True Sisters, Even Their Way of Crawling Under the Covers Is the Same

Knock knock knock! The sound of knocking came continuously, especially stark in the quiet environment. This time, the person knocking was Su Chen. Yang Danxuan's handwriting had booked all the most luxurious rooms on both floors. Su Chen guessed that Yang Danxuan probably feared being recognized as a celebrity. But this also meant that last night, Yang Danxuan could scream to her heart's content.

"Yang Yuxin, where are you? Why haven't you come out yet, what are you up to?" After waiting for a long time without seeing Yang Yuxin, Su Chen was naturally anxious, mainly fearing that she had encountered some danger. 

[Yang Yuxin's body proportions are so good, she must be very suitable for a bikini.] 

[But I don't know what color she will choose.] 

[Forget it, there are so many people outside, it would not be good if someone saw her later!]

[Let's have Yang Yuxin wear less later!] 

Through the door, Yang Yuxin originally heard Su Chen's thoughts and was extremely angry. "I thought you really cared about me, but it turns out you have such bad intentions." However, she was quite happy to hear the latter half of his thoughts. "Who used to act as if they really disliked me, now you regret it, don't you? Now you care about me." Yang Yuxin felt very proud.

Although she was always complaining about Su Chen in her mind, she wasn't really angry, and even felt quite at ease. Yang Yuxin opened the door, her beautiful eyes fixed on Su Chen, and said with a smile, "I suddenly don't want to go to the beach anymore."

"What?" This scared Su Chen, "Why the change of heart? You didn't say that before." As Su Chen spoke, he completely missed the triumphant smile on Yang Yuxin's face. After speaking, Yang Yuxin closed the door. Su Chen stood outside, very angry!

What about the swimsuit? What about the promised treat? Why had it suddenly disappeared? Su Chen felt like he had been tricked. He didn't want to come to the beach at all; if it weren't for Yang Yuxin 'threatening' him with a swimsuit, he wouldn't have come no matter what. However, it was also just right to come here, for he was able to meet Ji Ling, the only somewhat normal female protagonist.

But suddenly he thought of a countermeasure, with Yang Yuxin's jealous nature, just a little provocation would easily solve everything. "Su Xian'er, come out and play with me! Su Xian'er!" Su Chen called out, and then Su Xian'er's slightly hoarse yet very seductive voice came from inside. "I won't go, I'm tired and need to rest. I'll play with you tomorrow."

Su Chen: ??? 

What was happening? Even Su Xian'er was acting like this. He thought again of Yang Danxuan. But he quickly vetoed the idea, Yang Danxuan wouldn't work, she was Yang Yuxin's sister, and it would be troublesome if the truth came out. And now, after what happened last night, Yang Danxuan was also greatly weakened and couldn't continue.

Thinking of Yang Yuxin's smug smile just now. Su Chen pulled at the corner of his mouth, and after a long time, he squeezed out a sentence: "Yang Yuxin, you don't need to say it, I know this must be your plot, what are you planning?" 

Yang Yuxin replied with a surprised and puzzled tone: "What are you talking about? I don't understand at all."

Su Chen was speechless, what about the agreed upon matter? Why had there been a sudden change? And he had been looking forward to it for so long. Of course, the most important thing was the desire provoked by that woman Ji Ling. Although she seemed to be the only female lead without character issues, it seemed like there was a problem after all. Unreasonably, she was undressing to take a bath in his home.

Even boldly undressing in front of Su Chen, he originally thought she wouldn't want to destroy the relationship between him and Yang Danxuan. Ji Ling's mission, besides helping Qin Yu figure out his relationship with Yang Danxuan, was not to seduce him and then let Yang Danxuan catch them in the act. Yang Yuxin or Su Xian'er would do as well. 

In any case, it was definitely a trap for him, that was Su Chen's initial thought. But on second thought, it didn't seem quite right, how could Ji Ling, as the female lead, accept such a mission?

So what exactly was Ji Ling thinking? Su Chen did not know. But he was indeed tempted by that bare body, yet he restrained himself.

And he did so with the appearance of an upright gentleman, driving Ji Ling away. However, unexpectedly, Yang Yuxin now not only refused to go to the beach but also wouldn't let anyone in through her door. The same was true for Su Xian'er, given her character, how could she possibly be bought over by Yang Yuxin? What kind of strategy did Yang Yuxin use to make Su Xian'er listen to her? Su Chen couldn't figure it out, but at that moment, he was so angry that he wanted to teach Yang Yuxin a profound lesson. 

