What Zhao Menghan Says Makes Sense

Finally, Su Chen couldn't stand it anymore. He looked at Long Qingya, who was still beside him, and suddenly asked her why she hadn't left yet. Wasn't she supposed to move?

Long Qingya was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Yes, I was supposed to move, but now I don't feel like leaving." Su Chen was puzzled, "If you don't want to leave, then..." He wanted to say if she didn't want to leave, could she then leave him alone. 

But Long Qingya interrupted him directly, "What's wrong? Is it not pleasant for you to live with me? Besides, it's not like there are no rooms available as you said, there's plenty of space, so I've decided to stay." 

Su Chen blurted out, "Am I supposed to be happy about this?"

Long Qingya stared back at him with her eyes wide, "Shouldn't you be?" Su Chen didn't know what to say at the moment. 

[Damn, has Long Qingya gone crazy too? She suddenly decides to move in, isn't she afraid of people finding out?] 

[She's a reputable person, after all. Such behavior is clearly detrimental to her own reputation. What on earth is Long Qingya thinking?] 

Suddenly, Su Chen thought of something serious. Could it be his mother who had her come over? After all, she called suddenly and said nothing.

Then Long Qingya appeared. It was very likely then. And Long Qingya, beside him, naturally heard all of Su Chen's inner thoughts. She made a bold decision, which was to extend her delicate and smooth hand to Su Chen's face, stepped forward to get closer to him, and then whispered, "Su Chen, I'm moving in today, and no one's words will change that. I don't care what others say, just be prepared, I'm going to be with you from now on."

Su Chen was puzzled. Her words sounded as if they were about to get married. Su Chen was still somewhat panicked, but under Long Qingya's assault from domineering sister to cute girl, his mind was in turmoil. After thinking for a long time, Su Chen looked at Long Qingya indifferently, "I don't want to!"

Long Qingya blinked, seemingly not hearing what Su Chen had just said, and said with a faint smile, "Since you agree, then I won't be polite." After saying that, in Su Chen's astonished face, Long Qingya then returned to her room, slipping on her cotton slippers, swaying her long legs, and muttered to herself, "Time to take a shower."

Su Chen stood frozen in place, even clearly hearing the sound of showering from Long Qingya's room. 

[Oh no, why has Long Qingya also joined the ranks of cohabitation? Mom, what are you trying to do?]

While Su Chen was in a daze, Zhao Menghan walked out of her room. She stared blankly at Su Chen, which made him quite speechless. 

[What are you looking at? It's not like I willingly let that woman Long Qingya stay.] 

But he didn't voice this out loud. Just as he was about to explain to Zhao Menghan, she walked up to Su Chen and handed over something she was holding.

Su Chen took it and was instantly stunned. The item was intriguing - a key! Su Chen, confused, looked up at Zhao Menghan, hoping she would explain. Then, Zhao Menghan suddenly said something that shocked Su Chen, "This is the key to Long Qingya's room door, young master. You must try hard, don't disappoint me."

Su Chen, even more perplexed, heard Zhao Menghan explain with a smile, "It's simple, Long Qingya is obviously sent by your mother to monitor you, so you have no choice. But if the young master conquers her, then she will listen to you from now on."

Hearing this, Su Chen was extremely shocked. He hadn't expected Zhao Menghan to think in such a unique way. But it seemed to make sense. Then Su Chen comfortably put the key in his pocket.

For the next few days, Su Chen and Long Qingya went to the training camp as usual. After all, he was a decent person, and the things that needed attention had to be properly considered. How could he open someone else's room door without permission?

One day...

Long Qingya had arranged to meet a woman at the training camp, who was none other than Fang Su, whom Qin Yu had plotted against at the hospital. However, her demeanor was entirely different now; she was all smiles chatting with Long Qingya. Though Fang Su appeared younger than Long Qingya, her figure was quite impressive, leaving even Long Qingya somewhat speechless, wondering, "This girl, I haven't seen her for so long, how did she become so shapely? Could there be some secret to it?"

As Long Qingya was pondering this, Fang Su suddenly spoke up, "Sister, really now, why suddenly ask me to come teach your training camp students? I'm really not up to it, they are all young masters and young ladies from major families, it would be troublesome if I offended anyone." 

Long Qingya gave her a glance, thinking there's nothing for her to fear, "Stop kidding. This time I'm here on an official mission. After giving it a lot of thought, I decided you are the most suitable for the medical guidance role." Long Qingya suddenly pinched Fang Su, making her blush and squeal, and then Fang Su struck back, not wanting to be outdone. Long Qingya was initially reluctant, but she let Fang Su go thinking that if anyone else were to come in, it could be problematic.

Fang Su was actually happy to see Long Qingya; after all, they hadn't met for such a long time. But she also had some complaints since Long Qingya had been back for so long and had not come to see her. Long Qingya seemed to guess her sister's thoughts and spoke a bit irritably, "Stop complaining. I'm also having a tough time, none of these legitimate heirs are easy to deal with. Thankfully not all the big families' members have arrived, or else I'd really be worked to death." 

Sighing, Long Qingya said, "This is a good opportunity, having so many people of significant status in my charge. But the assessment is coming up soon and there's been no improvement."

Fang Su understood Long Qingya's difficulties; after all, none of these people are pushovers. "By the way, isn't there a Su Chen among those people?" Fang Su's sudden question startled Long Qingya. Why would she ask about Su Chen? Long Qingya knew Fang Su well enough to know she wouldn't ask about a stranger without reason.

