Chapter 3


"Lets spilt up you guys take care of that side while I got look for D.Gram" I said. "Got it "the group said in unison. Walking into darkeness is something I never really like when in the past, But know I am the queen of the hellish Darkeness that they cursed me with in that hospital. I spot Gram working walking into his office.

"Hello Gram you miss me" I said with a dark smile on my face. " NO NO NO! You're suppose to be dead everyone said they saw project K die" Gram yelled at me. "Surprise I didn't die and i've be waiting to see you again" walking out the shadows I touched his head

"AHHHH don't touch me you demon women"Gram yelled "Hush Gram i'm taking you to my personal hell". "AHHHHHHH AHHHH make it stop please" He cried out. "No Gram where going on a trip". I took his soul and shadow to my darkness domain and feed him to my shadows.

"Amirah get out the bombs have be planted the count will start at any moment now " Catanlia said in my ear piece.

"Amirah we finally killed those crazy doctors that experimented and tortured us at the hospital." Briyah said. Mikeal just noded ."You guys know what that means we are finally free for real these time from our past" Jackson said. This mission was too easy I thought something about it doesn't seat right with me. "Mikeal where are you going "Jacskon asked. "Im right behind you guys I drop something"Mikeal said. "Lets head out Im tired" I yelled out. "Amirah whats the rush"Jackson said. I looked at the time 'Shit i've been gone to long Lani is going to wake up and notice i'm gone'.

"Lets head back to the base guys I fought something weird that you need to see" Briyah said. The Portal Jackson made took use right to the base. "So guys look at these I fought these big dark purple sphere like thing" Briyah said. "Do some test on it tonight and call me when you find something" I took her. "Byes guys call me if anything changes."

I walked into the darkness of shadows to my house. When i'm finally in the house try to be as quiet as possible to not make any sound. I take a quick shower and try to get off the blood thats on my hands and arms. When i'm finally done I went to my room and saw Lani fast asleep on bed holding her stuffed bunny.

A smile appeared on my face Lani is my treasure that brought me back to life when I was lost in the pool of darkness that took control of me. I laid down my Lani and pulled her to me. She is the only thing that can help me fully sleep without dreaming of my past. I fall fast asleep.

Ring Ring Ring

Jumping out of my sleep with Lani in my arms still fast asleep. They would only call my phone if there is an emergency. "Hello what is the reason yo" Im cut off by Jackson "AMIRAH YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE KNOW THE PERSON WHO LEFT THAT BUILDING WITH US IS NOT MIKEAL"! Shit need to go. I pick Lani up and wrapped her up in my Darkeness and started to run to our meet up point."If it's not Mikeal who tf is it then Jackson"I yelled. "Amriah you're not going to like these but is Luca he is out to kill you ". Jackson said.

Slash!Slash! My heart dropped it been years since i've been scared like these before if wasn't fast enough that knife would killed Lani."Mira where are running off to" Luca yelled. "Come on Mira I know you never run from a fight or did you get weak on me"he said. Shit I need to put Lani somewhere safe alway from these.

I put Lani in the Darkess by the midnight tree where I she'll be safe at. "Luca who said I was running your just too slow to keep up with me".