Qin Luoyi's Mischief Leads to Another Plot Collapse

Bai Bing'er watched as Qin Luoyi fell asleep in Su Chen's arms with a blissful expression. At this moment, she couldn't tell what this woman was thinking anymore. Could it be that she genuinely liked Su Chen? But no matter what, Su Chen seemed to be very gentle with Qin Luoyi! The two of them together actually looked quite like a married couple.

The main reason Bai Bing'er had kept Qin Luoyi by her side was that she found her very similar to herself. In the eyes of others, it was always about their appearance, and no matter how well they did in other aspects, in the end, they would still be denied. Coincidentally, Qin Luoyi was such a person and had never had a man by her side. So, whenever Bai Bing'er saw Qin Luoyi, she often thought, even without a man, isn't life quite good?

But now, seeing Qin Luoyi's intimate actions with Su Chen, and this was also the first time Bai Bing'er saw Qin Luoyi show such a face to a man. Whether it was true or not, Bai Bing'er was very envious. She even felt a tinge of regret. Regretting why she let Qin Luoyi sit next to Su Chen just now. If it had been her instead, the person being envied right now would likely be her.

Bai Bing'er thought the scene before her was quite nice, and she couldn't help but smile in the end. Beside her, Fang Yufan raised his eyebrows slightly. The damned Su Chen should not be underestimated. Perhaps this was the person with great fortune mentioned by his teacher? 

This was Fang Yufan's guess in his heart because Su Chen's behavior, in his view, was very shameless and extremely prodigal. That such a person could achieve his current success must mean he had great fortune with him. This was also why Bai Bing'er's gaze had been on him ever since they boarded the train.

Fang Yufan was actually quite annoyed. Bai Bing'er's physique was a great supplement for him, and if he could get it, his cultivation would truly rise to a new level. And now, even though he had the medical skills to snatch people from the hands of death, his heart was not satisfied. He still needed strong power. Strong power, combined with the terrifying medical skills he already possessed, would not take long before the entire capital became his playground. So, no matter what, he had to get Bai Bing'er.

No! I have to implement the plan. Hence, Fang Yufan looked at Bai Bing'er and said solemnly, "Miss, I really see that your complexion is extremely pale, and you are shrouded in coldness. If I am not mistaken, you are currently suffering from Taiyin Cold Poison, and it has entered your bone marrow. If you do not receive proper treatment, you will soon die from the poison." Fang Yufan confidently explained everything to Bai Bing'er. He believed that after hearing his words, Bai Bing'er would definitely be affected and even plant a seed of belief in him in her heart. That would be enough, thought Fang Yufan.

However, when Bai Bing'er heard Fang Yufan reveal her secret, she did not show any agitation but instead felt more disgust. Because through Fang Yufan's words just now, she confirmed her suspicion. The other party must have come with a premeditated plan; otherwise, he would not know so much about her. 

Bai Bing'er had seen too much of this kind of thing. Although she did not know the other party's purpose, she was really annoyed by this kind of 'fly'. "You—" She wanted to curse at Fang Yufan, but suddenly a wave of dizziness came over her, making Bai Bing'er very uncomfortable. Before she could finish her sentence, she fell into a faint.

Her delicate body instinctively fell to the left, right into Su Chen's arms. 

Su Chen: O_O 

Just now, Su Chen had been observing the situation and also noticed that Fang Yufan had deliberately activated the cold poison in Bai Bing'er's body. But Su Chen did not stop it because it perfectly matched his plan. As long as Bai Bing'er fainted, he could stand by and do nothing, letting Fang Yufan save her. When Bai Bing'er woke up and knew Fang Yufan had saved her, that would mean the mission was completed. And Su Chen would just need to come out and cause trouble.

Bai Bing'er fainted, and Qin Luoyi, who had been asleep for a long time, woke up at the same time; Bai Bing'er's fainting was a significant event that immediately made her alert. When Qin Luoyi saw Bai Bing'er faint, she naturally became very worried. She hurried to support her and could feel that Bai Bing'er's body temperature was dropping at a terrifying rate. Gradually, there was no sign of life left. "What to do? What to do?" Qin Luoyi was like an ant on a hot pan because the incident was too sudden, and she could not react.

At this moment, Fang Yufan couldn't help but show a hint of triumph.

Bai Bing'er's sudden illness was actually orchestrated by him. As a disciple of a divine physician, curing such an ailment would be an insurmountable task for outsiders, but for him, it was a piece of cake. However, Fang Yufan did not wish to intervene just yet; he was waiting. He would wait until the most critical moment to make his move. 

Seeing Qin Luoyi's anxious demeanor made him feel quite satisfied since he had already mentioned Bai Bing'er's potential for illness. Presumably, this young girl before him must also be aware of it. For now, he would let her worry a bit more until it was time for him to step in.