[This woman is too cunning, and I don't know who taught her that. I am convinced.] 

[Where did the dumb and cute Yang Yuxin go, why is she not easy to fool anymore?] 

[I was wondering why this woman suddenly stopped being angry just now, it turns out she was setting a trap and waiting for me to fall into it.]

[It's okay not to go to the beach, but at least she should wear a swimsuit and come out to see.] 

[It's not for nothing that Yang Yuxin has become smarter, even knowing to close the door now.] 

Su Chen was confident that although Yang Yuxin was refusing him now, as long as he could enter the room, he would immediately make Yang Yuxin obediently listen to him. But if they did not meet, it was impossible. He couldn't possibly break down the door, could he? That would make him a hooligan.

[What makes me the angriest is Su Xian'er, who I finally managed to train to be so obedient and gentle, and now she has been led astray by Yang Yuxin.] 

[Now they are both conspiring to deal with me, this is too bullying.] 

[Just wait, sooner or later, I will make you regret this.]

Yang Yuxin was very happy in her room upon hearing Su Chen's thoughts. Her plan was very successful. She finally made Su Chen come to her, wanting yet not taking action sooner, always rejecting me for what. The more Yang Yuxin thought about it, the angrier she got. 

"Yang Yuxin, don't forget what you promised," Su Xian'er suddenly revealed a sly smile. Her beautiful eyes suddenly seemed filled with murderous intent, "If you dare not keep your word, I won't let you off easily."

"I know, why the rush, your plan hasn't succeeded yet," Yang Yuxin thought and felt that she was at a big loss. Su Chen clearly liked her, but now she actually had to do business with Su Xian'er. The more she thought about it, the more upset she became. Compared to Yang Yuxin's depression, Su Xian'er was smiling very brightly. The plan to make Yang Yuxin ignore Su Chen was actually thought up by Su Xian'er. Not only that, but she even helped Yang Yuxin devise a series of plans.

Including not going to find Su Chen herself, which was a big sacrifice for Su Xian'er. So, the reward she sought naturally could not be small. Su Xian'er's request was simple, even if Yang Yuxin really married Su Chen as Chen Qing instructed. Behind the scenes, she would be the legal wife, meaning Yang Yuxin would have to call her sister. Su Xian'er also understood that it was almost impossible for her to register for marriage with Su Chen.

After all, given her identity, even if her parents agreed, such behavior would have a very bad impact on Su Chen, and even the entire Su family. Therefore, Su Xian'er dismissed such thoughts. So subduing Yang Yuxin, who was most likely to register for marriage with Su Chen in the future, was an urgent matter for Su Xian'er. She thought of a plan for Yang Yuxin, now first to make Su Chen suffer, and then tonight, Yang Yuxin will take the initiative to go over, then Su Chen will definitely not be able to resist.

By then, whatever Yang Yuxin wanted to do could be accomplished. "Su Xian'er, are you sure it will really work?" Yang Yuxin bit her lip, it was just listening to Su Xian'er's words, as long as the matter could be done, it wasn't a big deal. 

"Of course," Su Xian'er never doubted her plan, especially since the target this time was Su Chen. "I know exactly what my brother is thinking, just relax, as long as you do as I say, then everything is no problem."

Su Xian'er also had her own little schemes. How could she allow Yang Yuxin to meet Su Chen alone? After all, Yang Yuxin alone couldn't satisfy Su Chen. By then, she could also cultivate her relationship with Su Chen properly, after all, it had been a long time since they had a proper in-depth exchange. Su Xian'er almost laughed out loud, "It's simply killing two birds with one stone." She was actually even more looking forward to the arrival of the night than Yang Yuxin.

Time gradually passed. Night was about to fall. After Su Chen finished dinner, he lay in bed to rest. After reading a few comics that were not 'holy', his mood instantly improved. Huh? When Su Chen wanted to rest, he suddenly felt some movement at the outer door. Who could it be? But the ones who would come to his room were either Yang Yuxin or Su Xian'er. It was unlikely to be Yang Danxuan.

Given her character, at least she would send a message saying, "The long night is so boring, I simply can't sleep, and for some reason, I feel a bit scared when I'm alone." At that time, Su Chen would appear very caring and reply, "Don't worry, I'll come and keep you company." 

Yang Danxuan: "Hurry up."

Do not ask how Su Chen knew, because he had just finished texting Yang Danxuan and was thinking about hurrying over. Could it be that Yang Danxuan couldn't wait and came over ahead of time? Although the likelihood of this was not great, it was still possible. Su Chen was very pleased; he deliberately unlocked the originally locked door and then covered himself with the blanket, knowing that Yang Danxuan was quite shy. As a warm man capable of bringing joy to Yang Danxuan, Su Chen naturally wanted to prepare everything.

