, Su Xian'er even considered going abroad. If it hadn't been for Chen Qing and Su Long's strong persuasion, she would have left the country. Their rift was evidently due to issues with Su Chen.

But now, it seemed not only had Su Xian'er reconciled with Su Chen, but their bond also seemed stronger. "Could it be that Su Xian'er has feelings for Su Chen?" Chen Qing blurted out, then immediately startled herself. Though Su Xian'er shared no blood ties with her or Su Chen, Chen Qing had always treated her like her own daughter. If such a situation arose, she would never accept it. 

"I'm not sure, probably not," Su Chen said, feeling anxious. To his surprise, Chen Qing seemed to have hit the nail on the head. Indeed, as a mother, she understood her children's emotions all too well. Su Chen knew Chen Qing's personality well; she would certainly not accept a relationship between him and Su Xian'er.

So Su Chen didn't dare to speak out. Otherwise, they'd really end up having to visit Chen Qing in the hospital. Chen Qing's face darkened, "Su Chen, watch your limits with me. You absolutely must not cross the line." 

"Mom, what are you talking about? How could I be such a person?" Maybe he's lied so much that when Su Chen continues to lie, he doesn't even blush, and his heart rate remains incredibly steady.

Chen Qing was having some regrets. She had a bad feeling in her heart. She would never agree to let something like this happen. Of course, she believed that Su Chen and Su Xian'er haven't reconciled yet since they originally had conflicts. It wouldn't suddenly become harmonious. There would definitely be a period of adjustment. But if she allows Su Chen and Su Xian'er to continue developing their close relationship now, it might lead to undesirable outcomes. Just thinking about it gave Chen Qing chills.

She felt that while things haven't progressed to a terrifying state, there were still early signs. Chen Qing hurriedly said, "Maybe we should just drop the idea. What could that girl Xian'er possibly do? My intention was just to let you observe Yang Yuxin on a solo trip. Moreover, doesn't Yang Yuxin have conflicts with Su Xian'er? Forget it. It'll end with you being disliked by both sides, which would be unpleasant to see." 

After saying this, Chen Qing suddenly realized something was amiss. How peculiar. Why would she subconsciously think that Yang Yuxin and Su Xian'er had conflicts? What caused their conflicts? Was it because of Su Chen? Because both Yang Yuxin and Su Xian'er liked Su Chen, that's why there were conflicts.

Being experienced in these matters, Chen Qing understood the implications. If that was truly the case, then the situation was quite troublesome. However, before Chen Qing could figure it out, Su Chen began to speak. 

"I don't mind, but right now, it's Yang Yuxin who strongly wants Su Xian'er to come along. In other words, Yang Yuxin agreed. Whatever is happening between Su Xian'er and Yang Yuxin was premeditated. I don't have much to do with it. If I said I didn't want Su Xian'er to come, Yang Yuxin said she wouldn't go either." 

These words left Chen Qing utterly dumbfounded.

What's going on? This wasn't what she had envisioned. Su Chen continued, "In fact, I also don't want Su Xian'er to come. Why don't you talk to her, mom? Of course, I can say no directly if you agree." 

Right now, Su Chen wanted Chen Qing's support. He didn't want Su Xian'er to go either. He figured that Yang Yuxin and Su Xian'er could establish a friendship now because they both benefited from it. However, if Su Xian'er couldn't go, the balance between them would naturally break, potentially destroying their fragile sisterhood.

As Su Chen finished speaking, Chen Qing was completely stunned. Yang Yuxin agreed? Had she misjudged the situation? Were Yang Yuxin and Su Xian'er actually close friends? "Let's just agree to let Su Xian'er go," she finally said. Hearing Su Chen's firm attitude, there didn't seem to be any hidden secrets with Su Xian'er. 

After all, if she was just overthinking it, Su Xian'er being rejected by Su Chen, given Chen Qing's understanding of her proud daughter, would only infuriate her. It would then become tough to mend their relationship. Su Chen reconciling with Su Xian'er was what Chen Qing wanted the most.

After a moment, Chen Qing said seriously, "I need to remind you of something." "Even though Yang Yuxin is important, being my future daughter-in-law, you can't always ignore Su Xian'er's feelings." What Chen Qing really didn't want was for Su Xian'er and Su Chen to revert to their old hostile ways. 

Su Chen's face darkened. He had no idea what Chen Qing meant. Was this some kind of trap? "Fine, I'll follow your plan. Goodbye for now." Su Chen didn't wait for Chen Qing's response and hung up, lest there be further complications.

Chen Qing didn't have the mood to ponder why Su Chen hung up on her. Instead, she rushed to Su Long's room, exclaiming, "Something terrible has happened."

