The Final Confrontation

Su Chen's inner thoughts were completely overheard by the two of them. Long Qingya seemed quite happy about it, while Su Chen continued to voice his thoughts internally. 

[It's quite strange when you think about it, that bastard Qin Yu is again pretending to be Zhou Mingjie.] 

[Luckily Fang Su didn't fall into that trap.] 

[Otherwise, that would be a big problem.]

Fang Su was extremely surprised and couldn't figure out what exactly was going on. She could not only hear Su Chen's inner voice, but it also seemed like Su Chen knew what was happening to her. What was this situation? Plot? What is this ghost? Pretending? What is this ghost again? She just couldn't understand what it meant.

Fang Su's curiosity was inevitably piqued. She had intended to think it over, but she couldn't help her curiosity and blurted out, "Su Chen, are you very familiar with that Zhou Mingjie?" 

Su Chen was actually a bit puzzled as to why Fang Su would suddenly want to ask about Qin Yu. Hmm, after hesitating for a long time, Su Chen didn't really want to have any connection with Qin Yu, it was too much trouble.

And there might also be problems. It was already headache-inducing enough that Long Qingya moved into his house. If the situation with Qin Yu were added, Su Chen would really be driven mad. 

[Although you are very beautiful, there are too many beautiful people around me, so I'd rather not pursue you for now.] 

So Su Chen said with a smile, "Zhou Mingjie, right? I have some impression, yeah!" 

[What the hell is Zhou Mingjie, isn't that just Qin Yu?] 

[I'd recognize him even if he turned to ashes, that guy is simply a disgrace!]

Zhou Mingjie = Qin Yu? Qin Yu. That name sounds so familiar! But for the moment, Fang Su couldn't remember. Nevertheless, she chose to recount the previous events to Su Chen, mainly about how Qin Yu had saved a patient. Su Chen already knew, but he still pretended to be unaware and said, "So that's the case, I really don't understand it. I didn't expect him to be such an impressive person." Fang Su nodded in agreement.

She actually agreed with Su Chen's words. After all, she had not expected the other party to be so powerful. She had somewhat underestimated him. This point she actually admitted. The principle of not judging by appearance was now clear to Fang Su. Fang Su's mind couldn't help but bring up the scene of Qin Yu treating the patient in the hospital. It was really shocking.

No matter when she thought about it, it was a very impressive matter. Looking back on it now, it still felt pretty good. But while she was still immersed in these thoughts, Su Chen spoke again. 

[What the hell kind of miracle doctor, I could accept it if it was Fang Yufan, but for a half-baked Qin Yu to be speaking, speechless.] 

[What if it's just a special method that temporarily exchanged half a month of life? In reality, the patient is beyond saving, and after half a month, death is certain. These tactics are nothing more than an attempt to gain trust.] 

[Now, you, Fang Su, are so admiring of Qin Yu, even wanting to become his disciple, it's like walking into a tiger's den, it's pitiful to think about.] 

[I'm afraid that in this half month, Qin Yu will subdue Fang Su, and then the Fang family of Medicine King Valley will really become Qin Yu's tool.] 

[It's just that this bastard Qin Yu definitely still wants to compete with me.]

[So, should I tell Fang Su? Never mind, let's wait for now, it's not the right time, and it's also time for Qin Yu to have some power backing him.] 

Fang Su was shocked. What's going on? Were these words all Su Chen's inner thoughts? After hearing this, Fang Su couldn't believe it no matter what.

And while Su Chen spoke of many things she didn't understand, the main point she grasped was clear. Su Chen meant that Zhou... Qin Yu hadn't actually cured the woman, and it was all a facade. Was Qin Yu's purpose for me? How could that be!

Fang Su didn't believe it, but inside she was frantically anxious, clearly finding it hard to believe such words. Without realizing it, Fang Su subconsciously asked, "Was that woman actually not cured?" Su Chen??? "How would I know, you shouldn't be asking me these kinds of things," Su Chen replied with some confusion. He even started to doubt what Fang Su's intentions were. This was beginning to raise suspicions. Could there be more to this?

Su Chen didn't know what to say for a moment, but inside he started to ponder. [The script is written this way, but with Qin Yu's abilities, it should be like this, curing diseases with him? How is that possible.] [But as far as I can see, Fang Su probably doesn't know, and within half a month, Qin Yu would be enough to deal with Fang Su, and by then, it wouldn't matter if she knew.] Upon hearing these words, Fang Su could no longer remain calm.