Fang Yufan was delighted within, "It must be said, all my attention was on Bai Bing'er just now, I didn't notice how beautiful this woman is." He was sitting, waiting for Qin Luoyi to come to him. Meanwhile, Qin Luoyi, indeed in a state of panic, thought of someone, but that person was obviously not Fang Yufan, but rather Su Chen. 

After Su Chen died in her previous life, Qin Luoyi knew of Su Chen's capabilities, which were extremely formidable in every aspect, including his medical skills. So, if Su Chen decided to take action, saving Bai Bing'er would naturally not be a problem. Although Qin Luoyi was initially sent by Wang Bingbing to spy on Bai Bing'er, over these days, Qin Luoyi had gradually developed a friendship with Bai Bing'er and naturally did not want her to die.

"Su Chen, can you save Bing'er, please? She is also a woman with a hard fate, and she hasn't fulfilled her wishes yet, how can she die?" Qin Luoyi, shaking Su Chen's arm, pleaded urgently, "If you agree to help, Bing'er will surely be safe." 

What the heck, how do you know I can save her? Su Chen was completely speechless, he scrutinized Qin Luoyi from head to toe, to be honest, he really didn't understand what she meant. Bai Bing'er, of course, will not die, especially not with the male protagonist Fang Yufan here. But Su Chen really didn't understand. If he could save her immediately, what exactly was he hesitating for? Su Chen was truly exasperated.

He inwardly complained, "No wonder he cannot become the lead male protagonist, with this level of competence, I am impressed." Now, Bai Bing'er, as the female protagonist, is so cooperative with the script, to be honest, this is the first time in Su Chen's life that he has seen everything go according to the script so smoothly. 

But when it came to the male protagonist Fang Yufan, there was a big problem. The opportunity to show off was right before his eyes, what in the world was he doing? And at that moment, Fang Yufan heard Qin Luoyi's words. His face changed instantly. What do you mean this disease can only be cured by Su Chen? Hmph! Next, I'll show you what true medical skill is.

Thinking this way, Fang Yufan stood up confidently, a smile that he couldn't suppress appeared on his face. "I told you that she suffers from a cold disease, why didn't you believe it? Now you realize your mistake, but you still have to rely on my painstaking efforts to cure her," Fang Yufan sighed. 

Actually, inside he was ecstatic, Bai Bing'er was still unconscious, so now was naturally the time to show off to Qin Luoyi. At this moment, Fang Yufan concentrated intently, preparing to use his medical skills to save Bai Bing'er from the brink of death. But just at the crucial moment when he was about to act, Qin Luoyi suddenly blocked him.

And with a very serious tone, she scolded, "What are you trying to do, don't think you can take advantage of Bing'er while she's unconscious." Fang Yufan was so angry he felt like spitting blood. Wasn't he clear enough? Can he cure the disease? But the woman in front of him was still stopping him, Fang Yufan had already thought about how to cure Bai Bing'er and then show off, but now he was being stopped before he even saw her. How could he not be angry? Fang Yufan was now full of rage, but fortunately, he managed to restrain himself.

Instead, he reassured himself: "It's okay, she doubts me now, but later she'll see what I'm really capable of." Suppressing the anger in his heart, Fang Yufan smiled and explained, "It's fine, I just want to properly treat this young lady. I can cure her disease." 

"You can cure?" Qin Luoyi murmured, then let out a cold laugh. She was well aware of Bai Bing'er's condition; it was difficult to treat. How could it possibly be cured by Fang Yufan? Of course, if there really was no other option, then she would choose to believe this man before her. But now Su Chen was right there. With someone absolutely sure to cure her, why would there be any need to take a risk? So no matter what, Qin Luoyi would not let anyone close to Bai Bing'er, who knows if they are just charlatans.

Qin Luoyi's actions were making Su Chen uncomfortable to watch from the sidelines. "Just let him treat her," he said. 

"But!" Qin Luoyi protested. 

"There's no 'but' about it." Su Chen pulled Qin Luoyi aside, making way for Fang Yufan. It was time for the male lead to play his role. However, to prevent Qin Luoyi from causing further trouble, Su Chen whispered in her ear, audible only to the two of them, "Don't worry, it's going to be alright." Su Chen did not dare give Qin Luoyi another chance to interfere. 

It was hard enough to get Fang Yufan to act to save her, and he couldn't allow it to be spoiled. Su Chen would feel utterly wronged if that happened. Besides, Qin Luoyi was the female lead in the original script, and just that fact alone was enough to make Su Chen wary. There wasn't a single original female lead who didn't disrupt the plot; the very thought was frightening.

Upon hearing Su Chen's words, Qin Luoyi was initially stunned, but she quickly stepped aside. She came to Su Chen's side and waited in silence, not saying a word. Since Su Chen said Bai Bing'er would be fine, Qin Luoyi believed it. And Su Chen must have his reasons for acting this way; though she couldn't understand, she chose to trust him. 

