Chapter 9

3rd Pov

While the group where downstairs talking they heard a little cry from up stairs. Amirah jumped up fast because she knows that cry all too well. Running up stairs the cries got louder the closers they got. Bushing through the door Amirah ran to the bed and hugged Lani. "Lani its ok mamas here open your eyes" Amirah said trying to wake her daughter. Opening her eyes Lani looked at her mama with tears in her eyes.

"Im sorry mama Im sorry" Lani cried while hugging on to her mother for dear life. "It's all my fault i'm sorry that I cause you so much trouble and suffering" Lani sob in her mothers chest. Amirah grabbed her daughter face and looked down at her. "Lani look at me none of my problems are your fault its Luca's fault for bring you in my problems." Amirah said. Kissing the Lani face all over "You scared me I thought I lost you Lani" Amirah said with tears in her eyes. "Don't ever do that again promise me, I don't know what I would have down without you" Amirah said look at her daughter in the eyes.

"Mama I promise" Lani said laying in head on Amirah chest hold on to her shirt falling asleep. Amirah look at Lani and made another promise to herself that she would get revenge on those who wronged and betrayed her. She'll make all of them suffer the way they made her and Lani suffered. The cause of all of their suffering was because of Lenna.

(Hours later)

"Lani baby you have to get up and eat something"Amirah said trying to get her child to wake up. "Noo mommy sleep" Lani said. Amirah got out of bed with Lani laying on her shoulder and cliggying to her shirt. Going down stairs everyone looked at Amirah walking in the kitchen with a small child on her. Sitting at the table her daughter cliggying on her "Lani look we have chicken noddle soup I know your hungry " Amirah said trying to get Lani to eat ."Lani can you just eat a little bite and then we can go back to sleep" Amirah whispered. 

The group seating at the table looked at Amirah in shock. They never new a day would come for them to see Amirah with a soft expression and and gently talking, because Amirah always a cold expression and she always talked with a cold tone. Amirah looked at her team and glared at them. Jackson look at the child and smiled "Hello Lani my name is Jackson im a friend of your mothers and those two are Catanlia and Briyah we have another friend name Mikeal but right now he is sick and needs to sleep for a while." Jackson said. Briyah smiled while Catanlia rolled her eyes and went bak to eating. Amirah looked down and her daughter sighing"Lani say hi" Amirah said while panting Lani's back.

"Hi i'm KeLani and only mama can call me Lani" Lani said looked at the people trying to look mad with a check puffed. But the group silently laughed and thought she looked like cute. Amirah tried not to laugh in front of Lani because she knows when Lani gets mad she would cry and give her the silent treatment for two whole days. Amirah shook her head at the group telling them not to laugh in front of Lani.