After a while, the door of the room indeed opened silently. However, when Su Chen saw who it was, he inwardly cursed, realizing that a big problem had arisen. It was not Yang Danxuan who came, but Yang Yuxin. Yes, the very Yang Yuxin who had turned him away today. Su Chen was close to breaking down. He had just made arrangements with Yang Danxuan, and now wasn't everything messed up?

Yang Yuxin entered, first cautiously observing her surroundings, and seeing Su Chen pretending not to notice, she was ecstatic, her smile spreading across her face. Then she tiptoed to close the door, took off her cotton slippers holding them in her hand, and sneakily slipped to the side of the bed, lifting the blanket and crawling in. 

Su Chen, who was already highly alert, suddenly found Yang Yuxin beside him, followed by a faint fragrance. It was the scent of shower gel and shampoo. Su Chen couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, this was a long time in the planning! She even washed up clean, it's obvious what she wants to do."

Yang Yuxin snuggled into his embrace, and those beautiful bright eyes seemed to shine in the dark, looking extremely attractive. Her cheeks had a cute blush as she gleefully said, "How about that? I tricked you today, didn't I? My appearance now is to make up for the earlier benefits, isn't it a surprise, aren't you happy?"

Su Chen? Happy? The situation was like going out to meet a mistress and being caught by his lawful wife. He didn't understand what Yang Yuxin meant at all. Although it is said that a woman's face can change quickly, this was too fast. Earlier she had been on the verge of breaking up, and now she had cleaned up and snuggled into his bed, her pretty face as if bearing the words: "Don't speak, kiss me."

"It's been a long time since we were this close; it's been so many years, do you remember when we used to play in the same bed as kids?" Yang Yuxin giggled, and her fragrant body kept snuggling into Su Chen's embrace, her long legs restless. This was a technique taught by Su Xian'er because at such times you can't just say: "It's too cold, I want to sleep with you." So, start with chatting, and then continue with the "sneaky" actions. This was also how Su Xian'er tricked Su Chen.

While Yang Yuxin talked, she grabbed Su Chen's hand and placed it on her slender waist, then brought her cherry lips close to Su Chen's ear, whispering secrets. But Su Chen's attention wasn't on her at all; his mind had wandered. He thought, what if Yang Danxuan suddenly showed up? That would be real trouble.

At that moment, he didn't know that Yang Yuxin had already found out about him and Yang Danxuan. So he was very worried. If Yang Yuxin knew, the consequences would be too severe. He was not afraid of Yang Yuxin scolding him, but he was worried that she might do something rash, which would cause big trouble.

But after worrying for a while, he realized that nothing he feared had happened. Thinking about it, Yang Danxuan must be very tired, maybe she fell asleep. So, in the next hour, Su Chen had an easy time communicating with Yang Yuxin. Maybe because of the hot weather and the two of them under the same blanket, sweat started to appear on their foreheads, and even the bedsheet was accidentally soaked through.

But suddenly, there was a knock on the door, "Su Chen, are you asleep?" 

"Your sister is here, what should we do? You better hide," Su Chen's face changed, and he looked very panicked. 

"What is she here for?" Yang Yuxin, who was happily in the midst of things, was suddenly interrupted and muttered in frustration. 

"Whatever she is here for, you better hide first," said Su Chen seriously and guiltily.

He, of course, knew what Yang Danxuan came to "sit" for. 

Yang Yuxin gave him a doubtful look, wondering why she should hide just because Yang Danxuan was coming; it's not like they were doing anything shady. But before she could figure it out, Su Chen quickly pushed her into the wardrobe. The door wasn't locked, and although Yang Danxuan didn't get a response from Su Chen, she still pushed the door open and came in. 

Su Chen pretended to be asleep, which might actually be a good thing for her because then she could take the initiative to do whatever she wanted. Watching Yang Danxuan's current attire, Yang Yuxin instantly understood why her sister came looking for Su Chen and muttered resentfully, "Damn it."

While Yang Yuxin was fuming, Su Chen felt somewhat at a loss. Yang Danxuan was wearing pajamas, but they didn't quite seem like pajamas, being very thin and revealing quite a bit of her fair skin even in the dim night light, and importantly, she was hugging her chest, though her intentions were unclear. She then came in and did exactly the same thing as Yang Yuxin had done earlier, without a word, she dived straight under the blanket.