This disease can only be cured by me, Qin Yu

Although Qin Yu did not yet know the exact nature of the illness, he was still confident. From the conversations he overheard, it was clear to him that this was not an ordinary illness; otherwise, a diagnosis would have already been made. This was obviously not a common disease, and the more challenging it seemed, the more confident he became that he could resolve it. Despite Fang Su's influential background, she was in the wrong here. 

Upon hearing these words, she first felt astonished and then shame; as a medical practitioner, she couldn't tolerate such despicable actions. Anger surged in her eyes, and at that moment, she felt a killing intent. It was disgraceful to have such vile medical practitioners in the hospital.

The bald man's voice grew louder and more furious as he spoke, and the situation escalated when he decided to release the video of the incident. The release of the video had a massive impact, as it quickly went viral. The whole Beijing Hospital was thrust into the limelight because the power of recent short videos was terrifying and rapidly evolving. 

Many issues that people had been afraid to expose were now being echoed in these short videos, which led to a surge in video postings on that platform. Although the bald man was influential, he couldn't overcome the might of the Beijing Hospital, which had an even greater power. It seemed impossible to achieve a satisfactory outcome, so he chose to quickly upload the incident, hoping the public would support him. 

As expected, the impact was significant, with the video reaching millions of views. It was a serious scandal, and the entire hospital was now at the mercy of public opinion, with only a successful treatment likely to remedy the damage caused.

The hospital's staff was on high alert; everyone from the director down to each physician was deeply concerned. The unanimous decision was that the woman must be saved at all costs; otherwise, the hospital might as well shut down for good. 

Now, no one dared to underestimate the power of the internet; it was too formidable. At this moment, the director of Beijing Hospital was the most distressed person. Having just finished a press conference, he was acutely aware of the hospital's dire straits and completely tarnished reputation. He wished he could devour the doctor who took the bribe alive. 

With the hospital in such a difficult situation, things were getting out of hand. If the hospital's reputation couldn't be salvaged, his own reputation would be ruined, along with his entire medical career. He had no choice but to gather all the most qualified physicians to see if the woman could be saved quickly. 

But no matter which physician looked at the case, they could only shake their heads; there was nothing that could be done. The condition was too severe, and even though all her indicators seemed perfect, her constant comas and intermittent cardiac arrests left everyone clueless on how to save her. It was too difficult. The physicians shook their heads one after another, admitting they had no solution for such a case.

The bald man could no longer control his emotions; his eyes reddened with the urge to take violent action. Even Fang Su's presence couldn't hold him back any longer. If it weren't for the hospital's actions, his mother wouldn't be in this state. 

Meanwhile, outside, a crowd of onlookers and reporters had gathered, making it clear that this matter wouldn't end easily. The hospital had become a target for public criticism, and the internet was quickly filled with negative reports about it.

Everyone was indignant; all the doctors in the hospital were at a loss, looking at each other with extremely ugly expressions on their faces. The hospital's security was not very numerous, and a swarm of journalists rushed in like madmen. 

They quickly found the director and bombarded him with questions, leaving him no room to fend them off: "Director, can you respond to the video on the internet?" 

"Are there really such doctors in the hospital?" 

"Is it an individual case, or is it a common, long-standing practice?" 

"Also, it was heard that the patient was fine when admitted, but now there's a serious problem. If something really happens, who will take responsibility?" 

"Will it be you, as the director?"

The barrage of questions came relentlessly, giving the director no chance to speak. Of course, the director didn't want to speak at the moment; all he wanted was to cure the illness as quickly as possible, which would be the most beneficial response. Anything else seemed unnecessary to say. In fact, speaking wouldn't change anything.

The director could maintain his calm in front of the journalists, but once back in the hospital's large conference room, his demeanor changed completely. He was furious upon seeing that none of the doctors below him could be of any use, and he couldn't help but furiously berate everyone. Although these doctors were respected within the hospital, they paled in comparison to the director. Plus, since they genuinely lacked the ability to cure the disease, they might have grievances but had to swallow them.

Moreover, many hospital patients requested transfers after hearing the news, no longer willing to stay there. And the director's face grew increasingly ugly. "What to do, what to do?" he mumbled to himself, then suddenly remembered, "Right, there's the heir of the Medicine King Valley!" 

Seizing on what seemed like a lifesaving straw, his grim expression finally brightened. Everyone naturally had heard of Medicine King Valley's reputation and turned their gazes to Fang Su, placing their hopes on her.

The disease was too peculiar. Having practiced medicine for so many years, no one had ever seen such a case. The patient appeared normal yet was at constant risk of death. The situation was not only difficult but extremely odd, which was the perplexing issue troubling all these renowned physicians. However, since the Medicine King Valley had such a long heritage, perhaps they had encountered such illnesses before. Therefore, everyone's hopes were pinned on Fang Su.