Su Long looked at Chen Qing, who was in a panic, and immediately felt that something was wrong. After all, it was rare even for him to see Chen Qing in such a state. Chen Qing explained the situation to Su Long. She asked anxiously, "What should we do now? I suspect that something might happen between that brat and Xian'er." 

Upon hearing this, the worry in Su Long's heart subsided. He was initially concerned that it might be something more serious. While Chen Qing was worried about such matters, Su Long wasn't too concerned. In fact, he found it somewhat amusing and chuckled. Unfortunately, Chen Qing noticed his smirk. 

She became infuriated, "Su Long, I'm discussing a serious matter with you. Don't act so flippant!" She continued, "If Su Xian'er and Su Chen truly fall in love, how will we face this?" Chen Qing didn't complete her sentence, but Su Long knew what she meant. Yet, Su Long remained calm, and with a smile, he explained, "Why is this a problem? Think about it; isn't it a good thing?" 

He continued, "We were concerned about how to resolve the tension between Su Chen and her. Now, it seems they might resolve it themselves. And if things do go this way, wouldn't you have fewer worries? The mother-daughter-in-law relationship won't be an issue, and you won't have to fret about the daughter-in-law's discontent." 

He cheerfully added, "It's a win-win situation."

Su Long believed that Chen Qing would be pleased with his perspective. His explanation was, in his eyes, almost perfect. Surely, Chen Qing couldn't resist such logic. The relationship between Su Xian'er's biological parents and Su Long had always been positive. Initially, there were plans for a childhood engagement, but after an incident involving Su Xian'er's real parents, Su Long adopted Su Xian'er, and the matter was no longer discussed. 

Su Long had never revealed the truth about Su Xian'er and Su Chen to keep her comfortable in the family. So, if Su Xian'er eventually married Su Chen, it would fulfill the wishes of her biological parents.

However, to Su Long's surprise, his words ignited Chen Qing's fury. "Get out!" she shouted. "I'm trying to solve a problem, and you're making it worse! And resolving the mother-daughter-in-law relationship? How would we face each other and the judgment of others?" 

She continued with frustration, "Instead of helping me find a solution, you're making light of the situation. Go and sit in the corridor."

Seeing Chen Qing's anger, Su Long didn't dare to say more and left dejectedly. Chen Qing was left fuming. Although after some thought, she realized that Su Long might have had a point. But that would be a last resort. Based on their conversation, Chen Qing believed that the relationship between Su Chen and Su Xian'er hadn't progressed that far yet. 

In her view, the best solution was to ensure it didn't develop further. "We need to hasten Su Chen's marriage to Yang Yuxin and find a suitable match for Su Xian'er. But who?" Chen Qing pondered, struggling to think of a good candidate. Perhaps facilitating a relationship between the two might be a good decision.

Meanwhile, Su Chen, along with Yang Yuxin and Su Xian'er, arrived at the airport. Both women looked cheerful, while Su Chen appeared gloomy. He struggled to find a way to cause discord between the two. Yang Yuxin was carrying several bags, clearly excited about the journey. 

Su Chen knew that Su Xian'er, given her nature, would shop for everything new and extravagant once they arrived. "Such a spendthrift," he muttered to himself. Su Xian'er seemingly sensed his remark and shot him a disapproving look. Just then, Yang Yuxin's phone rang, and she excused herself to take the call.

With Yang Yuxin away, Su Chen saw this as an opportunity to reprimand Su Xian'er for her recent behavior, which had angered him. In Yang Yuxin's presence, he had held back, but now was the time. "What's gotten into you?" he asked, raising his hand to slap her in frustration.

Su Xian'er winced slightly and said, "I wasn't making a fuss. I've just been cooped up at home for too long and wanted to go out for fun. Coincidentally, you were also heading out."

"Our mother suspects something between us, but luckily I acted very convincingly, so there should be no issue."

[This foolish woman almost got me in trouble.] 

[If you really want to accompany me, don't regret it later.] 

[I'll teach you a good lesson.]

Inside, Su Xian'er was fuming. If you dare call me foolish, then don't blame me for causing chaos later on.

"Don't worry, our mother won't find out." Su Xian'er said with a smile. However, her inner thoughts were quite different.

"I want our mother to know, and it must be revealed by you."

"If our mother doesn't know, wouldn't I only be seen as a lover? That's not acceptable."

At that moment, Yang Yuxin returned. But her face was devoid of the earlier sparkle and enthusiasm. Instead, she looked dejected.

Su Chen noticed it and curiously asked, "Yang Yuxin, what's wrong?"

Upon reflection, Su Chen realized that something was off. Yang Yuxin's previous cheerful demeanor had completely vanished. Yang Yuxin was happy earlier because she could go out and have fun. If she's upset now, wouldn't that be advantageous for me?

Su Chen almost burst out laughing.