She suddenly stood up, looking incredulously at Su Chen. Her action not only startled Su Chen but also surprised Long Qingya who was standing beside her. "If it's true, then I will definitely repay you," Fang Su said out of the blue, which confused Su Chen even more. I clearly haven't done anything, so why does it seem like I've done a lot? Following this, to Su Chen's amazement, Fang Su got up and left without any intention of staying, leaving Su Chen at a loss.

Meanwhile, Fang Su was rushing to confirm whether Su Chen's words were true or false. Although Fang Su had a great passion for medicine, she was still able to discern right from wrong; she wasn't a fool. Therefore, she hurriedly returned to the hospital to confirm this matter. The staff, seeing her in the hospital even during her break, were all inspired by her spirit. Quickly, Fang Su started looking through all the data, wanting to see what the situation was.

To be honest, she didn't quite believe Su Chen's words. And she had indeed witnessed Qin Yu's actions. But no matter what, she was still very uneasy because what Su Chen said made sense. It was very likely that the other party was deliberately using her. Especially when Fang Su heard that Qin Yu wanted her body, which was unacceptable to her. She clenched her fists, very unhappy.

On the other side, Su Chen was being driven home in Long Qingya's car. Although Long Qingya was driving, she kept glancing over at Su Chen with a very assertive look. This left Su Chen speechless. What did I do to offend her? Therefore, Su Chen thought carefully again, but in the end, he concluded that nothing of the sort had happened. Su Chen didn't dare to ask. With Long Qingya's personality, she definitely wouldn't tell. Better not to ask.

While Su Chen leaned back in the chair, initially feeling relaxed, a faint fragrance kept wafting into his nose. This made Su Chen consciously sniff again. 

[I have to say, Long Qingya is really not bad, just tired of this getup, this woman really is speechless, obviously at home and still not willing to dress down.] 

[Wonder how long those legs can entertain.]

[Eh, why did Long Qingya suddenly blush, could she be in a springtime reverie?] 

"Su Chen, you bastard," Long Qingya suddenly turned her head and angrily cursed. After she said these words, she immediately found a deserted place to stop. "Su Chen, your thoughts are too filthy," Long Qingya said angrily. Su Chen thought, how dare she curse me? Heh.

Just when Long Qingya wanted to speak again, she was suddenly silenced by Su Chen. 


Then Su Chen's hand started moving recklessly.

Long Qingya was shocked by the turn of events. She tried to push Su Chen away but was unable to resist and gradually her body weakened, allowing Su Chen to do as he pleased. After a while, Su Chen released Long Qingya.

Long Qingya still felt very angry and was just about to scold him when Su Chen spoke up, "Long Qingya, I have cured your illness." Long Qingya paused, checked herself, and indeed found that she was cured. But even so, she remained very angry, "Even if you were treating an illness, you can't do it like this."

"You were clearly happy, listening to my inner thoughts every day, isn't that what you wanted?" Su Chen's words shocked Long Qingya, leaving her with wide eyes, unable to speak. Su Chen continued, "It seems I was right, I was just guessing, but I didn't expect it to be true. Long Qingya, do you like me?" Su Chen's words made Long Qingya freeze, but then she blushed.

"It seems I'm not wrong." Su Chen smiled, "Since that's the case, then tonight let's enjoy playing a game." Just when Su Chen was feeling happy, he suddenly felt fluctuations of spiritual energy, which left him speechless. It must be Qin Yu. Indeed, as soon as Su Chen got out of the car, the person in front of him was Qin Yu.

At that moment, Qin Yu was immensely furious, having just witnessed Su Chen's actions towards Long Qingya. Naturally, he was upset. Therefore, he chose to have a decisive battle to the death with Su Chen. Su Chen also sensed Qin Yu's intent to kill. But this time he would not show any mercy.

He used all his power and attacked Qin Yu. After a wisp of green smoke drifted in the air, Qin Yu was obliterated by Su Chen. Qin Yu is dead! 

[Congratulations to the system for completing the task, officially killing off the male lead, and from now on, the host will take over as the new male lead.]


The book is finished. The end. I don't want to write anymore. That's all the ability I have. This is my second book that I have managed to write over 500,000 words. It is indeed the only one that made money, although not much, but I am still very grateful for the support of all readers.

There's no way, I don't want to write the sequel. I really can't think of other content. And with the old book still open, I simply don't have the energy to write a new book. So that's it.