Fang Su seemed to notice Long Qingya's puzzled look and promptly said, "Sister, you're overthinking it. What connection could I have with that kind of rich young master? I was just curious. Mainly, I'm afraid he might bully you. If that's true, even if he is the heir of the Su family, I won't let him off easily." Fang Su spoke with a sense of righteousness and seriousness.

This made Long Qingya laugh, "Don't worry, the least threatening among those people is Su Chen." Fang Su was stunned and looked at Long Qingya incredulously. Eventually, Long Qingya told her about her relationship with Chen Qing. This made Fang Su somewhat amused and surprised; she hadn't expected such a story between Long Qingya and Su Chen.

But Fang Su's concern about Su Chen had other reasons as well. Recently, her family had been telling her how amazing Su Chen was, almost as if they were trying to matchmake her with him. This made Fang Su quite displeased. Even though she had heard about Su Chen's recent deeds and acknowledged his capabilities, that didn't change her stance—unless he was medically more skilled than her, she wouldn't consider it. 

Thinking of medical skills surpassing her own, Fang Su's mind drifted back to the incident that had occurred at the hospital days before. She quickly asked Long Qingya, "Sister, how have you been feeling lately? Have you been having regular check-ups?"

Long Qingya smiled slightly at Fang Su's concern, feeling warmed by her friend's attention. "Don't worry, it's nothing serious, I've been much better. But I'm worried about you, you're so arrogant and always looking down on others, haven't you gotten into trouble?" Fang Su blushed at the accusation, denying that she looked down on others. She didn't see herself that way. But she had to admit, she had initially been reluctant to believe that man in the hospital could have better medical skills than her.

Fang Su could only feel ashamed because of that incident. But once she thought about it, her mood obviously changed. She became very happy and said to her sister, "Do you know? I have never admired anyone in my life, but a few days ago, I truly met someone in the hospital with superb medical skills. I was so impressed by his excellent medical skills that it made me want to learn from him." 

After Fang Su's exclamation, she spent the next while describing to Long Qingya what had happened that day. An elderly person, with no signs of survival, was miraculously brought back to life with the help of that young man, which was nothing short of a medical miracle.

Long Qingya listened to Fang Su's words, but gradually her expression became very grim. Wait, was it really just as Su Chen had said? She was very nervous at this point. Originally, she thought such things too mystical to happen, but now, hearing it from Fang Su's mouth, Long Qingya became more convinced that it might have really occurred. Fang Su was probably being deceived by Qin Yu. 

Long Qingya clenched her fist, wishing she could kill Qin Yu, but she decided to stay calm in the end. She needed to figure out what was really going on. So, after hesitating for a while, she asked Fang Su directly about this person. And after hearing Fang Su's description, Long Qingya was sure that the man was Zhou Mingjie, or rather, the scoundrel Qin Yu. 

This made Long Qingya very dissatisfied. Qin Yu, that scoundrel, seemed to be a rotten apple wherever he went. Long Qingya was determined not to let her good sister be deceived by someone as despicable as Qin Yu. So, she decided not to talk to Fang Su about Qin Yu for the time being. After all, Fang Su currently had a favorable impression of Qin Yu. 

Long Qingya knew this because she had felt the same way at one time. But now Long Qingya could not explain the full story to Fang Su. She certainly couldn't say she knew because she could hear Su Chen's thoughts.

But of course, Fang Su had no idea of Long Qingya's thoughts. At the moment, she was feeling regretful for not having kept Qin Yu from leaving that day. So she murmured with regret, "I should have kept him then. Even becoming his disciple wouldn't be bad, after all, his medical skills are so good, I'm sure I wouldn't lose out." Long Qingya knew very well what kind of person Qin Yu was. Fang Su's current thoughts were exactly like hers at the time. Therefore, she was determined not to let such a thing happen. 

The two talked for a long time, but most of the time it was Fang Su telling Long Qingya about her experiences. Long Qingya was continuously pondering how to solve the issue between Fang Su and Qin Yu.

As the sun slowly set, Fang Su and Long Qingya's conversation came to an end. They had planned to have dinner together, but due to Long Qingya's obligations, it had to be postponed to another time. At this time, Fang Su suddenly became curious and wanted to see what was special about this training base. 

She was aware of the official training event since, as the most talented member of the Medicine King Valley Fang family, she had also been invited but had chosen not to scream and shout, so to speak. Of course, she didn't quite understand the significance of the official training camp, she could only guess. But now that she had the opportunity to see what was happening here, it was feasible.

However, Fang Su was simply too beautiful and quickly attracted the attention of many young masters training here. 

"Damn, who is this stunning beauty? I've never seen her before, I wonder if I have a chance," said one man, who could easily settle problems with money on the outside but lacked confidence here because being here meant coming from a significant family background. 

Not to mention Fang Su's excellent demeanor, which naturally would not be underestimated. Another man nearby chuckled, "Whatever you say, it's not your turn, kid."

At this time, Fang Su also noticed that everyone's eyes were on her. For some reason, she made a bold move, flipping her black hair, instantly capturing many hearts. This pleased Fang Su. In reality, she was not such a bold woman on ordinary days, but for some reason, she suddenly made a move that even she thought was a bit improper. 

However, despite her inner panic, Fang Su acted very calmly and was pleased with the reactions of the onlookers. It was just a small indulgence, after all, she would have to maintain her composure upon returning. Just then, Fang Su suddenly saw a familiar figure, and she was immediately overjoyed.