Fang Su's expression was also troubled, even distressed. She had examined the patient's condition and found nothing significantly wrong, yet the patient was critically ill. This baffled her; she truly had no solution. Encountering two unsolvable cases in one day, she now felt a tremendous impact on her mindset and couldn't maintain her previous confidence.

After a moment of hesitation, she couldn't hold back any longer and addressed the director: "Director, you can't really blame us, after all. If the patient was already like this, even if we had the ability, it wouldn't be simple to cure her." 

"Then can you save her? Can you restore the hospital's reputation? If not, then don't speak," the director retorted, scolding even Fang Su in his desperation. "I... I can't," Fang Su said dejectedly, feeling a great sense of disgrace as a medical practitioner to admit such a thing.

"I can cure her!" At this claim, the director suddenly perked up, his demeanor shifting to one of great joy. However, when he turned around, he saw a young man standing before him, his smile contrasting sharply with the gloomy faces of the surrounding doctors. 

At that moment, everyone was stunned, not understanding what was happening. And Qin Yu, with a confident expression, said, "I can cure this patient." 

"Who are you? Are you also a doctor? Why haven't we seen you before?"

"This guy doesn't look very reliable, he's too young. Could he be some fool?" 

"Probably just some idiot trying to show off." 

At the sight of Qin Yu, the director's anger intensified even more. He was about to start cursing when Qin Yu spoke indifferently, "The patient appears to have normal vital signs, but actually, it's likely that her internal organs have failed. In this situation, you probably have no way to help her, but I am different, I have the ability to cure her." 

The director was stunned upon hearing this. What is going on? Does this guy really know something? Can he really save her?

Everyone was silent for a moment, but obviously, they were not going to believe such a claim. Fang Su, who had been silent until then, suddenly seemed to remember something and spoke up, "I remember this person, he's the child of the liver cancer patient, isn't he?" Qin Yu was overjoyed inside when he heard that Fang Su remembered him. This is a wonderful start.

Qin Yu then said indifferently, "The illness of my aunt was suppressed by me; otherwise, she might have passed away by now. You should be able to see that, but her condition is really too severe. Despite all my efforts, there was nothing I could do." 

Then Qin Yu's voice trailed off before he added quietly, "I may not be able to cure my aunt's disease, but I do know how to treat this patient and have a good chance of success."

Hearing this, everyone was dumbstruck, seemingly communicating with their eyes, as if they were wondering if Qin Yu had escaped from a psychiatric hospital. However, the bald man who wanted his mother cured, disregarding everything, rushed over with red eyes, eagerly saying, "Do you really have a way? As long as you can save my mother, I will agree to anything."

The director, unable to restrain himself and without any other options, eagerly looked towards Qin Yu and asked, "Do you have a good method? Can you tell us? We are the most professional doctors, let us see if it's effective?" 

Qin Yu shook his head confidently, raising his head dominantly and said, "This illness, you have no way to cure, only I can."

For a moment, everyone seemed to be taken aback by Qin Yu's assertion. They truly began to feel that perhaps this person in front of them indeed had the capability to heal. Yet seeing his youthful face, there was still a lot of skepticism in their hearts. Fang Su also frowned; she could not believe that this person, who appeared to be her age, could really cure the disease, as that would imply his abilities surpassed hers, which she considered impossible.

So, she directly challenged him, "Since you claim you can cure her, may I ask what medicine you will use? What surgery will you perform?" 

"None!" Qin Yu replied with a confident smile, unconcerned with what others thought, "A set of silver needles is sufficient." Traditional Chinese medicine?

The expressions of everyone turned ugly. Fang Su, although a long-time disciple of the Medicine King Valley, found the idea of using traditional Chinese medicine to solve this unrealistic. "With such a peculiar condition, how could it possibly be cured with silver needles!" Qin Yu chuckled. This was the reaction he wanted. Fang Su's mockery was fine, as long as he could prove her wrong later, naturally winning over this proud beauty.

Hiding his smile, Qin Yu looked at Fang Su and said indifferently, "If I really can cure her, what will you do?" Fang Su, surprised by his boldness and driven by her pride, didn't think before responding, "If you really can cure her, then it means your ability surpasses mine." For Fang Su, admitting someone of her generation had abilities beyond hers was already torturous.

But Qin Yu was not satisfied with such an outcome. He wanted more, and without hesitation, he coldly said, "If I truly manage to cure her, then you will become my disciple, and I will train you properly!" Qin Yu was internally overjoyed, barely containing his excitement at the prospect. 

"Alright!" Fang Su agreed confidently, not believing Qin Yu could really save the patient.

Qin Yu was inwardly delighted, waiting for this moment. "Fang Su, you won't escape my grasp now." Qin Yu was even considering more intimate matters, as Fang Su was gradually falling into the trap he had set, making him look forward to future developments. If he could get the support of the Medicine King Valley, that would indeed be favorable.

Soon, the silver needles were brought in. Qin Yu smiled confidently, all within his control.