Trusting that Su Chen could handle the situation, Su Chen saw Qin Luoyi step aside and heaved a sigh of relief, feeling much more relaxed. But to avoid further complications, Su Chen decided to keep a close eye on Qin Luoyi. With that thought, Su Chen hugged Qin Luoyi into his arms. Holding a girl in his arms like this meant that even if Qin Luoyi wanted to interfere, she couldn't.

Qin Luoyi's heart was pounding. What did Su Chen mean by this? Was he concerned about her? Telling her not to worry? In fact, Qin Luoyi was no longer as nervous as before because if Su Chen said it was fine, then it certainly was. "Su Chen, I understand, you don't have to worry. I definitely won't cause you any trouble," she said. "I trust whatever you say." 

I just want to say, you're overthinking it too much. In the end, Su Chen said nothing. All he hoped for now was that Fang Yufan would quickly save Bai Bing'er. He needed to complete his mission. Otherwise, it would be too miserable for him.

Meanwhile, Fang Yufan's brows were furrowed. He had not expected Qin Luoyi not only to lack any admiration for him but even to show such affectionate feelings towards Su Chen beside him. This was something Fang Yufan could not accept. But he also knew that to turn the situation around and defeat Su Chen, he had to save Bai Bing'er quickly. 

Once Bai Bing'er recovered, then everything would be back in his control. Fang Yufan naturally would not forget his purpose for coming here, which was to win over Bai Bing'er, who possessed a cold constitution, for only then could he elevate his cultivation to an invincible realm. Thinking this, Fang Yufan's face could not help but show a smile. "Next, it's my turn to help Bai Bing'er with her illness."

With that, Fang Yufan took a silver needle in hand and applied it to Bai Bing'er's body. Then he began to channel his internal energy through the needle, continuously transferring it into Bai Bing'er's body. Before long, the previously pale-faced Bai Bing'er gradually began to show a rosy complexion. 

Seeing this, Fang Yufan couldn't help but boast, "This lady's illness was indeed serious. There are very few people in the world who could cure her, luckily, she met me, otherwise, it would have been troublesome." Hearing Fang Yufan's words, Su Chen couldn't help but laugh, but he quickly realized he had used the wrong expression and his face immediately turned gloomy.

And all of this was seen by Qin Luoyi. She began to think wildly in her mind. "What's the situation, that person named Qin Yu isn't here, is he? Then why is Su Chen still pretending? Strange." Qin Luoyi couldn't figure it out, but the one thing she did know was that Su Chen was still performing as before. What could be the reason for that? 

Qin Luoyi suddenly noticed Fang Yufan's confident expression and instantly understood everything. Fang Yufan = Qin Yu. And at that moment, Bai Bing'er, who had been unconscious, suddenly showed signs of awakening. She sat up slightly, her complexion rosy.

Qin Luoyi hurried over, "Bing'er, are you alright? I was really scared just now; I didn't know what to do." Bai Bing'er looked at her hands, felt the changes in her body, and was ecstatic for a moment.

Bai Bing'er could feel profoundly that the coldness inside her body had diminished a lot. This was something she had not dared to hope for before. Does this mean her illness could actually be cured? Although Bai Bing'er had appeared indifferent just now, that was under the assumption that there was absolutely no hope. If one could really live, who would want to die? There were many things Bai Bing'er had yet to do, and naturally, she did not wish to die.

She asked with a trembling voice, "Who saved me just now?" Upon hearing this, Fang Yufan felt an immense joy inside, but he managed not to show it on the surface. He simply said lightly, "Saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-tiered pagoda; it's nothing to make a fuss about." 

Su Chen, on the other hand, was even more ecstatic. Finally, finally! It wasn't easy! Indeed, characters in new scripts are much more reliable than those in old ones. Especially you, Qin Luoyi, did you see that? Learn from Bai Bing'er. If you're the female lead, then perform your role well. But actually, staying in this world wouldn't be such a bad thing.

Su Chen was quite fond of this world at the moment, but he couldn't stay for long because he didn't know when the system would reset the world. So the best course of action now was to complete the performance of the script and then look for a good solution. Now that Bai Bing'er had awakened, Fang Yufan took the initiative to stand out, claiming he was the one who cured her. The situation now couldn't possibly go wrong. Very good!

Su Chen was well aware that next it was his turn to step forward and let Fang Yufan show off. It was Fang Yufan who cured Bai Bing'er, but if he were to shamelessly claim the credit for himself, that would give Fang Yufan the opportunity to show off and would also make Bai Bing'er, the female lead, dislike him even more. 

It was a win-win situation, so why not do it? However, just as Su Chen was about to speak, Qin Luoyi beat him to it. "Bing'er, the person who cured you just now was Su Chen! He went to great lengths to save you. Moreover, he said he could cure your illness. Bing'er, you are saved."

After Qin Luoyi said these words, Su Chen was completely dumbfounded. 

What's going on, how could Qin Luoyi blatantly lie? I'm speechless. Bai Bing'er wasn't the problem in the end; it turned out to be Qin Luoyi, the female lead from the original script. It's just too damn...